Pure redheads

Pure redheads


So beautiful do you know her in real life?

yes she's my twin sister and i think about fucking her all the time




I'm going to be thinking the same thing








she has the same fucking adorable facial expression on every picture


I prefer my purebreds to have visible freckles

For some reason I think only redheads and goths can pull off tattoos well, most other ones seem trashy


fk top notch






I ded and gone to heaven. Laughing so fucking hard


They better be careful or they might get a nasty sun burn.

Larsen seems to know what she's doing. She has quite a few bikini pics through the years, yet always remains pale as fuck.


Came here to post this.

Man, quit posting that nasty ass lanklet. Shit's fuckin gross.

Butthurt JJ fan detected.

i'm sure ive seen her before..

I spent years, mixing and matching my knowledge of human faces and expression, combining it with psychology, to reach a level of knowledge big enough I can not only read a person thoughts more often than no, but I can read their personality by looking at what they draw, the way they write or the aspect of their room… and yet by looking at these girls I see nothing at all, like they were plastic.
They have no soul, I'm telling you.




And all your years were a waste. Everyone knows gingers have no souls.

the purest of them all


stop using ebonics, you fucking useless wigger faggot

you have to go back to halfchan


What's with all the redhead on Holla Forums?

More please

bikini ifrit
enjoy your regret

Why regret?


Is this the ugly women board?



2 more generations and her grandkids will be only 56% white





