Marvel wants retailers to order a trade paper book for 35$ while all info for it is classified except it's happening this march.
Marvel js insane
Are they genuinely trying to kill their company? I mean, what on earth is keeping them afloat? I know they've got films, but by that logic, Disney could fill the Toy Story 4 toy packaging with human shit and people would still flock to see it, but they don't.
Post yfw it's just cuck porn featuring Peter Parker, Mary Jane, and Doc Ock
You mean Peter Parker, Aunt May and Dock Ock
sounds hot tbh
Get with the times, grandpa. There's a new cuck king around now.
After this am pretty sure about that they do this on purpose. Like fever they try to kill the infection which is their shitty libtard team…
If the comics department go down no body could accuse them with racism or shit for dropping out the garbage…
You want to know why it's classified? Because if they release a synopsis, we'll know that it's really shit and cancelled the order outright.
what happened?
We don't need a synopsis to know that it's shit.
Hey, maybe they're finally going to make cucked micropenis Peter canon.
Now what's the next step in your master plan?
What on earth is keeping the entire industry afloat at this point? We've had so many massive failures in the last five years that it should be dead and buried by now.
The answer is simple: Speculation.
Comic shops still gamble with their orders every month and customers still pre-order comics they won't read. Marvel here is playing on that system. Read the pitch for it.
They're trying to hype comic shops and readers into ordering an unknown product on the promise that's it's going to be absolutely integral to the future of the Marvel Universe. And it will probably work because nobody wants to be left in the dark.
In other news, DC just bumped up the price of their monthly Rebirth titles from $2.99 to $3.99. They kept the price down just long enough to get poor saps invested in their product.
Crashing this company… with no survivors.
Normalfags love their mystery boxes.
Nice try, Mike has always been second fiddle.
At least DC can somewhat justify their prices with what they're selling. A TPB with no info on it and that high a price means there's going to be jack shit interest in it, so no one will go to their retailer and ask for a copy/preorder.
Can people order them individually or is this exclusively for retailers to order? No retailer will order more than 2 of these, and even then they'd do it cautiously, on the verge of dropping Marvel completely.
No they can't.
The current cost of gasoline is $2.34 a gallon. A comic costs 1.71 times more than a gallon of gasoline. For the cost of several crappy, stabled together messes that isn't even a complete story, you can buy more than enough gas to burn down both DC and Marvel's offices and still have enough to go on the lamb.
That is what I think about every time I have a floppy comic in my hand. I have never found a floppy that justifies being worth more than a gallon of gas.
Ah yes, the word of Jimmy.
Is this a rhetorical question? What's keeping them afloat is the House of Mouse, on their own Marvel would have gone even more bankrupt than they already did.
Obviously it's a prelude to whatever event they're cooking up next (Secret Empire? That's no secret, so what's the deal?) meaning that it'll be a collection of issues that would considered required reading for it a la the recent Secret Wars Prelude.
But yes, it is silly that stores have to preorder an unknown product on the faith that it'll be really important and not just take up more space.
He lost all respect Holla Forums had for him when he gave a pass for The Force Awakens, as they were expecting him to shred it a new asshole for doing the same shit as the prequels did and all for the wrong reasons. More specifically, they denounced him for his distate for interracial relationships and one of the reasons he disliked Rogue One was because there was no romance between the beaner and the female lead. He also has become very passive aggressive as of late towards his criticism, making vids made only through butt-hurt rather than being calm and logical.
He went from Third Reich Mike to Kike Cucklasa.
Fucking retarded old man.
There are toxic lagoons of shit rotting next to factory hog farms that have more informed opinions on movies and television than Holla Forums does.
Holla Forums is a Holla Forums run-off board where faggots who can't keep up with bitching about niggers in politics bitch about niggers on television.
You see that guys?
Marvel has a secret mysterious comicbook in the works!
Could it…
Could it be some kind of superhero themed far lefty diatribe paramount to a whiny fucking blog post in comic form?
Sure you don't need to pay $35 to read that shit as many libtards will post their libtard comics to the internet all the time for free.
But this will be by professionals.
Mostly writers who can't write worth a damn and mostly artists so untalented they wouldn't even be able to get commissions to draw furry porn.
Bunch of dirty bastards
Even as a non pol-ack I was shocked that Mike fell for TFA hookline and sinker.
Like they will make fun of all the remakes and sequels but sucked TFAs cock.
you know what they say, once you go black…
Don't mix Holla Forums into this, Holla Forums is Goon infested hell hole and a primary example what happens to a unmoderated board.
