Lenovo Is Literally Blocking Linux Installs

>>>Holla Forums658118


The long and short of this is a bit more complex, depending on the sources you read. Essentially, a proprietary driver for an Intel RAID controller doesn't have Linux support and never will, and these Lenovo laptops use it even though they don't use multiple drives. Instead of allowing a different mode for Linux and other OS users, Lenovo simply made it impossible for someone to use anything other than Windows 10 and wrapping the decision in a pretty press release about folding hinges and touch interfaces. This move is particularly important because they are specifically admitting to blocking Linux installs for and locking everything into Win10.

Other urls found in this thread:




Even worse is IN 10 has forced updates. You must use Windows and they reserve the right to take control of your computer whenever they like, download whatever they like and reboot whenever they want, and you cannot stop them.

You can blame the Chinese on this one.

Linux is already being co-opted by the NSA anyway. $100k there'll be another Shellshock within the next 5 years.

It was only a matter of time before they started pulling shit like this.

As for the solution? Make sure that any tech you buy is flexible – and don't support Jewed companies.

now that's a laugh

Build your computer from scratch while avoiding parts from known kiked companies.

That's a temporary solution and you know it.

If you don't have a rMBP as your primary laptop running dualboot OSX +WIN/linux and an old refurbished thinkpad or two running linux, you're doing it wrong and are either dumb, have shit taste or poorfag

MacBooks have the best hardware on the laptop market by far, buying a new Lenovo in its high end series was already a mistake before even reading this shit. Despite all the shit edgelords like to spew about Apple, there's no question which is the more open OS between it and Windows or the more quality hardware. It's just out of a teenager's budget and a waste for a home PC.

Modern Linux isn't as decentralised as you think

This isn't true, you can 'install' Linux but it won't see the hard drive because of Intel's RAID driver.

If the Linux kernel had support for the driver this wouldn't be an issue. This is mostly Intel's fault but Lenovo deserves some for disabling AHCI support as well.

It uses RAID for power saving features that aren't available with AHCI, this isn't a valid criticism.

I want you to say this to Louis Rossmann.


I thought them linux geeks wrote their own drivers?

MacBooks are overpriced, sleek dogshit. There are much better laptops out there.


Muh Marxist thoughtcrime

Hard to write a driver for something specifically designed to only work with Microsoft


Like what? Isn't M$'s fucking terrible surface still the only laptop to come close to retina's resolution? And last time I checked, the SDD access speeds were twice as high as the next best competitor.

the other options aren't even second rate, a refurbished 2013 rMBP is second rate, everything else is third rate.

Back to reddit

So instead of you being found with 20 bullets to the back of the head, they can just download a bunch of CP to your computer?

But Microsoft, Intel, and Lenovo colluding together with 3 letters to prevent people from using Linux is.


Clever girl.

Thinkpad after Lenovo has been degrading in quality every year and significantly after 2012. Lenovo a shit

Speaking of which, do you know how good gaming on Linux with a Windows in a VM is? I'm tired of using M$ tech and intend to switch, just want to know what I can look forward to.

IIRC all macbooks bar 2013-14 have been an ordeal in terms design faults leading to longevity problems. That, and the enclosure forces the chips to throttle. Besides, its all inTel Aviv inside and the panels are same old LGD/SD parts, just occasionally custom.


why say it then ?


This user isn't as smart as he thinks

Based Lenovo protecting innocent consumers from trash software like Linux.


Linux is shit

serves him right, he bought intel

Linux is pretty great, though.

Nigger it's a laptop, screens are small. Anything above 1080p on a laptop screen is fucking useless. Go buy your apple, faggot. $1500+ for a system you could buy or build non-apple for $500. Gas yourself.

It works fine if you got hardware that supports it but it's still a hassle to set up


Here's a video showing it off.


Overwhelming majority of non-hobbyist distros run bash.

God you linuxfags are so retarded you blame microsoft for everything. And here is Lenovo saying they're aware of the bug and are fixing it


good job OP for proving linxufags are massive retards yet again

14" 1080 is nearly the same as my 4K 27". There is a long way to go before returns diminish.

Gee, it's almost like Holla Forumstards are experts in shilling false information. This shit happens every day on that board. What a waste!

It's shit because who knew? Emulating things on shitty fly by night software doesn't fucking work right. Stop falling for Holla Forums memes, you're taking advice from retards that think widescreen is literally vertical cropping.

I bet you gush over cell phones boasting "1080p" screens too.

