The Lightning and the Sun
Lets get esoteric.
Lightning seems to be something of a theme for Trump, from the lightning strike on Trump tower to the Florida rally.
The Lightning and the Sun
Lets get esoteric.
Lightning seems to be something of a theme for Trump, from the lightning strike on Trump tower to the Florida rally.
That last great Individual — an absolutely harmonious blending of the sharpest of all opposites; equally “Sun” and “Lightning” — is the one Whom the faithful of all religions and the bearers of practically all cultures await; the one of Whom Adolf Hitler (knowingly or unknowingly) said, in 1928: “I am not he; but while nobody comes forward to prepare the way for him, I do so”; the One Whom I have called by His Hindu name, Kalki, on account of the cosmic truth that this names evokes.
Was here in the trump rally bread watching when that happened. Glorious to say the least.
Trump has unleashed the power of the quickening.
can't upload bc it exists here
Trump is a honestly a retard and a product of the age of darkness. If he is the best the universe has to offer the universe is shit.
Thank you for correcting the record.
In the western esoteric tradition a lightning strike always symbolises the birth of something/someone new at the point the lightning touches the ground
Ties in with the electric universe, doesnt it?
There was a lightning strike on Trump Tower the day he won the nomination. The outline was in the shape of a jew. Trying to find the image
here it is.
Speaking of the rally last night, could an user properly cap this post. I don't into computers but this story made me tear up last night and I'd really appreciate the cap. Maybe if the story gets to you too you could shoop in the lightning strike on the top or bottom would be pretty cool.
We are the furthest from god. Don't forsake him just yet.
Let's not.
There had to be a powerful magician in that vicinity because when the lightning struck it was a reaction simular to hovering your hand over a tesla bulb.
you know, I never knew how hard it is to properly scale fonts.
I had some fun but no idea how well it came out, so I made a big and a small one.
and the guys in the story acted like niggers, disobeying the police like that, tbqh fam
Well thank you but you can fuck yourself in you think police orders are more import than MAGA.
bumplock "esoteric" threads. They are misdirects to take you off the true meaning of things.
It's a Jewish bluepill like Ayys are the real Aryans
Just like in history.
h y s
Thank you for Correcting The Record.
An entire book written about the obvious like it means something….
Yeah, it's just deluded shit to confuse people into thinking their complaints against the obvious crises is somehow are magical and cyclical and Hindu.
Hindu's destroyed the real meaning of the Vedda.
And this is why esoterics are shit. Because you could just say what you mean and reach many Aryan people, but instead you want to play mystic and be vague like you have something more important to say. And in the end where does it get you? It gets you a license to virgin and sperg instead of strength and character.
Fuck your Freemason Hindu/Christian/Platonist revisionism. Stoic is the only way.
Josie Maran
Russian Jewish descent on her paternal side
Why do you do this faggot?
Why do shills always know every model and porn star by heart? Fuck off back to Holla Forums or /fringe/
Learn how to sage before telling anyone to go back. You sound new as fuck.
I'll sage however I like you fucking beta male obsessive.
high energy
There's a lot of energy involved.
Jews fear the wizard.
It's a far better use of your time to read stuff by Theodor Herzl than anything by some Hindu broad.
Read it a few years ago along with The Ultimate Avatar.
Serrano touches on what we may call Waifuism.
>All the Gods had their wives, their lovers, except the judeo-christian God. Jehovah does not have one, nor his ignoble son Jesuschrist the Jew. Krishna already announces the end of the Dwapara-Yuga and the beginning of Kali-Yuga. He dances with many women, with the cowherds of Gokul, in the gardens of Vrindavan; but in truth he only loves one, Radha. Here the descent of the Hyperborean Archetype of the Valkyrie begins to be felt, or better, to be incarnate. Because even when the women through whom He searches for Her are many, the Absolute-Woman, the Divine-Woman is only one and, and from some register outside the Universe, designates her as insubstitutable, irreplaceable. For Krishna she was Radha, the Parakiya, the wife of another. She only abandoned her husband in special moments and went to dance with her God, who awaited her eternally.
>In all these disciplines, to be able to reach the goal of the immortalization of the initiate, a feminine presence is essential. At the side of the warrior, of the knight of the Gral, of the Minnesanger, of the Troubadour of the Fuhrer, a woman must exist, whether of flesh and bone, or in imagination, on the other side, in a beyond, in the world of the dead, of heroes, in Valhalla. Only her presence, or her remembrance can constellate within the hero, the warrior, the initiate, the Hyperborean Archetype of the Anima, permitting him to retrieve the lost She, giving her to the Anima, to the Astral Body (which in the man is feminine and in the woman is masculine, according to Jung), the face of the Beloved. He will succeed only when enamored with his Valkyrie. The esoteric doctrine of the troubadours uses an elaborate technique of idealization of the Beloved, of the Domna, to reach objective transcendence.
If Savitri Devi's notions are legit, then Trump is a destructive agent. I don't think that I have to explain the difference between Trump and Hitler to Holla Forums. Trump has a tremendous ego. A lot of this is about him. He doesn't have the traits which are befitting of her Kalki. However, he is definitely an agent of change. We have done well to advance the cycle by supporting him.
Think of how powerful the West is right now and how it promotes degeneracy. Before something better can replace it, the current system has to come crashing down. Trump could be the one destined to make that happen. Look at how much liberals hate him. They might actually revolt if he gets into the Presidency. What will Trump do if BLM dindus do something crazy like loot the White House? How will the liberal media portray it? How does his Presidency not end in civil war?
Kill yourself. Fucking Cal State Northridge kypto-kike historian.
Wizard is an ancient word meaning "wiseman". It doesn't mean sad NEETs who can't understand that real magic is art not sand nigger "esoterics"
Wew lads.
Why so flustered, friend?
If sad NEETs don't have any power, you have nothing to worry about.
Because you ruin all the philosophy threads and you're using all your parents money, Smiley. Go on meds already! Stop multi-posting and talking to yourself.
Also, it's fucking degenerate. Welcome to Holla Forums
way to out yourself dumbass
So she's a shill who wrote a book about Stoicism that's secretly cucked?
This is how it was when I was at his rally in WA. So many people that when they shut the doors, there must have been about 5k (at least) behind me waiting in line too.
esotericism is bullshit and a waste of time from actual politics
no user, it's good for morale
even if meme magic was not real it would be worth it for that
Morale is what brings the final victory
Back into the oven.
Time to call wrath a meme
Choo Choo motherfuckers
giggling like mad fam