Shill Nye The Cuck Guy - S02 trailer


Liberals are a fucking disaster lmao.

Some stupid fucking editor at Netflix Originals™ is going to commit suicide with a crossbow bolt to the back of the skull. Hope he doesn't lift, cause a barbell accident is coming his way.

How much of the show will be bitching about shit? I doubt there will be any science.

webm here


Holy shit fucking based! DRUMPFKINS BTFO


Don't be silly user! Don't you believe in science? Science isn't just a system by which we divine objective truth any more, it's its own belief system including climate alarmism, pro-abortion stances, breakdown of traditional sexes and normal sexuality, advocacy of promiscuity, gun control, proliferation of GMO and other scientific meddling, worship of the mentally ill, communism and a whole host of hella cool stuff!

Back to Pol, race hate troll!

Back to Pol, race hate troll!

Back to Pol, race hate troll!

Thankyou for saying what we are all thinking comrade.

Rules for thee, but not for me!
Rules for thee, but not for me!
Rules for thee, but not for me!

Jordan Peterson btfo by actual scientists!

inb4 butthurt nazis ;)

Surely this wont go wrong

At least this dumb kike is giving his critics exposure.

ITT cuckservatives hate anything they can't understand

The dislike to like ratio and the comment section fill me with hope.

This is going to get a lot worse for poor Bill. Makes me think that they're either doing this because they set up a contract with the guy, expecting the first "season" to go better, or the controversy caused by the first season being so bad made the show an accidental success.

At any rate, mixing dry ice and holding it up isn't what science is, and the shit Billy did on his fucking show was even less scientific than their little "my first sciencey set dressing kit" set up for this promo.

Given the tweets shown (let alone even showing them), it was a political stunt all along. Science+ timebomb was placed years ago, just the marketing of it to the masses.
This cunt's going to be getting a bow-tie with a rainbow peacock on it. 6 months before he publicly comes out as bi and yet is only seen with casting couch blonde thots.

"Carbon tax" is a scheme to cripple our industry and forcibly transfer wealth to chinks and street shitters.

Obviously Bill is desperate to stay important. Not like he is getting good reviews, and its not like the show is even pretending to be about science.

I don't think I can keep going

The Science Gay



Your just a h8er!! first season was amazballs 😊💖👏 I just hope this next one won't be ruined by all you alt-drumpf tards… 😟😦😨😡

Only when everyone completely agrees with Soros, er, Bill Nye, will they consider the world "saved". Is that what they mean?

Let's not bring Dolph into this




Bill Nye's field of study was engineering, not chemistry.
As somebody who works in chemistry I can say that his lab makes no sense.
Why isn't he wearing gloves?
Why are two of the containers labeled, but one isn't?
He should also be using an conical flask for stirring instead of a beaker, but it doesn't matter as it's clearly simple cardice inside that beaker rather than any actual experiment. Even then, the evaporation would be more controlled if he was using a conical or volumetric flask.
It also annoys me how he has a rather large boiling flask for no reason. They'd usually be used in conjunction with something like like a condenser and a hotplate. You can use them as normal flasks, but you'd rather use something else as they're cumbersome to use as normal equipment.

What really, really annoys me is that microscope.
For the love of God, what could he possibly be doing that would require a microscope? I see those in stock science photos constantly.
Most labs will have a microscope, but why does his direct workstation have one? He has very little equipment, less than what a middle school chemistry class has, that microscope is completely useless.

trying to find his penis

shut up nerd

Nobody cares, science bitch. Go read a book.

you remember how they kept pushing the cisbusters even through all the bad ratings? they're doing these things for purely ideological reasons

which are by the way those who commit most emissions, yet treehuggers never bother with them like they do with us in the west

Why isn't racism more acceptable? I find myself often forgetting that not everyone is as racist as me when going on other non-chan sites. I can't figure out why people sperg out on like Twitch when I casually name the Jew. I don't see the big deal. I thought the younger generation was pretty right-wing and edgy thanks to people Pewdiepie. I hate being a minority because of my racism.


Racism is still acceptable, for example in Israel it's encouraged.

Oh boy! He's gassing himself!



no thanks I've had enough (((science))) to last 5 life times

Nice trips. The worst part is that normalfags are so fucking retarded that they actually think this is what "science" means. Glass bottles, colored liquids, smoke, and then you just have all the answers, because science.