Thanks for the links. I'll keep it in mind.

M8 gaming is a bonus. I don't intend to keep sucking M$ tit if I don't have to. And if it's possible to use a VM to play some of the games I enjoy, I'm willing to give it a try to see how it goes.

This was ALWAYS going to happen. The second UEFI's "Secure Boot" feature was announced and I started looking into it, I fucking KNEW this shit was going to happen.

But of course, Microsoft and the Winderps fanboys kept denying it, Joe Public is too retarded to care, and the rest of us pay the price.

They started it off with "Well, you HAVE to have Secureboot enabled by default for Windows 8 certification, but you MUST also have a way to disable it, so you see, goy, we're not trying to force Linux out at all!"

Then it was "Well you MUST have Secureboot enabled and NO WAY TO TURN IT OFF, but that's ONLY for ARM devices, goy! We're totally not trying to force Linux out of the x86 market!"

And then it was "Well you MUST have Secureboot enabled for Windows 10 certification… But we're totally not trying to force Linux out of the x86 market!" but they dropped the requirement to be able to TURN OFF Secureboot on x86 devices…

So you know where it's going next. It's just so obvious they're bringing it in by other means first to test the waters before they lock down the entire PC hardware market as far as they can.

Sure, you'll still be able to find a couple of manufacturers who'll do server equipment that isn't locked down and will run Linux… But they sure want to price the average joe out of that kind of hardware.

(This guy gets it)

Pic (and link) related. Bottom of page 18, same thread you linked. Lenovo is NOT fixing it. They did it deliberately, and even wrote code to prevent anyone changing the setting using EFI variables in NVRAM.


You are stating that a bash exploit (that was fixed) is proof of Linux (as a whole) being compromised.

What OS do you use?

You are retarded. Below 2 mpx is inadequate for phones above 4.5 inches.

2 mpx is OK for laptop screens, but higher is ideal.


Apple products are manufactured by Foxconn, the same dogshit chinese sweatshop that Dell, HP and almost every other PC OEM uses.

Keep sucking Job's decomposing cock and feeling superior because you spent $1000 more for the exact same hardware but with an apple sticker, you fucking hipster.

Don't buy a Lenovo then lol, problem solved. Or find a way to change the BIOs yourself.
No company is under any obligation to pander to less than 1% of the market.

No, that isn't what I said at all. I mostly use OpenBSD on laptops and an Alpine or hardened Gentoo on desktops.

ffs gas these fuckers

or just swap the ssd out right?

It can stand toe to toe with a native running OS, but requires proper hardware passthru support to accomplish, so if you're like me and in an i5 3570k you're stuck with dualbooting due to lack of complete passthru.

I also wonder what would happen if the SSD was removed on this. There has to be a way to force the bios to resurface.

Swapping it may just return an error. BIOS's are not as small as they used to be and they can put far more bullshit on them now.

posted from muh t60 chinkbook

this thing is shit but it jest werks

Then it would probably require a forced flash of some sorts. Maybe even swap out the bios chip assuming its not soldered onto the board, which is probably is.

You can sue Microsoft for this, having hardware companies block software violates anti-monopoly laws

You can thank EFI and these assholes


most of them I've seen of late are soldered on. I'm sure there is a way around it, but I am also sure it isn't easy or immediately visible. That is how they want it to be.

blocked in my country (USA)

No, you can't just swap the SSD out. Lenovo locked the BIOS down so you can't change the disk controller mode back to AHCI. This means that if you swap it out for another SSD, it likely won't work at all, because the SSD you swap it for probably won't understand Intel's proprietary RAID.
And if it did, you still couldn't boot linux on it.

In any event, ALL the information you're looking for can be found in the thread linked in

But this guy gets it.
UEFI is ultimately to blame, because of SecureBoot. (And guess who's the major player in UEFI? Microsoft, of course.)

>Version 2.1 of the UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) specification was released on 7 January 2007. It added cryptography, network authentication and the User Interface Architecture.

Another one to the 2007 list.

Literally the only redeeming quality windows has is its it can run games and software other OS's. can't if you're using mac you have no reason not to use linux other then to status single your over priced junk.


Or even VirtualBox. I mean OK, it's Oracle, but still… Shares a lotta code with Xen.

I did it once. It's not worth it imo.

macOS is way more stable than even Ubuntu and runs important programs that linux can't.

