MS pulls the plug on their phone OS

RIP Windows Phone.

Microsoft has announced the end of support for WP8.1 with W10mobile effectively put in end-of-life care.

Why did it fail though? I've had no personal experience myself with the OS other than briefly fingerfucking a lumia some years back and thinking "what the fuck is the point of windows if it can't run win32 programs?" and all these obituaries currently being published don't go into any detail on why WP failed, only that it did.

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Briefly owned a Lumia 880(?)
Well at first it seemed fine but it wasn't super stable.
They did something to their store which meant it wasn't easy to port applications across so it was a ghost town.
It was slow.
It bailed during calls. Literally crashed.

Tossed it and got an Android.

Honestly while the Lumia was sleek and nice phone it OS made it a piece of shit.

Lumia was like the only worthwhile WP
No apps*

*le ebig fart apps

My dad plans to buy a new phone when it ceases to function. I hope he'll let me try to install a Linux distro on it first. He probs won't though.

and nothing of value was lost


I have one lying around, I don't know if was the os or the hardware but here's some stunts it would pull.

After that fucking shitshow I was willing to use anything the fuck else other than that. Then my phone company said "So you need a new phone, iphone7 you need some botne- you need a quality phone." After this I'm just going to fucking use burner phones, I'm tired of this fucking shitshow.

wtf I hate Industrial Design now

Chinks make many highly competetive smart phones if that's what you need, just install whatever OS you like and you're golden.

It blows my mind that so many people are paying 3-6 times more for their phones than what they're worth and at the same time getting themselves tied down for upwards of two years to a single carrier.

Nokia's move to Windows Phone was possibly the greatest, fastest collapse of a market leader in the history of capitalism. Tomi Ahonen (mobile business consultant and former Nokia marketing executive) has written in length about it:

Forgive the wall of text, even this summary is a long story.

Nokia had a massive, devout following. Maybe you don't know this because North America was the only region they couldn't win (due to carrier cockblocking). Elsewhere, Nokia was not just respected, but revered. They ruled the smartphone market with Symbian.

Apple shook things up with the iPhone, which had a fantastic elegant design - even though it was so technically primitive, people with a clue called it a fancy featurephone rather than a smartphone. Nokia's answer was MeeGo, a very advanced and elegant new mobile system derived from Linux. And people got really hyped for it. Users loved it. Carriers loved it. Developers loved it. And until it was finished, Nokia would keep refining Symbian.

It was a good plan. But they made a fatal mistake: they got a new CEO. Pic related, the most incompetent CEO of all time: Stephen Elop, a Canadian, and former Microsoft executive. Two red flags. Fuck you, Canada.

So, the moron wrote a report for the employees, the notorious "Burning Platform" memo, which painted Symbian as an obsolete, non-viable product. Of course it was leaked, and it killed the market for the system. When it was still Nokia's bread and butter. When there were still plans to release new devices with it. When it still sold more than Apple and Samsung put together!

Then he announced: this MeeGo thing is not going to work, we're going with Windows Phone.

Of course, this pissed off everyone who was hyped for MeeGo. He thought WP would hijack the rabid Nokia fanbase, but instead there were now millions of people who hated it. Users, carriers, developers, everyone who was invested in MeeGo. They all said: fuck this shit, I'll go with anyone but Nokia now.

Of course, this move would still take several months. So until then, the biggest phone maker in the world had no viable smartphone. But it gets worse: the first WP devices would get only WP7 - still a very buggy and incomplete system. They would not get updated to WP8. Obsolete before they even came out.

Of course, the world would not wait, and Android quickly filled the gap.

But hold on. At this point, MeeGo was actually completed. Nokia actually released a phone with it. And its reviews were extremely positive. It was simply the best mobile system ever. It was everything we were promised. And Elop made damn clear that it would never be used again.

Back to the WP shitshow... retailers were also not fond of it. They realized it was a piece of junk that people always returned, which was a hassle and did not count as a new sale. So they kept it in the back and skillfully redirected customers to something else.

Also, Microsoft made an epic mistake: they bought Skype. A program that lets people make calls and send messages without paying? Carriers saw that as an attack. Even though other platforms had it, and there were other similar programs, Microsoft's ownership made them an enemy.

So there you have it. Not only WP was shit, it had the whole world against it - for good reasons.

