How can white boys even compete?
How can white boys even compete?
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I swear, i don't remember typing "" into the url bar…
Culturally, financially, intellectually, religiously, militarily…
Niggers get diseases and the weakest white women.
Whites get the pure women who would gladly kill 10,000 niggers for her husband in a race war. (Don't worry, the husband himself gets 100,000, Male battle hardiness).
How can white boys even compete?
How can white boys even compete?
The only use for the black man is a cum catcher for his white master
That's gay.
Another original and entertaining thread on the last gasp saloon for free speech on the internet.
Nice to see the anons here are ahead of the game and know the value of what they have here.
Makes an oldfag willing to reappraise the millenials. Perhaps we were wrong not to gas you at birth
The funny part is that if this isn't bait, it is some dude with a small dick admitting he doesn't understand how vaginas work. Tha majority of women don't want a crazy 12 inch dong, since they can't take it and it hurts them to try. yes, there are some cavernous vaginas out there, strange that you see them in porn all the time huh? But the average woman has a vagina just slightly larger than the average man's penis. It would be very weird if nature didn't work that way. It's like ergonomics n shieet.
No fighting back.
No mouthing off.
Just complete acceptance and submission.
Now that's a black man I can respect.
He doesn't get porn either, which must rank as retardation in the current year+.
Interracial is for niggers. They fantasize about bbc outgunning whitey's weiner.
This shit is made for fat old niggers who want to fuck white women to improve their self-esteem.
What's so difficult to understand?
she might be fucking a nigger, but at the end of the day she goes back to her hubby… who is the cuck now?
if a nigger gets my wife pregnant, and then I raise the nigger's daughter to call me daddy and i fuck her all the time, who is the "alpha"?
go back
Hello newfag. Thats actually a well known picture of a nigger at a block party thats been making the rounds on the web for years now. And being a drawfag myself I can attest to the authenticity of the white fellas billy club.
Therefore it is you that needs to go back my friend. And preferably to Reddit. Kys
Go back to 4chan you autistic fag.
You know that all of the recorded largest penises in the world, the top 10 are ALL white. The big nigger dick is a myth, and the massive penises you see in porn are prosthetics.
The world's largest penis belongs to a mexican. Are you insinuating that mexicans are white?
It turned out he was just stretching his foreskin
The #1 reason for black male suicide is the (((BBC))) lie.
Not only that, but apparently 12 of the 18 inches is all foreskin, and he gets urinary tract infections all the time because his piss can't properly escape from his foreskin. Everyone, including porn companies, have been offering to get him FREE SURGERY to reduce the size of his foreskin so he can have a normal life, but he thinks that having an abnormally large foreskin (which everyone figures is from stretching it with weights) makes him macho, so he refuses. He also thinks that despite the fact that he exposed himself to two underage girls, he's one day going to return to the US and find an American woman to marry.
Guy's a fucking nut, he's already 54 as it is.
Why the fuck is she wearing a blindfold?
she thought it would be hot.
Why is she so fucking fat?
She's a 40-year-old who lives a sedentary lifestyle and eats shitty food.
Why would you let a nigger touch assuming your cock?
she always wanted the D, i wanted to try it out.
Why is there no fucking audio?
user, how is your GRIDS doing?
Is this shitted thread? This is shitted thread!
You can have our white bitches if you really want them, we found something much better
Hello doggolover. I'm genuinely curious about something: can you actually make the bitch have an orgasm? Cause if you can't it's one way love, the worst kind.
As long as the dog is intact (not spayed) then absolutely! It works a little differently than humans though.
It doesn't take much to set them off and they usually buck their hips wildly at the start of penetration, then calm down until you dismount and then they get really excited again and do a silly happy "dance" of sorts.
A dog that is addicted to human sex will start flirting and pestering you to give them what they want, it's very clear that they enjoy it. You just need to use a good water based lubricant with the females since in nature it's the male dog that provides the lubrication.
Have a look at