The addition of homebrew makes macOS a pretty decent alternative to linux as well, I don't feel handicapped in the slightest. On the contrary, all the FOSS shit on linux constantly breaks for one reason or another… nothing ever feels solid and stable like I can depend on it. I'm constantly in the command line trying to fix some bullshit when I use linux, it's a waste of time, of my time.




My mom bought a computer with Windows 10. Trying to install Linux instead was a pain in my ass because of the uefi thing. I had never encountered it before and only knew the old bios.

who else you be you insipid fuck stain?

I smell another anti-trust lawsuit in the works

He could've been Reddit instead :^)

It's not that hard, any nigger can do it really.

Can't win the meme wars using second rate weaponry

400lb HACKER

This reminds me of when Asus motherboards blocked Linux years ago, and it was found out that Microsoft paid the company to have a proprietary code in the bios.

Solution? Linux developers reverse-engineered it and incorporated it into the kernel.

Linux is like the Borg in that it adapts to these problems. In a year there will be distros which work around this by default, and after that no one will remember it.


What is cryptographic signature

Top kek, Applel kike.

But tell us more about "dem programs", you fucking nigger.

can you make the passthrough on laptops?
I know literally nothing about it besides muh 9x% performance on virtual machines rather than 1x%

Is there any good laptop on the market that I can install linux and do the passthrough? I am looking for something with a GTX 1060-70 or AMD equivalent

or at least, tell me how to know if it supports the passthrough thing or not

It also blocks Windows 10 re-installs entirely.
It's just a fucktarded implementation that shoots literally everyone in the foot.
And Lenovo does have a reputation for being fucking retarded.
Something something malice something something stupidity.

This story's over a week old by the way.
Just build a desktop.

False/misleading conduct right there.
People expect to be able to change the OS on their computers.

That's also an economic issue, because that potentially allows computer manufacturers to work with microsoft in establishing a monopoly on the OS market.

That is bullshit.



no, modern processors aren't supported, but all those have a "security coprocessor" backdoor anyways

if you really need the horsepower you can get an old server board and some Xeon's

While this is technically right because of the way MacOS manages memory, nothing that's genuinely important runs on a mac. Mac is one step up from nigger-technology like fucking beepers and Instant Messaging, it connects to a printer but you aren't going to be say for example defending the nation's security or even the security of your home network with a mac of any kind.
Macs are good for linking DAWs together with Logic, linking video editing suites together with Final Cut, and they're also damn good at interfacing with HUI devices like tablets and running adobe software that a powerful PC runs just as well.

That's what happens when you try and install windows or loonix on Apple's shitty multiboot device. Mac's can't into UFEI at all.

He's talking about ebin softwarez for memecrafting that all have equivalents or superior alternatives on PC.

This tbh, the T400 from there is fucking perfect.

Based Terry Davis wants Microsoft, Intel, etc. to provide TempleOS in ROM on every new machine. But instead they're going in the opposite direction and locking shit down so you can't do jack except facebook.

i want reddit and applefags off my board


wow thanks lenovo guess I'll be sticking with windows then

Hackintosh, correct me if i'm wrong. Inherently unstable.

The common denominator of all of those examples is a paid IT team to fix shit when it goes wrong and also to write custom programs specific to the requirements needed by those entities. If you wanna be your own IT person to constantly put bandaids on your system then that's fine. I used linux only for many many years at home and for work and after a certain point I just got tired of everything being half assed.

How much cock do you intake on a daily basis?

Nah, niggers prefer to steal computers as they are racist because whites and chinese don't like it when they try to get ahead.

Not you, you fucking sperg.

Terry is going to make close-to-the-metal computing great again.
Also if this ICANN shit happens we all need to learn how networking works and write that functionality into a fork of templeOS, then craft an interface to shitpost on.

Pretty much agreed on all counts… Maybe i'm not superuser enough to need linux as my main OS anymore. I have virtual machines anytime I need them and I use logic , final cut, and photoshop on a daily basis to fight the meme wars. And like I said, homebrew makes the command line of osx very very powerful. It is on a rare occasion that I find something I need to do that I have to go into linux for

That is some ancient hardware, and also that argument aside, is obviously a cherry picked example.

I knew my gut reaction to these pieces of shit was right. Of course it was wayne COMMUNITY college so I guess I should have seen that shit coming.







I haven't regularly used a Mac since fourth gen PowerBooks came out, but yeah OSX + VM + Loonix was a very decent setup fro what I was using it for youtube poop, shitposting, and skiddie shit




It's only gonna get harder for people to crack this shit.

