White Genocide

Whites are projected to be the minority by 2044.


However, if mass forced immigration occurs in America like it did in, say, Germany - we will be the minority by 2020 (meaning we are less than half the total population).

By 2040, whites will be a severe minority. In fact, the new majority will be a mixed race, as projected by National Geographic.


I feel like I could be doing something more about this. Maybe educating others or something. Any ideas on how we can stop this, or at least, slow it down?

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Its already occurring worse then that right now not to mention the US is astrotruffing the numbers by labeling the overwhelming majority of Hispanics as white. I wouldn't be surprised if the US was less then 25% true white right now

Whites are already only 60% of Americans.

Not to mention Iranians and spics are counted as whites on Census data, as well as unaccounted for insane levels of hispanic immigration.

We are likely at 50% or less.

The solution is obvious, mass deportation and an insanely strict immigration policy for anyone not from white countries.

we could also go the killing route but we'd have to kill 1/3 of white too since they'd try and stop us

Also we have to rescue South Africa and purge Zimbabwe.

We will be minority next year if Hillary wins. Remember that the stats go on who is self-reported "white," so the real white population is much less thanthe stats we have. Many mestizos, Arabs, and quadroons self-report "white" on census.

hadnt even considered that.
my god is it too late to stop?

Yeah. WAY sooner than that:

From Joe Biden himself, it will be 2017.


Iranians, spics, slavs, semites, arabs, eskimos…
All "White" according to America.
Probably only about 40-45% imo.

It's never too late.

But everyone nonwhite will have to be deported forcefully.

The Constitution will likely have to be suspended, or, in a best case scenario, strictly literally interpreted so that only white landowners cannot be stripped of their citizenship.

Essentially nonwhites will have to be rounded up, herded, and packed into converted military planes where they'll be dumped into their ethnic homelands. Imagine a converted C17 with a huge cage in the back.

Or we could engage in a bloody Civil War/Race War where we kill the Jews, and then proceed to genocide nonwhites. But like I said we'd have to kill probably 1/3 of whites as well because they'd oppose us.

For a true return to whiteness generations of U.S. citizens will need to be stripped of their citizenship and deported. This would likely require a Constitutional amendment.

I think it's more likely that the USA becomes Brazilified, then a Civil War/Race War occurs with a slight Balkanization or a Switzerland-like autonomous zone ethnostate forming.

Personally I think so. The country is going to fall apart and eventually balkanization no mater what and that would hopefully result in one good or at least majority country. Though it may not happen in our lifetimes