In an anarchist society, how would a murder by an unknown perpetrator be dealt with?
In an anarchist society, how would a murder by an unknown perpetrator be dealt with?
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There will be some scientists that can handle foresic studies laying around to deal with it.
There will also be labs for them to work in and robots who go out and find murderers. There will also be lolipops and gumdrops growing out of the ground.
What if two different scientists disagree on the findings. Who would have the final say?
What difference does it make? It's not like knowing who the murderer makes any difference if you don't put them in jail or gas them.
All the workers are armed, they are the military and police.
So do they have officers and privates? Or are they telepathic?
My point is that you need some sort of final executive authority
And a jail cell.
How would it be dealt with in this society?
More experiments are performed
You can't get sumber.
Someone has to decide when to stop performing them
At some point you need to turn the theoretical into practical
That's simple, OP, you authoritarian, sarcastic, sinner.
First of all, the people would get together and vote to elect someone to solve the crime. They democratically elect a committee with a few members, which must include women and transexuals, and they must all have equal rights and power.
Then, this democratically elected group will ask the people to donate in order to buy the proper tools to analyse the crime. Since money is outlawed, they will have to banter until they can satisfy the needs of the seller.
Once this is done, they vote on who will operate what tools and serve what functions, and if they can't reach an agreement the population will have to elect a new body of investigators. When they finally get a team that can function properly, they will find a suspect and then vote on wheter or not he's the one, and then the people will democratically vote on the punishment. They must hear the defense and the prosecution, so they will have to democratically elect a team of lawyers for each and once again banter in exchange for the legal service, once again based on donations.
If the people vote on a punishment of, say, 30 years, we vote on where we'll put him, then we collect donations during this period in order to keep him alive, and then we vote on who will feed and take care of him. After 5 years or so he can ask for parole, and then the people will vote on it. If he gets out, then we elect democratically a parole officer who will keep an eye on him. After a while, we all hear the parole officer's opinion and vote on whether or not to let the criminal go. And that's that.
As you can see, it's a pretty easy thing to do once you let go of your slave mentality.
I'm pretty sure division of labor still exist under anarchy (unless it exist a technology allowing people to store every knowledge and ability into their brain). So just like doctors, there would be some workers dedicated to criminal investigation. That doesn't mean they would have a higher autority over the community they investigate in. They would get help and cooperation from the rest of the local community because letting a murderer roaming free is detrimential to the group, not because they must obey the cop.
Full democratic workforce
As much as some anarchkiddies are going to get butthurt over this, even under full communism there will still be jail cells to protect socitey from dangerous indivisuals. There will be far fewer, as without capitalism crime rates would plummet, but ideology cannot cure all mental illness - some people just need to be detained for the good for socitey.
Now, there would still be people under communism who would want to go into detective work and forensic science. Once again, fewet people who want to do this in life would be required so numbers wouldnt be a problem here.
These people and anyone else invovled in the crime research would work amoung themselves to find the murderer. The democracy takes place within the group of people working on the case. Outside democracy would only come into it if there was a large public outcry about the methods or results of this group - for example accusing someone who the public belives could not have done it. That is when this group would have to present their evidence for the public and other experts to review. They would probably be doing that anyway, but you get my point.
As for who gets the final say if forensics or detectives disagree, that would probably come down to who's more qualified/experianced, or would be dealt with democratically within the group.
Hope this helps.
The mob will just go and lynch whoever they assume is responsible, duh
A few months ago I had an idea for a novel someone could write about a serial killer existing in a future anarchist/communist world. It could be part of a series of novels showing what it would be like to live in a classless, decentralized, democratized society. Sort of like an old utopian fiction story, about some detectives and authorities trying to solve this crime, and how they would do it in a world without social or economic classes, and without involuntary hierarchies of government.
Don't mean to interrupt the pseudo-shitposting, just wanted to throw that tangent out there.
Assuming you lived in the states during the segregation period when polls show the vast majority of Americans opposed interracial relationships and, you succeeded convincing the society to adopt your system of governance, most of your armed workforce would shoot blacks suspected of having sexual relations with whites on sight, and you would have no one to police them.
What does your system do to solve that?
That also would be a quite interesting premice for /tg/ related stuff…
but that was written already
Murders wouldn't happen, people are intrinsically good, they only kill within statist societies.
I hope you are trolling. People are good and cooperative by instinct, but mutations often happen and create sociopaths who need isolation from the rest of the people, for the safety and well being of both.
What a surprise the slave demands an authority to submit to
You hate hierarchy because you hate nature. You were coerced into being born, coward.
This is what stormfags actually believe.
Hierarchy is all around you. Adoption of a slave morality is why you find it abhorrent.
It's cute how you dress up your love for massa in terms like that it's "nature." Filial cannibalism is natural. Should we let mothers eat their newborns?
You're the one with slave morality with your pitiful insistence on a need for a master. Lol, or do you really think you'd be at the top? Your servility precludes you, slave, but I'm sure your superior will appreciate the shine your tongue gives his boots.
All great human endeavors relied on someone willing to use force to uphold its stability.
Ah, the classic anarchist insult of any who understand that order is necessary for the creation and sustaining of civilization. Take your NAP and spank Molyneux's ass with it until he agrees it was a voluntary exchange.
hnnnggg so hot
Lol, how pathetic. You just keep proving over and over how unfit you are. The Ubermensch has no need for masters or servants and only the servile Inferior not only loves but has need for hierarchy. Being is pain to him and so he allows his own self to be overriden by the will of the Master, and not only allows it but comes to desire it.