Terry is the hero we deserve.

can confirm
fuck doctors and FUCK ECT

Terry is like a good light bulb connected to a infinitely great power source, yet in the middle some wires are fucking around so the light sometimes stutters and doesn't come out quite right.

accurately assessed

Terry is great.

Not enough people are chastising this idiot. You're an idiot. There isn't a lack of software solutions on GNU/Linux and this idea that everything on it is constantly breaking is also bullshit. What very important applications do you need to run? Excluding a very few exceptions, there is almost always a solution that exists for GNU/Linux.

Guys, use FreeBSD or GNU/Linux for your daily driver operating system.

vid related

He was onto something he shouldn't have fucked with. He all but invented 3D printing in the 70s and then suddenly had some kind of gommie-tier epiphany about property and gave all his shit away, drove through the desert looking for more shit to give away, then got v& and made permanently mentally ill by the healthcare system. I suspect the CIA or some counter-intelligence program really may have induced mental illness on him because he was working about fifty years ahead of all his co-workers. He was working for ticketmaster writing the operating system that all the ticket scanning machines used until IR became industry standard.

here is pic of the printer he was working on.

Do you even archlinux?

Even on that, shit doesn't just break by itself.
You install a stable version of arch and turn all the wifi-fuckery off and that version will stay stable unless you do something.


Jesus, you might as well say vidya gaems are too hard because of dwarf fort.

your choices are Posix or OSX

Posix is better but free software comes with a price.

Plus Apple as a company has the stigma of being greedy like the juden (our new model doesn't have a headphone jack, you need to buy our proprietary connector)


Macfags and Freetards shouldn't fight anymore. Wangblows is clearly the enemy now

That being said I don't entirely trust Apple.

Since you clearly have no idea what it means this word is more effective when it's brought up to incorrectly complain about Wine not working. If this your attempt at trolling it's pretty pathetic.

Problem with laptops is the integrated GPU and the secondary one is there for power saving, you need to be able to disable automatic switching. I've seen it work in person for basic virtualization but I have no idea if you can do gaming with it.

Not if you use their restore disks. It blocks current standard W10 installs, the driver may be added to it in the future.

You should've stopped trusting apple when they released their first computer for $666.66

Goes together quite well with other cases of high intelligence/high quality individuals getting taken out one way or another. Pretty sad. Seems like the greatest and most interesting projects that people might achieve must be done behind several inches of lead plating, never telling anyone about your project and releasing it in an instant. Otherwise you're setting yourself up for getting annihilation.

This has been known for awhile now. People warned about it but didn't listen. Have fun being fucked in the ass.

Origin PC has a better laptop than apple, for a grand less

Fuck off mac fag


Why can't the Linux dev community reverse engineer the proprietary Intel RAID driver like they did with NTFS, Wine, etc.?

God forbid I do something within my OS.

Oh you didn't you should not download that CP update last month?
Too bad.

They will, this battle of autism is nothing new. Besides smaller companies will just buy OEM unlocked lenovos in bulk and sell them with Linux preinstalled, probably for a bit more though.

I think it's about time you stopped interrupting the adults who use Linux.

Imagine actually using Windows 10.


FTC doesn't answer to the public :^)

Learn what viewing distance is. There are ideal min PPIs at every distance. Why do you think 4K TVs are pushing 80+ inches?

The "it just werks" argument, to me, seems very funny, considering Debian is the only OS I've consistently found to conform to my needs. Sure, in some aspects, Windows and OSX overperform Linux - OSX performs better than anything else with certain professional software, such as image manipulation and video editing programs, and Windows is the king of gaming, but I don't really care about that. Debian, with maybe a non-free wi-fi driver at most, has been the one OS that does everything I, as a "regular dude", needs to do. It's fast as hell, stable, has no bloat, doesn't spy on me, and is free, both as in "free to do as you like" as well as "free of charge". It also supports pretty much anything I've ever plugged into my computer - a non-brand TV capture card from the 90s was a rare exception! Unless I have a very specific need to use Windows or OSX in the future, I'm gonna keep using Debian.

You would learn that ICANN is only in charge of DNS, and that not much is going to happen yet. DNS just converts a domain name into an IP address, which is what you're really connecting to when you go to a website. will still exist even if ICANN vaporizes "8ch.net". You can easily collect the IP's of sites that pozzed ICANN is likely to remove by pinging them, which will show you their IP addresses. You can also use OpenNIC's DNS servers instead of the ones your ISP automatically gives you: opennicproject.org/ This still isn't a good sign for the Internet in general, but it won't be a big deal at first.

