there must be a lot of bacteria on public pole like that. why would she do that?
Why is she doing that
I'm sure there is some rational behind what she's doing, maybe she tries to strengthen her immune system. Children don't tend to do stupid shit at all and always know what they're doing, thus they are able to give informed consent.
topkek. wtf im anti now
Humans are fallible, they don't always know what the consequences of their actions will be, thus they are unable to give truly informed consent ever.
Okay, ew.
Dude that's just awful, I mean pure awful, the amount of germs on that is enough to kill a grown man, her doing that is just disgusting, I don't even think pedos can jack off to that, it's just disgusting the way, ketchup on ice cream is, don't fucking do it.
its bacteria/germ porn
Kids always do that sort of shit. They're blissfully unaware of how much semen and fecal residue must be on things like that knob. Also, people have immune systems for a reason, and they are strengthened with use. If it was my kid, I'd tell her to stop because it's just weird, but the only thing I'd be really concerned about is someone bumping into her and the knob knocking out a few teeth.
Speak for yourself, normie.
Quit all yer whining. Unless someone of homosexual persuasion sat on that pole shoving it up his naked AIDS ridden ass, it's clean enough to be licked and the immune system of the licker will handle it.
Don't tell me what I can and cannot jack off to, faggot. Just for that I'm going to try jack off to this webm. It'll be hard but not impossible.
Jee user, you sure know a lot about licking pole.
yes that's right, and therefore a 3 year old should be allowed to make the same decisions a 30 year old can make. normies BTFO.
Children are actually biologically drawn towards putting things in their mouths as a way to explore the world. Most young mammals do this as well.
thats really is unhygienic
but she gets important vitamins from that pole
Why am I leaving this thread up again?
because it has very important discussion
Babys and toddlers maybe, not to sure about 5-6 year olds.
They do it until they are about 7 or 8, after that it would be strange.
hex did till he was 20 and he turned out fine
thats why you should always pull your dick out around kids.
its not rape if she does it without you asking
not sure if it works like that