WP was shitty, Microsoft didn't commit enough to it, they expected the competition to be stale (at the time, Android was still shitty, but it improved dramatically), Nokia had a Trojan Horse-CEO, etc
This all made Nokia fail, they should have indeed adopted Android.

Now Nokia is attempting a comeback. The brand got released from Microsoft's hold and it partnered with its old Manufacturer. Basically, what got split now is coming together again.
There's a catch now, their phones will run Pure Android, they also have a Pajeet CEO, which is selling Nokia's patents using-rights to Xiaomi at the price of nothing, maybe to pull some capital to restart, but still, the company's butchering continues.

Never goes full Globalist.

I doubt a new system would be viable at this point, unless you're absolutely massive and put all your weight behind it (like Samsung could do to Tizen but haven't yet). Using pure Android is the only sensible option for Nokia.

why the hell did I sell my N9?

Get another one, they're cheap on eBay.

Stack ranking

I'm getting to the point that alls I really need to find is a phone with a keyboard attached I fucking hate apple for popularizing this shit tier "Touchscreen" crap.
In fact fuck touchscreens in general, they suck; its extra power consumption, extra drivers, for reduced performance and for fucking twats to smudge your screen intentionally. Wouldn't surprise me if the next thing wikileaks puts out is that the cia and nsa were collecting everyones fucking fingerprints because touchscreens get smeared in the oil of these paint chip eating cunts.

Looks like only WP8.1 is dead, and they'll scrap by with W10mobile.
I bought a Samsung Focus on day 1 when WP7 came out, and I liked it a lot because it was different. Went through a few Lumia's, finally ending on a 950 which just pushed me over the edge to ditch it due to the various problems I had with it. Traded in the 950 for Note 7 and I was extremely happy I ditched the struggling platform.

I had some of the same problems with the speaker and music randomly deciding to play. The lack of apps and functionality is what just killed me, despite the nice design of the handset and the nice camera, without the app support it's dead. I can't do my banking on it, I can't set up my car alarm on it, I can't set up my smart home devices on it, fuck THERE ISN'T EVEN A YOUTUBE APP. Want to IM your friends? Good fucking luck getting some random ass third party app to work, or install the fucked up ICQ app and pray that Google lets you connect your account to it.
I'm not sure if I can fault MS for the lack of marketing though. They have this shit in TV shows and whatnot, but all the cellular stores I went to everyone just pushed iPhones and Android devices. Every time I went to upgrade my WP with a new one the store always pushed iPhone and Android. Even the displays for WP they were scratched to hell, not even working, and just in disarray.

The first version was dogshit and basic things like sockets and native code didn't work. So if you wanted to target it you needed to basically rewrite your app from scratch in a gimped C# unlike how you had tech to target both iPhone and Android with mostly the same codebase. Microsoft made no attempt at compatibility as if they were already the monopoly player in mobile despite low sales. Few app devs were willing to deal with a full rewrite on a broken OS (WP7) to reach like 1% of the market so the phone lacked apps. Microsoft started paying bounties for apps and this resulted in a whole mess of low quality copycat apps from Chyna giving WP a user experience like a prebuilt Dell full of shitware. By the time they released WP8, which should have been their first release, the damage was done and it was over.

Serves them right, too. I used to work with MSR around 2000-2003 on a WinCE collab and I fucking told them repeatedly they needed OpenGL support on it so we could do amazing things with the UI and it'd be huge and they'd just stare at me like I was a moron. They could have easily beat Apple by years, instead they kept wanking about their xbox hueg quicktyping dpad they never even released because it was fundamentally stupid, and going crazy about e-ink for years that absolutely no one outside of Microsoft ever gave a single fuck about.

I think Microsoft is going to be the linux of the mobile community so they'll probably try to poz the third world(get those sweet sweet rupees) and much like Linux it will take some fantastic stunt of incredible cockishness on Google's part to get folks to leave their platform for mobile.

I imagine something like the w10 update system would turn folks right the fuck off from Google's Android in the mobile platform, they already have the datamining (microsoft has done it in the wrong order) there's a reason why the folks running compsci at my school refuse to put w10 on anything meant for the coder's(CIS guys not so lucky) so unless Google manages to sink its own boat Microsoft will be irrelevant in mobile.

I think some of it was that the apps were all meant to get people on the platform. The chat clients are garbage and even worse garbage on other platforms.
Stories? I know Microsoft has at best a grudging opinion of anything with word open in it.

