What's your favorite alcoholic beverage, Holla Forums? Any particular taste you go for when drinking?
I've been trying to get into whisky, but I've never drank much before so I may have started off a bit strong. I can't taste anything over the alcohol yet. I might look for a friendly whisky to try next, Monkey Shoulder gets recommended a lot, or try another drink altogether before I return to it.
Shame, can't find it on the place I got my other stuff.
Jose Morris
Take a bottle of cheap vodka. Seriously, don't spend mad cash on top shelf stuff. Get the bottom shelf shit. $5 for a liter.
Take 1 large jalapeno, 2 garlic cloves, and 8-10 black peppercorns. Drop it all into the opening of the bottle (you'll need to slice the jalapeno lengthwise). Put the vodka in the freezer for 24 hours then run the vodka through a Brita filter.
Fucking enjoy.
Oliver Brown
choccy milk
Dominic Brooks
Levi King
Stop drinking alcohol and start drinking water you niggers.
Christian Torres
itt: plebs
drink man's beer - brown bitter that's hoppy and isnt full of shitty preservatives. if it's over 6% it's shit and if it's under 3% it's not proper beer.
if you;re into spirits aim for a properly aged rum or whisky if drinking neat / with ice
if you're drinking cocktails ask the bartender what is good - chances are they can't make anything decent unless you're in a classy establishment so go for something basic
only drink wine with food
mead is underrated, but too expensive and usually shit unless you go to a dedicated place for it
all drinks made in the US are dog shit
Julian Reyes
o shiiiiiittt
Easton James
You motherfucker
Noah Butler
Cuba Libre all the way. I can drink white Rum until I'm silly and still don't get a hangover the other day (actually, it's a pretty nice afterglow effect), but any brown liquors (Brown Rum, Whiskey, etc.) makes me shit my soul out after waking up.
As far as beer is concerned, I recommend Tyskie, Breznak, and Köstritzer.
Long Island kills you fast. Not quite Zombie-tier, but three or four will knock you out.
I bought a bottle of that once and it tasted like sour milk mixed with tap water. Might have just gotten some shitty brand, though.
Ian Cox
Thanks for letting us know to disregard everything you said
Julian Rodriguez
I'm an alcoholic who got suspended from My cinema class for drinking too much in the editing lodge. Plus I never got laid sober.
I particulary enjoy getting drunk on red wine, but when I go to bars they tend to over price the wine (for exemple a bottle you can buy 10$/L at a grocery store will be 10/cup at the bar), so I mostly take shots of whiskey (jack daniel) or absinth.
But here are some cocktail I really enjoy. #3 long Island Iced Tea #2 Comopolitan #1 Bloody Ceasars ( If you like tomatoe and sea food, this one is for you) depending on the bar you go to, some will add their own signature to it.
I hate the taste of beer and since I get waster like 3 to 4 times a week night, I'm glad I do, if I drinked as much beer as I drinked other sorts of acohol I'd be fat.
Jacob Morris
Also, aside from the comopolitan which is has to be really slushi, I always make sure my drink comes with no ice, so I get the most for my money.
Carter Garcia
alcohol is gay
Joshua Reyes
What you really meant to say is that is that you come out of the closet every time you're drunk. But that dosen't make alcohol gay, it make you gay.
Kevin Howard
I recognise American drinks aren't the best, but calling it dog shit seem over the top. Have you ever drank Australian wine? It litteraly taste like vinaigar.
Oliver Morgan
anise spirit
Daniel Richardson
australia produces some of the best red wine in the world. better than europe even. the climate is superior
Isaiah Ramirez
I don't drink much, few beers here and there but I do like a nice Brandy at times. Got a bottle of pic related for Xmas. Decent, pretty cheap stuff. Gets me kinda buzzed but doesn't have the same effect of say wine with the headache from the sulfites and such.
Nathan Powell
is beer made with wheat? cause gluten fucks me up and i just had a beer and cant stop belching but when i drink wine or any other liquor thats not beer iam fine.
Jayden Richardson
Like which one? All the one I ever drank tasted like vinaigar. And please don't pick an over 100 $ bottle, because unless you're a multimillionaire trying to impress a new business partner, it really is not worth it.
Oliver Clark
Well no tsé beer isn't made with weath. 😩
Jackson Smith
I had coors light tonight
Jonathan Richardson
Yeah many beers use barley which has gluten i just looked it up
Andrew Butler
Sorry wrong reply
Nathaniel Bennett
Malt come from weath.
Jack Morales
The best alcoholic drink you will ever taste is one made by a small-batch/micro brewer or something you made yourself.
Most shit you buy from the bottle shop is just some flavoured water with ethanol added to it. As an Aussie I'd recommend Coopers if you prefer to buy your beer from the shops as it is properly brewed and it doesn't cost $80 for a slab of girl-sized bottles. Home-brewers are happy to use the sediment from it to brew their own which is evidence enough that it's legit.
Levi White
Whatever's strong. I drink to alter my consciousness, sometimes to the point of unconsciousness. I don't need a pretentious palate for that.
Benjamin Wood
shoulda been first post
Blake Thompson
Vodka is my go to. I usually drink it straight from the bottle and with a small sip of juice or flavoured water, to get ready for the next shot. As for brands, my top two picks are Stolichnaya and Esbjærg vodka.
David Thompson
Japanese whiskey is my favorite. I also enjoy gins and vodkas
Belgians make the best beer. Their craft and trappist/belgian-style beers rock my shit.
Robert Young
try pic related. So far, the best I've tried.
Julian Turner
No need to be a hardass about it. I actually got interested in it because there's such a wide variety of tastes and smells to them, you can enjoy those without being a pretentious snob or acting like you're better for denouncing all taste. Both make you look like a try-hard idiot.
Jackson Jones
That is pretty cheap. Might have to look for some near me.
Wyatt Hill
Alcohol causes cancer
Ryan Ward
Just like your post. Thanks fag.
Matthew Gutierrez
Congratulations, you gave Ron AIDS
Jaxson Kelly
Ive unironically had a bartender not know how to make an old fashioned. Just dont bother with subpar establishments
Chase Ward
johnny walker
Kayden Ward
trips of truth
Eli Collins
I don't much like alcohol. I don't much enjoy the sensation. I've only really been drunk once, and all I really remember about it was that the hangover the next day sucked. Honestly the only reason I get drunk these days is because my girlfriends like it. Apparently first I get more smiley, then more self-conscious, then giggly, then just ridiculously affectionate and lovey-dovey, and then I just fall asleep.
I hate the taste of beer, Mike's Hard Lemonade tastes like shit. I had mead at a ren. faire I was invited to once, I liked it quite a bit. I like mixed drinks made with Midori (tastes like a really sweet melon, it's the green stuff) and I like Vodka, but really that's because it tastes like nothing. Amaretto's good, but it's one of the things I had the time I got that nasty hangover.
I want to try Tuaca. My brother told me it's the worst shit you can take. That it's too smooth and tasty and you'll order one, then end up having seven and then you're doing fucked up shit. In his case, while in the military he apparently stripped naked, put on his climbing gear and scaled down the side of the base while the others cheered him on. He nearly ended up in military prison.