What would you do if you had a standard issue neuralizer?
What would you do if you had a standard issue neuralizer?
neuralize myself so i didnt know i was samefagging
*Unsheathes katana*
Not if I have anything to say about it.
*unsheathes dick*
looks like i found my first victim
*teleports behind you
Rape a girl
Neuralize her so she forgets
Neuralize myself so I don't feel guilty
*unsheathes butthole*
Clever girl
I already did it. I told Bruce Jenner he was a woman named Caitlyn.
How does it feel to be the type of people that give feminism every single right to exist?
dude, not cool
you do not make jokes that may be offensive to the LGBTQ community on my watch
lol pick one and only one
You can't kill an idea
I would forget.
you cant really be a capitalist liberal & be feminist. it's like claiming to be capitalist + christian, it makes no sense.
Feminism has nothing in common with ideas.
Nigga was talking about the rape talk
Ideas are words, like kino, and pure kino, you cant prove me wrong
something something rape something something underage
How do you know feminism didn't create in me the urge to rape?
Start the next civil war
Watch my gf get BLACKED and then wipe everyone's minds of it so we can do it again "for the first time" over and over.
Of course you can. What are you, 15?
You can only be pozzed once, chum.
Are you? What do you think is going to kill it complaining like a virgin and shitposting?
I'm sure you're smart enough to figure that out for yourself.
i'd rob a store i guess
then i'd lay low with my earnings
Just as there are men who would use it to rape, so too are there women who would do the same. Oh but of course, feminists think men can't be raped, the cunts.
Kino is shit
Nice generalizing and cherrypicking sweetie
Rape, steal.
Use it on myself to I forget I used it on myself.
Trump's curse strikes again?
How to lose
Fucking normalfag.
You're so beta that you forgot the neuralizer doesn't just make you forget, it can be used as mind control.
Neuralizers can be used to make you a god among men because it lets you control everyone.
I wonder how long time it would take for the kikes to assassinate you if you start using it like that. They have a monopoly on golems you know.
I concur. Sexist men-pigs ought to be put into gulags.
Now look into the pretty light
"unzips pants"
Rape is an instrument of class struggle. It is the means by which the male proletariat seizes the means of reproduction from the female owner class.
You're not a true revolutionary unless you rape.
We're coming for you, cunty.
I actually interpret this as a threat, you are fucked up in the head.
You can chain everyone who holds it in rape dungeons.
In the communist future, there will be no "women" as such. Instead, all female infants will be lobotomized at birth and be distributed freely among the population. There will also public-use females, just as there are public toilets.
You should get help user
I do not condone violence of any sort.
Help in leading the revolution, I assume?
I have to say that I see myself as a sort of civil rights leader, like Rosa Parks (only not her, because she was a woman).
I wish to abolish a system of oppression that's as old as humanity, and I'm always disheartened to see men opposing their own liberation… it's the old "slave who loves his chains" deal, really.
Goddamn pinkos
You're right, comrade. I was slipping there.
We should employ genetic engineering or neural implants to give the females "thrust-reflexes" so that they will instinctively move their hips back and forth when they register penetration.
now, this is what i call true communism
godspeed you, based rapanon
You condoned violence in your words in that very post user.
No I didn't.
"We're coming for you, cunty" - user on rape
We're coming to give you a reward for beeing a stronk feminist.
and that reward is rape
You need to practice trolling leftyretard
steal everything
underrated post
She has been the only female celebrity I've heard speak about mens mental health and suicide while championing her father and the importance of fatherhood which is being ignored
if you wouldn't rape that, you're gay son
Use it on every Muslim I see so I can erase Islam forever.
Please do a drive by on judaism while you are at it
t. no argument
I'm definitely coming for you.
i'd rule the world
and rape
Fucking shitlord
How did this thread become a nest of leftists, trolls and (alleged) feminists?
I would make sweet love to that
You are like a little babbie.
Has anyone said rape yet?
Grand scale assault. Go to a womens business lunch conference, neuralize the crowd and lay the suggestion that the only way to succeed in big business is to fuck each other as hard as possible with the table ornaments all while screaming "I'M DRESSED FOR THIS AND I ASKED FOR IT"
Sit back and watch a hundred power women in their twenties and worn out menopausal hags in their fifties run around the room violating each other with plastic flower vases, balloons and candles screaming I ASKED FOR THIS!
Someone really needs to start developing one of these, honestly.
Neuralize my way onto the presidency and use the national emergency broadcast to mind control everyone.
Also get sunglasses implanted into my skull because if I have a neuralizer then it's highly probable that someon else has one.
You know you can just put them on, Jensen.
she wouldn't go for it, user, that's where rape comes in
can't rape the willing after all
You can with a neuralizer.
Fuck, I meant
what chinese cartoon?
+tic nee-san