Post the absolute worst reactionary rhetoric you have ever encountered in this thread. Pic related.
Post the absolute worst reactionary rhetoric you have ever encountered in this thread. Pic related
They literally just described fascism and capitalism lmao
Are these not the same people who tell us "Greed is good"?
holy shit, this is hillarious
I wonder if Holla Forumsacks ever go back and read what they have said and laugh at how wrong they were
This stands as proof that right-wing ideology is motivated in large part, and often mostly, by nothing more than the desire to appear as edgy as possible. This is particularly true for weenies like monarchists and race realists.
Two things motivate right-wingers: sexual impotence and the will to seem "dangerous".
"Marx was wrong but Stalin was right"
So what if mos communists leaders were jews? They knew first hand the horrors of nationalism.
Call them out for what they are
user aUE06W6z seems alright. Probably one of us actually.
Nah. Broadly speaking, the user is correct.
Capitalism (via socdem logic) is justified, since it is assumed that you can non-violently persuade people to do good things: you are just not trying hard enough. I.e. it presupposes superiority of good intentions (love) and law (justice) over the circumstances.
Communists (as opposed to socdem) go with "in general people are assholes and they will not support Greater Good unless it is in their own interests". I.e. greed and egoism. Well, the user goes with hatred and envy - that would be class struggle, I think.
Also, there are people I want dead. I.e. clearly haven't killed enough.
I wouldn't necessarily say "edgy", Holla Forums in particular wants to be edgy because they are eternal newfags.
More generally, they are incapable of separating their personal feelings from reality, which leads to everything being about identity. This is why idpol """""leftists""""" have absolutely no knowledge of politics outside of idpol.
In a way, user is right, OP. This is how they view it from their perspective.
Capitalism's "love and justice" is like the coddling of a deeply superstitious and paranoid adult that is too tired to be consistent with their own rules. You're expected to play nice and never lift a finger, but if you so much as question why things are unfair, your ass gets whipped. Things are how they are and fuck you if you don't like them. You're expected to try your best at what you do, but whatever you get in return is what you are lucky to receive because it could be nothing at all. After all, there's some higher purpose for the family that you need to fill, whether or not it makes you happy, and if you fail, society will implode for some reason or whatever, who knows.
Communism, meanwhile, and most of the non-identity left in general, wants a system of "hatred and envy" because it wants humanity to be challenged. To shake it by the shoulders and ask it straight to the face what it is really capable of, and what it really wants out of life. It gives man a chance to make something of himself without the burden of spooks. It may not be pleasant at first, but liberation rarely is.
It's still wrong though.
i totally agree
Presented without comment
It's not that Holla Forums isn't full of hatred and envy, ofcourse..
So what happened in the 20th century was actually just a shitty self-help program, with it's failures ofcourse being losers..
There is no idea too good to be exploited for personal gain.
Hatred, envy, love, and generosity are all part of the human condition.
I want a society where free advancement of each is the condition for free advancement of all. Hatred and envy without the opportunity for wounded pride to shine and distinguish itself from wounded vanity is inhumane. Love and generosity without the opportunity of their expression by your triumphs in self-improvement is farcical.
Capitalism's critical spiritual flaw is not that it is an inherently adversarial system, but that its inherent adversity finds expression in survival rather than personal development.
The post-Lenin USSR was no better in this regard.
To be fair, that's a bullshit move by Google if legit..
I agree with , it just doesn't make sense.
Of course what he's actually likely implying is "lol google knows it won't hire a filthy nigger"
Not the worst, but cringey nonetheless.
a classic
whoops forgot my shitposting flag
SRS-tier threads should go to >>>/leftyb/ tbh, even if they're fun.
Try to make it to the end
Asides from claiming the holocaust was a lie and it's implication that whites should do imperialism again I don't really have a problem with the central premise of this video.
I'm not sure whether I should laugh like a crazy bitch of just kill myself.
Autism from all sides.
Remember that stormfags think conservative autocracies and pogroms are okay because muh strong leader muh evil jews spooks.
Not against Jews, you fucking murkan illiterate inbred genetrash.
It was Judaism that was discriminated against. Once you converted to Christianity you were no longer a "Jew".
And Bolsheviks neither vowed to overthrow the Czar, nor did they actually overthrow him. Read a book, FFS.
"Forced conversions with the threat of destitution and violence are okay. It totally has nothing to do with antisemitism."
Go and tell that to Yakov "Kalashnikov the Romanov" Yurovsky.
Sasha is displeased.
Soooooo why didn't they fucking move, like Ayn Rand did(after the communist came to power)? Oh and it should be noted that Jews have been fucking over Europeans since they immigrated in to Europe, it is a reason they got the hate they did because for every action there is a reaction
A lot actually did emigrate, notably to the US, but not every Russian Jewish family had the money or opportunity to do so. Finding a way out of the ghetto in the late XIXth century was no easy feat, you know.
Ayn Rand's case was different, she left for the US in 1925 on a Soviet visa and was comfortable upon arrival as she had several well-off relative in the country.
How exactly have Jews been "fucking over" Europeans "since" they immigrated to Europe?
Now you're just being dumb on purpose.
pls explain
Nope, why is it that of all minority groups kikes are the ones that has been hated the most
The classical Jewish cabal, basically the Jews of a community gathered together and conspired to get rid of competition so that the Jewish buissniuss could prosper and so that they could win more political power and bla bla bla. People obviously got sick of this shit and drove them out of their town. It is not a conspiracy it is simple aggressive tribalism from a minority living within your community/nation etc.
this is like a new low after unsourced inforgraphs
Well, at least there is a source. Just not the kind of source anyone would like to be directed to…
Jews ain't no snowflakes m8
Dude, you're describing a socio-historical phenomenon, not a popular recipe. Be a little more specific.
This mostly wasn't of their choosing. As stated earlier, Jews were often forced into ghettos.
What do you mean, "get rid of competition"? Besides, you're talking about Jewish buissniuss [sic] while ignoring the fact that many Jews, like their native peers, were proles. Again, you're really not clear. Is "bla bla bla" the Holla Forums version of /mu/'s "the list goes on"?
This is not the reason why most pogroms took place.
Yup, you're projecting.