You give it too much credit. Holla Forums is Holla Forums with an entertainment media slant.
You know he's complaining about people pulling books via comixology and not coming in to get them, right? It's not that the books won't sell, that's a consumer thing.
Eh, the man wanted a Star Wars film like the old Star Wars films and TFA was a Star Wars film like the old Star Wars films. I think he more than made up for his enthusiasm for TFA with his disgust over Rogue One.
I've never watched TFA but it seems like a competent film. Maybe not amazing, but competent, so I don't understand all of the shock that somebody on the internet liked it.
It was really bad, and like that another user said, suffered from everything the prequels did… but with the prequels at least Lucas was trying to do something new. Rey is also more of a Mary Sue than the actual Mary Sue.
user, if you seen that movie you will realize its shameless remake of A New Hope with blatant girl power propaganda. Its not a simple throwback or a homage.
I could go on forever about the failure that is TFA, but the bottom-line is that Kucklasa is such a fanboy that he unconditionally loved that movie despite it being a souless, bland product. And then Rogue One gets released, which admittedly while not very well-liked by Holla Forums its not as hated as TFA because it does try a couple of new things (such as killing off the entire cast), but he hates it because its not like the original. And he later had the gall to criticize R1 for putting so many references and fanservice moments when TFA was nothing but that.
So the moment the moovies won't make mad bucks you think the mouse will finally see what a trainwreck Marvel actually is?
Cause the only reason to keep them at this point would be to be able to use the names of their IPs.
The moment that becomes worthless the Mouse has no further need for them.
Oh well, I've seen worse.
Really? You guys love that shit hole? That place is fucking cancer.
Just shills, read the actual thread before posting.
What is this the GaymerGate thread now? Is that why Val is allowed to fag the place up?
Politics aside I thought he was going to actually review it, not bore me to death with star wars fan theories
The only reason Kike Cucklasa hated Rogue One is because Lucas said he liked it. For some reason Mike is personally butthurt about Lucas being a person that exists. He hates him so much he tries to argue that Lucas didn't even really create Star Wars, it's embarrassing tbh.
Holla Forums is a good board so long as you're an unimaginative bore. It's just not meant for people like you.
not an unimaginative bore'
Everyone is a shill is a meme from the GG thread on Holla Forums. They believe to this day in 2017 that shills are still trying to sabotage GG.
Lol, you had it right the first time, darling.
That's the argument Bob Brown, the Star Wars commentaries guy, used briefly before freaking out and leaving the internet FOREVER.
I've also head it used by another nut, but he's trying to argue both that Star Wars is real, and his own creation.
Tell that to them, not us.
>>>Holla Forums11749937
Holy shit this board has gone down in quality since I left.
Looks like some butt hurt faggot from Holla Forums got really mad about this thread:
>>>Holla Forums611818
Then stop defending people using shill like a meaningless buzzword?
Then stop getting triggered by said buzzword
Oh boy, an additional week of shitposting. Im so excited.
Shill is a pol meme that's been around long before GG. The fact that you don't know that with all the Holla Forums crossposting would send red flags bro. Shill is essentiall used to mean "autistic shitposter who does it for free." There are definitely people who have an autistic obsession with shitposting at them. There was a couple of times single people would make hundred of posts regurgitating the same thing for fucking hours.
That's not what shill means at all.
Yes it is, learn imageboard lingo, you fruit.
First of all, shill is adapted from a word that has a meaning, you newfag, and it's not just "shitposter."
They are the epitome of shit taste, shitposters obsessed with stale memes, and Starwars fans. The most cucked of all cucks.
Hook, line, and sinker
Trust me. This will happen.
If your goal was posting cringey stale memes to show how much of a reddit transplat you are, you succeeded I guess.
I would love to give my greatest thanks to the academy for giving me this award! And to user from Reddit with helping me succeed my dreams!
Watch what you say user. Your post might get screencaped and posted on >>>Holla Forums611818 and they will claim you are assmad butthurt Holla Forumsck globber.
This is probably the most pathetic thing I ever saw, if you're getting mad at us you've hit a low point in life.
Sorry Sgt. Cosgrove
Looks like the butt hurt faggot who made that thread took a screenshot of your post.
>>>Holla Forums611974
Or you could be that same user, posting in both threads. Either way, reported for inter-board drama.
meme'd for posterity
Hey Holla Forums
Disney will probably start changing them up sooner than that. What with them handing over the Star Wars comic rights to them its clear they expect more from Marvel than for them to do their thing and at some point Disney will come down on them for not being reliable enough to be their in-house comic book studio.