Huezilian here. They tried. For a short bit there were tons of ads for WP and I actually saw a few people with them on the bus. And then, poof, the ads disappeared. I suppose they were taking a loss on each sale, which isn't sustainable.

I had a Lumia 820 for a while. It was an incredibly well-built phone and the Windows Phone interface wasn't bad at all, but it's like they released it and just forgot about it. No apps. No ecosystem.

There's nothing on the horizon though that will use W10m, literally no hardware manufacturers wants to go anywhere near this turd of an OS. It's fucking dead.

I'm still using my nokia 521. I don't do any advanced things, just calls, text, and occasional nokia go navigation. Still works for my needs.

< where it dominates embedded, router & switching, cloud and servers
wew lad, keep huffing kerosene.

I meant it in terms of how people go "This will be the year of the Linux Desktop". Microsoft shot those chances dead years ago, I'm talking in regard as to how consumers see them.
Technically we are getting the "Linux Desktop"; Android and Chrome OS which are so sodomizingly skullfucked I hate saying they're related to linux. But as for the mobile cancer that was in the Lumia it reminds me of how the folks in charge of R&D on the xbox had to tell Bill Gates to fuck off with windows.
Because in the end he wanted to sell them a pc. Which is what they tried doing with the lumia, they tried selling a pc on a phone and took the worst aspects of everything android and iOS have (App Stores w/no useful apps, Datamining, Unremovable Bloatware, SHITTY FUCKING CALL SERVICE, etc) and the worst thing Windows8 has (Bloatware, shitty UI, lack of customization, shitty security) and they made this bastard child no one could stomach. Well they'd stomach it but they'd have to be eased into it, like how they eased people into using their operating system.

Why did it fail?

It's glitchier than Windows 95 and had no support. All Apps were third-party and official ones were broken and not updated since 2011. Rarely found good official app. System is so faultly programmed that the battery overheats opening photographs.

Also Microsoft required all apps to be written in C# and rejhected anything that wasn't. Other than this they did no monitoring to any of their apps. You had apps for the "Tor Browser" that was a wrapper for IE that opened Google. No tor. You had this and that. I suggest you go buy a Windows Phone and literally use it for maybe a month. It's the worst smartphone you can possibly get. It's like a Chinese Knockoff except it's the official product.

Also the "Software Ecosystem" (I hate that term but it fits) was all retards who were winkiddies. They had a web browser that emulated American Online for $60. SIXTY DOLLARS. Also you can't make custom browsers for Windows Phone. Firefox, Chrome, and anything popular was never ported. Every "Browser" in the windows phone store is a wrapper to IE except Brave, which was made by Orientals and is nice but is bloat. The worst experience

oh my god, those digits, that prose, that insight, what's your medium account or rss feed? I want to savor your posts over morning coffee.

I honestly liked the OS, it was enough to get me by. By the time I wanted to jump to a larger flagship device, MS just had nothing to win me over with so I went with the LG V10 while kinda wishing it had a WP alternative. If they released an actual flagship, chances are I might at least look at it as an option.

O-opera Mini was on WP8.1 and WP10

jolla is staffed by the creative and engineering talent smart enough to jump ship from nokia before the happening. they're producing modest hardware made fast by very clean software.

They're not as well positioned as old nokia, but they seem to give a shit.

Looking at the review for their Turing phone (cancer be here)
I can't wait until 2 to 3 years down the line apple advertises shit like "All new liquid morphium" and the fucking kikes we have as a media will go off and state that they invented it.

This is the last QWERTY phone I ever saw, and it's from fucking 2011

That phone actually looks pretty sexy, yeah only one making phones with keyboards is blackberry and I don't know what the fuck their design team is smoking but jesus christ it isn't hard to make a keyboard for a phone sexy. make it hide make it comeback
Here's how you make it fucking work.
And fold all of this into something that covers its own ass up.

I have that phone, but in black. The thing is pretty sturdy too, I let it drop a couple times from a desk and it didn't even break the screen. My big complaint on it is the rubber surface on its back peeled out quite fast for what I could tell.

Dude, my brother dropped mine from the third floor and it didn't even show a hint that something had happened to it. Worked just as well as before too, best phone I ever had.

Then I gave it to a friend and the fucker broke the entire thing within a month.



windows phone was a retarded thing from the start