He was responding to
which Arch used to be know for, because it's a rolling-release distro. It seems like it's been pretty stable for the last few years, but Holla Forums still shitposts about it.

You really haven't heard of somebody building a computer before? All you do is buy around ten parts and put them together, it's not rocket science.

True, but Arch still has the meme that it's fucking unusable. It's the same with dorf fort, people think it's some sort of behemoth of a game that only serious neckbeards can enjoy but the worst part for normalfags is the ascii art. Nice to know Arch has gotten their shit together, I might try it out since i'm going to slowly phase out win7 for a linux distro, especially since king nigger's recent announcements with ICANN. I can only imagine how much more he wants to crash this plane before he leaves office.

Apple actually has a very good track record when it comes to user privacy. Even now they're resisting the FBI demand to make a backdoor to iPhones. Even with Jobs dead, they've tried their best to not capitulate.

I agree, they won't ever leak it. They will just sell it to the right buyers and just give it to alphabets.

le kick-ass torrents face

Ehhhhh, that isn't entirely true. This is a very generalized statement.

This is not because Windows is better but rather a choice made by developers which almost all of the industry used to follow.

There are a lot of caveats to this statement which is why it's really only half-true at best. I don't say this to be argumentative but rather to clarify that a lot of the solutions that you don't think exists for GNU/Linux actually do exist.

Unfortunately, this thread is overwhelmed with generalized statements about software availability and functionality on various operating systems. We should strive to do better than that. Regardless, if you aren't already doing so, use FOSS for your computing needs.

Huh, looks like a bog standard desktop CNC router, steppers and everything. Not technically groundbreaking technology, even in the 70s, but damn does it look out of place there.

Fun fact: Modern 3d printers aren't any more advanced than shit from the early 1980s. Patents just stopped all development of the technology for 25 years. Today's ultimakers and makerbots and repraps and chinese shit are all technologically equivalent to those old dot matrix printers that used that paper with the perforated tearaway strips on the side.

The price will drop by nearly an order of magnitude when shit goes big-time commercial, with cheap DC motors and cheap plastic encoders replacing expensive stepper motors, all fit into cheap plastic boxes. Same as what happened with regular printers, where we've gotten to the point where the ink is more expensive than the printer.

N-n-no d-don't remind me :(


Same with every brand. Just about everything in tech has been 2007'd

Somewhat related, my sister bought a win8 laptop and we couldn't even install win7 onto it. It was Asus though. I think she said the exact reason was due to the hard drive set up. Her only option was go to 10 since 8 is just as bad as it 10 but unusable.

Luckily for her she is normalfag as fuck so she won't have anything to worry about from Gates.

Daily reminded it's not really hard to install pleb-friendly Linux distros. Vid related.


remember when it was a big deal that MS put their own software with windows, and there was a big anti-trust suit, and it was on the news for a long time?
could you imagine anything like that ever happening again?

get the fuck out of here

Since Google and Facekike got so close to the gov and alphabets they know they can no longer use Anti-Trust against software companies since it will open their pet projects up to scrutiny.

It's why Microsoft has become so aggressive as of late, they realise they can go back to their old ways if they want, but instead they can form the worlds largest botnet.

…provided the download link on the official site hasn't been replaced with a malware-infested version by hackers.

only Windows 10 can keep you safe from hackers, goy

How do you get from:

If only Win10 can be used, then of course Linux is "blocked", so is every other OS including Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows NT, MSDOS, BSD, Solaris etc.
They aren't "specifically" blocking Linux at all.

Asus was never based. All they did was slap the "Republic Of Gamers" marketing crap on buggy BIOS and drivers

Yes they were.
First to make boards for what overclockers wanted, rather than sucking the cock of processor manufacturers.

I'd just like to interject for moment. What you're refering to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called Linux, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called Linux distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux!

So is it just some models?
This is probably Microkike's doing more than Jewnovo.

It's literally nothing.
Change the SSD.
Or add driver to the bios.
Woopty doo.
implying any Linuxers would buy a 'microsoft signature edition' anything to begin with..

What interests me about the immense and sudden shift to authoritarianism and mass censorship lately is that I think that it indicates that they're losing control.

By far the best way to get this shit done is gradualism and everyone knows that. But in just the last year the amount of shit has just been fucking insane from Youtube Heroes, to ICANN, to this shit. Everything that they're doing utterly reeks of desperation and fear. Trying to lock things down and quickly as possible.