The microscope thing is especially transparent idiocy. Did you read Mockingbird (the "Ask me about my feminist agenda" comic) because their attempt to make the character seem smart and intellectual was to make her hobby collecting microscopes


They are objectively bad and I don't know why people hype them up. They have rough scratchy accents and get easily offended if you aren't kissing their ass 24/7.

Even my cucklet liberal friend thinks his show is trash.

Bill Nye is fucked and doesn't seem to realize that it's not just conservatives mocking him!

Saving the planet is wrong if it hurts the bottom line

This reads like one of the establishment shillbots from Holla Forums or /n/

fuck off leftypol, nobody likes you

establishment shillbot was spot on lol


KYS nerd.
t. I Fucking Love Science

Since /sci/ here is dead I might as well ask here: How do I turn lead into gold?

Put benis in molten lead.

LMAO kill urself nerd, i bet u never touched a woman XD

that picture is the literal definition of science kiddo, have you never seen sheldon in the big bang theory or rick and morty?

Looks pretty scientific to me.

Convince the lead to be a transmetal and self-identify as gold.

People really don't like being called names, and racist has been set up as the nastiest name you can call someone. It's sadly that simple.

Lot's of energy, enough to add an electron.

Just piss on the lead to make it yellow.


up ur ass LOL #ownd

Fixing this thread



When will the pain end?


duuude why u gotta understand everything its science XD

Comic writers really need to be shot. Ok, it was a nice niche when the Midwest was being overrun by gangsters and people needed a little escapist fantasy about crime-fighting supermen, but that time has passed and comic books are frankly an embarrassment to our culture.

They're 30 pages with 500 words all in all, and are about preposterous characters participating in laughable stories filled with insipid liberal messaging.

We need comic book burnings.

obtain a philosophers stone

And then use it to rape.



Who even watches this? How is it making money?

You realize OPEC is funding global warming alarmists like Nye so western governments will stop local drilling and have to rely on OPEC countries for oil?

Its like PRC and USSR funding hippie environmental groups in 60s-80s so western governments would pass regulations making industry more difficult in the west, and so polluting factories will have to be moved to China and Warsaw pact.


Its not even a proper lab coat, its a white suit. He also needs goggles and a fume hood.

You realize oil companies are funding anti-global warming propaganda, right?

you're hurt

Bill Nye really is going for an "every day until you like it" show.

cuck jokes are shit low hanging fruit
I still find them hilarious though

I'm all for a good conspiracy theory, but Occam's Razor would dictate that global anthropocentric climate change is real, and the confusion about it is because fossil fuel companies have endless cash to brainwash the public into doubting it. Meanwhile, other industries that would be adversely affected by it like agriculture are trying to spread their competing propaganda at the same time.

I really hope the threat is not real and I'm believing a lie, btw.

The shit they are telling you is a lie, climates do change over time but its what always happened and will always happen no matter the presence of humans. This is the way they work, they twist words and make it easy for the average pleb to go "woow why would anyone be against this?" They still haven't proven that humans affect climate change

What does being a white guy have to do with being tranny? Doesn't seem very scientific tbh.

This. Capital is the problem. Our planet is being destroyed so a very few rich people can make more money, and the average MSM-fed conservative just sez "NUH UH Fox News told me the climate is fine!".

Resources exist to be consumed. And consumed they will be, if not by this generation then by some future. By what right does this forgotten future seek to deny us our birthright? None I say! Let us take what is ours, chew and eat our fill.

Morgan you dumb nig you'll that's how you get raped by mindworms

Diedre you ignorant hippie slut. I already copyrighted the mindworms. In fact you owe me quite a lot of energy for your unauthorized use of them.

I hate you 110 IQ quasi-retards so much. Occam's Razor is just a heuristic technique, it does not "dictate" anything ex post facto.

rightists tend to hate science b/c they cant understand it, the only thing they like are pseudoscience infographics that tell them its OK to be racist. feels before facts.

They mean that they are privileged in the sense that they are cisgendered, male and white.

t. dickless Last Man


At least they're humble enough to admit it…

Equality is social construct

I think Holla Forums would probably be 100% perfect if this guy died tbh.
Every time an enjoyable thread crops up he has to screech about right wingers even when nobody says anything right wing.

Holla Forums and cuckposters need to die. Only then will we be able to shitpost in peace.


The way in which you attempt to greentext makes it clear that you're not native to these mongolian fingerpaint forums.

you either die an user, or you live long enough to see yourself become the goon

When I think of science, I think of dry ice, nigger music & funny cartoons.