I think that's why communism scares you, because you are afraid of a world that has no need for you, and being too cowardly to Be you instead seek the comforting oblivion of the spectral "nation" to take you up, like a farmer uses a tool, unthinking and dumb and discarded once your use is ended. Anarchy, being a society of voluntary intercourse necessitating thinking Individuals, has no need for tools and you react instinctively because without your own thought you lash out in a primitive manner at what frightens you, justifying it by idolizing the "nature" which is all that you know.
Truly, completely pitiful.
Any excuse is good enough when it comes to obviating your will, huh? First it was "nature," now it's "civilization." You'll do anything in order to make yourself the receptacle of will stronger than your own.
didn't you know user? Nature and civilization are the same thing because culture is genetic!
Highly skeptic of what point nihilistflag is trying to make, but it is a relevant question.
As for OP, if you are asking the concrete, potentially real solution for an abstract, from the outset hypothetical problem, you have set up yourself for failure from the start.
Cum worshiper
Typical anarchist response, demonstrating his abhorrence of natural law. The anarchist understands every limit placed upon him as unbearable, and can only imagine hierarchy as a complete capitulation of will. Unsurprisingly, the notion of duty or obligation terrifies him, as he sees it as interfering with his own pursuits. But what are those pursuits? Every anarchist is a rank materialist, little more than a compulsive masturbator, spilling his impotent seed on infertile soil. He disdains the state, but worships at the alter of cum. He spurns the family, but romances the bottle. He is little more than a virus on the tapestry of humanity, creating nothing but wishing to infect others with his religion of death.
The worst thing you can imagine is contributing to a great cause.
Dicipline, self-sacrifice, and pursuit of abstract principles are the triumph of will. I don't know if you will ever be able to understand that.
[√] Told
[ ] Not Told
Replace society with union and you score a perfect 10, my property.
You think and talk a lot about cum buddy.
I'll just let you meditate about what you just said, and what you're advocating for.
The irony is what's unbearable here.
Go call the cops
Advocating for an environment that facilities your own cummies isn't noble.
All those are the opposite of Nietzschean Will.
It is emblematic of the Rat-mentality to believe themselves to only have value as a part of a great framework, to only be able to take pride in the personal merits of others because you know you have none yourself.
What is "noble" and why ought it be more important than my own cummies?
Could you ignore the flaming bootlicker and answer this please ?
What the fuck is a cummie?
Go on then faggot. Tell us all about your daily struggle against the system. Tell us about how you live outside the system and call no man mister.
Nobility is of no use to me. I can't take it to the market and cash it for food, It's no balm for the suffering of having lost. I do not carry nobility to the grave so that I may rise again.
There is only what is within my power and what is yet to be within my power. Nothing but me and my property.
By letting the black people freely associate in their own communes, be armed for themselves, ally themselves with more open-minded federations or even move to said federations.
But again, anarchism, like the state, won't make socio-political issues just magically evaporate, but it won't force down a lifestyle on you. In the case of the blacks in the south, the fact that state-intereference wa a net positive was a pure coincidence. Contrast it with Apartheid South Africa. the rule of the minority can go both ways.
I guess it's some ebin new meme related to muh degeneracy.
What the fuck?
Nietzsche argued that slave-morality was used to legitimize hierarchy….
It is emblematic of the death cultist, the soulless scrotum, to be unable to understand how service to a greater goal elevates the self. The disembodied testicles would rather insist that they're "living life to the fullest" all the while dying alone from AIDS before they're thirty. Regardless you and your ilk are all demographic dead ends.
That you can't answer this question is indicative of your nihilism.
It is how the degenerate lives- an empty existence revolving around acquiring more and more cummies.
It is used to validate the worship of weakness
How does it, and if it does, then is it not just about my own cummies again? If it elevates me, then it is not truly a self-sacrifice in any way, shape or form.
So? What if I was a nihilist? Why ought I care for what is "noble" over what pleases me?
So there would be communes of black racists/isolationists, white one, and mixed communes of open minded people. How does anarchism stop these communes from having a civil war with each other over some newly established borders or control over a resource deposit?
Yes I realize the problem wouldn't have arose if it was not for the capitalist system to begin with, but in this imaginary scenario of adopting anarchism in that period of time, anarchism is going to have to have to present peaceful solutions to preexisting problems.
But what is a cummie?
He's carving cum and it influences his language.
Making candles out of it or some shit?
Shit meant crave lol.
Cum candles aren't a bad idea tho.
Yes. And thus it makes being a slave a virtue.
And legitimizes hierarchy.
When did a state ever stop a civil war? Civil wars take part inside states all the time!
The obvious answer is that most of the time it is in our self-interest to cooperate or face reprisals. It's pretty basic came theory that if one of those communes should choose to fuck the others over, the others could simply unite and fuck them over. A state would have nothing real it could do in order to mitigate this in any real fashion.
This. I don't see how this is triggering.
Your GHETTO GANGTER SNEAK PARROTING POLICE GANGSTER FORTH AGENDA AGENTS want NOTHING but the widespread and utmost destructive spread of ERGONIC ENERGY BEAMS which you will spread with OPTIMIZED ARRAY CALIBRATION FOR HIGHER EYESIGHT TELEVISION IMPACT while the lowly street sluts of niggertown gang. sn. par. pol. pulll aside their PINK BLOOMERS to expose their ARSE their CUNT while they yell "I'LL GIVE IT FOR YOU TO SUCK! FINISH HIM"!
how is this not another human nature argument?
why are anarchists so naive?
Well… I'm not really surprised. This is not something new to Marxists.
I'm going with troll.
Someone close to the person puts up a bounty and 1337 cyber detectives are on the case.