Then there's this
They are fucking terrified

stay retarded linuxfag. and this has nothing to do with secure boot, this has to do with linux lacking drivers and retards here blaming microsoft for it

I'm fairly sure that's exactly what it was, the technology wasn't anything groundbreaking. His application of that technology to bring printing off the page and into a boundless space was what was so revolutionary.
It's too bad he lost all that shit when he had his little episode, would be so interesting to look at those schematics, see exactly what he was thinking when he was creating that.
I want to know more about Terry's ticketmaster days.
Now that I think of it, stuff like this also ties into attempts at preventing someone like that from coming about altogether. All those kikes trying to stop the next Hitler from coming about by poisoning and dumbing down an entire generation don't want to let any slip through the cracks.

You've got it mixed up, DNS assigns a name to an IP address.
If it did what you said it'd be called IPS or something.

The reply IS from the vendor, you fucking kike.

"it is locked per our agreement with Microsoft"

Linux HAS drivers that can handle the hardware. All it requires is switching the disk controller mode from RAID to AHCI, which is possible if Lenovo remove two lines of code from the BIOS that deliberately hide that fucking option.

They're losing the youth and they know it, today any white kid can go get "radicalized" by walking through the wrong part of town after dark, or downloading fucking mein kamph because they heard Hitler was a bad goy and all the anti-fascist media sentiment only encourages true fascist inklings in an already disenfranchised populace.
Take a look at this, it's some e-celeb that /fa/ likes that has been likely ironically supporting fascism.
If all our years of shitposting has taught us anything, it's that even ironically believing some shit leads to keeping the company of people that actually hold those beliefs. The more MDEs and Mike Hopes we get, the more people will be pushed in that direction

Authority is a good thing, just not jewish authority. We all know what they think of us. Authority in our hands (since these are our nations made up of our people) are a healthy organism, in their hands it's cancer.

Lenovo put spyware on their computers that Windows users couldn't remove even by reinstalling Windows or even changing the hard drive.


When they were caught 'it was to provide a useful service to their customers' and claimed it didn't create a security risk. They got caught 2 more times after that. They have no credibility. They've lied on numerous occasions.

The missing AHCI boot option is the issue here not Intel drivers. AHCI has been an industry standard for 7 years now and is built into the hardware, Lenovo removed the option to enable it. This issue has been covered on dozens of technology sites because selling a laptop with AHCI disabled is unprecedented.

Stop posting any time.

It's a phone you kike, anything below 17" for 1080 is retarded.

Pick one.

>>>Holla Forums

b-but user, only ganoo plus loonux counts based richard m stallman said so ignore the fact he's an obese autistic slob jewish pedokike
t. Holla Forums

This is absolutely disgusting.

Then what the hell are we supposed to do? Running windows isn't a good idea, and neither is linux now? Do we just throw all computers into a pit and bury them?

It's been heading that way for a while tbh.

There was nothing horribly wrong in his description. The goal was simply to not have to memorize numbers, and this is properly described. You're just being too pedantic.

We had a whole board dedicated to talking about linux called Holla Forums and it is currently on decline in users because you're all fucking obsessed losers. I'm glad your board is dying faggots.

Linux is more and more for GUI fags who cannot master the command line interface (CML).

OpenBSD at least gets audited, while the Linux Kernel gets more and more bloated (back-doored).

OpenBSD has a steep learning curve because there is plenty of documentation.

Yeah. Hopefully either we subvert their subversion, or a Greece-style collapse happens before we end up in some kind of authoritarian-cyberpunk world.

I was pretty sure it was because there are too many SJWs there who believe in 'the vast right-wing conspiracy' which has never existed or we would all be fine.

How can I disagree with someone who has no idea about what he's talking about? To confuse hardware virtualization for emulation is ridiculous.

Moving towards FLOSS is still a good idea even if it's compromised. At least you have some idea of what is running on your computer and how it works, legions of autists go over minute details for fun which make inserting backdoors or compromising encryption much more difficult unless they can keep adding in bloat. You can add effective security as well, OSes like OpenBSD and Linux are at the bleeding edge of research in this field.


Are there any man pages which include CLI syntax? Every linux man page I've ever read has been an absolute abortion because they NEVER fucking include which switches go in which order, and when one switch will clase with another, so you're left to fucking guess on every new command until you get the hang of it. It's only cheap if your time is worthless.




It was for a couple hours iirc. Also, who doesn't check the signature when downloading a fucking os?

friendly reminder that there is a linux install guide for linux mint on /poltech/

