"It's all about class. There is no war but the class war." Comrade TJ, 2016

"It's all about class. There is no war but the class war." Comrade TJ, 2016


Is it really happening?

Oh hey that's kinda cool. Maybe he's part of the reason why I have seen some resistance among young folks against the bootlickers lately.


who's next to fall in line with the working class movement?


Let's be honest, it's a fine ass.

I'm willing to bet sargon of asscream is gonna hop on. He's an idiot, but I think he's also a populist, and leftism is becoming trendy right now

i'm with you on all of those
but this one video and his statements are something that for the first time ever gained my sympathy for him

I wish

it totally is. Say what you want about Bernie, but his attempt at presidency encouraged lots of people to become more politically active.

That Image is silly all of those people have very different political beliefs. T.J is fine he has no problem making fun of racists and right wingers too. He's probably the best of the lot. Last I checked Thunderf00t was also not really part of the alt-right crap. I believe he made a pro-EU video recently for example. Half those people are just normal liberals and don't deserve t be lumped with those other guys

That's cool, but he has defined communism in his previous videos as the state controlling everything, and he thinks we need a mix of socialism and capitalism.

If only someone could just talk to him for literally 5 mins and he would be an actual marxist.

Maybe after that video someone talked to him and now he is class conscious.
Maybe we could cause a stir and get him to make a new video explaining that he understands communism now.

Yeah but you don't need to hang it on your stream like a 13 years old boy, specially if you stram IS not about sexy things on the first place.

They are all shit tier e celebs tbh

i wouldn't suggest that people go to him and "just talk", he has too big of an ego and self importance, which he needs to establish himself on youtube like he did

it'd be more productive to try leading him into discovering literature for himself and getting educated on the topic out of his own intellectual curiosity

he might move from his liberal/socdem tendencies towards a more anarchist stand, which is still pityful from my POV but it'd at least be progress of some sorts considering he can become more of a voice for class interest rather than just generally liberal atheism


If you continue to watch the video, he admits he doesn't care about the lives that are affected by gentrification, saying he's not sorry for caring about his self-interest over others and how he prefers a newly developed area over a slum.

Don't blow your load just because he says the only war that matters is the class war, especially when it sounded sarcastic.

Isn't this Thomas "Pull a trigger on every nigger" Kirk?

Reminder that pic related is a pube's breadth away from going red.

cant have half of 9 silly

yeah, i was totally saying that he is now a full blown communist.
also, him not being one and saying some ignorant shit totally means he's not making any progress so far at fucking all
and putting it into perspective to him having some class conciousness and going against idpol is totally irrelevant to the board i guess


if you continue to watch the video he then states that there are more poor whites than blacks in number and is therefore even to the left of bernie "whites don't know poverty" sanders
