What would you do if you had the Mask?

What would you do if you had the Mask?

I'd rape the living shit out of your mom.

Sell it

kill a lot of people, and maybe make cops dance to the rumba beat

you damn internet misogynists really can't think of anything else, can you?

Put it on

I'd rape you too.

Put it on a raccoon.

everything you can possibly imagine

reported, enjoy jail

does The Mask even have a penis?

That will just teach me how to rape better. Then I will rape you again with my improved raping prowess.

you can't rape a stronk independent wymyn who will fight back like gal gadot


Why the fuck would you sell it? It could get you any amount of money you want and stuff you want, without money

Because when you wear the Mask it isn't really you behind the wheel. Some horror show mix of the Mask and your Id is running the show. What use is power that you can't really control?

Still better than no power at all

But it is you. It's just all your deep, dark desires and personality traits coming to life (like Jekyll and Hyde). In the movie, Stanley is a mild mannered, good guy who is sexually repressed and gets joy from watching cartoons. So when he puts on the mask, he becomes a overly confident, cartoon character with a throbbing libido. It's still him, just the side that he wouldn't want anyone to see. That's why when Dorian puts it on towards the end, he's basically no different from his usual personality, just now he has mask powers.

Post it on Holla Forums with a timestamp

No one would care who I was until I put it on.

Cum inside prime Cameron Diaz.

My man

Those dubs don't lie honeybun.

I slap it on my dick and have the wackiest dick in town.

you're part of the problem


I'm neither pedo nor brony, but you damn right I'm butthurt about that asshole ruining Holla Forums every five weeks or so

What's it like being such an autistic fuccboi?

almost as nice as fucking your mom

Crashing this plane of existence WITH NO SURVIVORS!

Make soap out of Jews.

Kill. Kill academia kikes and media kikes and corporation kikes, kill their slaves, kill left and "right" wing politicians, activate every single nuke in Israel, kill all muslims in Europe, kill every single writer, developer or director who pozzed his own work, kill niggers, kill spics, kill Asians, kill feminists, kill every single cuckold who watched this world burn without doing anything and then, when I am done, I would kill myself.

Whoah buddy, calm down there. Let's not say things we don't mean.

I would pozz your neg hole

Oh yeah bby poz my neg hole with your med resistant aids

kan u handle chasing muh bugz wiff ur lil boipuci?

I think the Mask grants immunity from all forms of diseases.

Slaughter Jews

Put it on my penis.

Crash a plane with no survivors


oh fug. This. But only after it's been put on my penis.

Find Jim Carrey and make The Mask 2.


what else


I'd pull a comically large hand-saw out of my pocket and cut California off of the US. I would then proceed to unzip my dick, just because I can.

I'd order another off amazon


apparently not autism


drumpflet detected

We were all 13 onceā€¦

I'd spare the Asians, but only the ones that aren't total fuckwits. I'd be sure to push Kim Jong Un and China's commie government shit in.


Good goy



Strut around town with a jazzy soundtrack to emphasize my swag.

Is not like I would have any real control over my actions if you ask me, the Mask just makes me do whathever I wish I could do but I am too afraid to do anyway.


Rape the living shit out of my mom too.

But yes: I'd just go around raping in general.

Self-control is a spook. It really would be you (your "id"), just with the societal indoctrination stripped out. You'd be living authentically through rape.

Kim Jong Un is a gud boy, you fucking cuck.

Put it on my dick

I'd trade it for this mask tbh

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