Can I have a hug comrades?

Can I have a hug comrades?

I've been through multiple ideologies, always finding new answers, and now I feel like I'm at the core of it all. I'm not saying I know the truth of it all tho, because what is truth? And nobody can know everything ofc.

Anyways, leftypol helped me understand some things in this world, and now I think I'm something of a communist/anarchist, even tho I'm not sure and labels aren't my cup of tea.

But this all had an enormous impact on my life. It made me depressed at first, and now my ideology follows me everywhere. Every day I hear about some event, read an article, see news,… i can't help myself and start raging at how unfair everything is, how much I hate the bourgousie. I hate marketing. I hate our western propaganda. I hate money because it creates an imaginary barrier to achieve things.

So my head is a mess, and it's killing my studies at college. Even our school system is designed to create puppets, so I get demotivated as fuck. I get stressed for the future because I'm at the brink of becoming a college dropout. I just want to escape comrades. Escape the system. I don't want to be a wage slave for the rest of my life. Now I know these things, I just can't.

What should I do? Does anyone here have an idea of what I can do with my life besides killing myself or start dumpster diving?

Hold me. Help me.

What you need is a qt leftist gf. I have the exact same problem.

Do physics/maths. It gets me through. Its purity is untouched by politics.

You wish. Science is heavily influenced by capitalism. I think you mean the science itself though, so yeah you'd by kind of right there.

There's your problem, comrade. Ideology demands we sacrifice ourselves in its altar, it demands we dedicate ourselves to it, as our meaning we believe is bound forever to its development. And when we are unable to further the cause? we find ourselves most unhappy and despondent, for we are unable to render unto this headspace Caesar that which is his.


pure lies/ideology

OP I recommend Bodhidharma's teaching of Zen, as someone who recently graduated college and having similar issues.

Communism will win

I probably do, I've been single for years now. On the other hand I think it would distract me and make me a wage slave like everyone else.

I used to be good at math, but now I don't see the point of knowing complex calculations you'd never need. I'd rather spend my time doing something else then.

So what is the solution? Go with the flow and pretend I never learned anything about the world? Be a wage slave? How can I escape this? I need solutions…

m8, that's why you get a LEFTY gf.
Yes, a regular gf will make you conform to wagslavery, but a lefty gf won't. Get a gf that understands your needs. One that will be politically active with you, and would rather be broke and free than poor and miserable.

Second pic is going in my motivational folder

That's what I'm here for comr8. that's one of the best things I've seen. i had to visit the big city to fully grasp it though

The urge to roleplay is great, but as inane as this may sound I have plans to become leader of the nation in which I live one day, and peacefully establish libertarian socialism.

OP here, thanks for these, the 3rd pic has real wisdom in it.

It's still easier said than done tho.. Especially after living isolated for years because of depression. Oh well.

I still need some good advice on what to do with my life guys, I really need it.. should I keep torturing myself with college for that stupid piece of paper? Is there a way to live modestly in a capitalist country without working? I don't consume much besides the basics (food, energy, water, internet)

I've considered becoming a vagabond. You can definitely make enough money online to support a homeless lifestyle. The main issue with this is bills and documents become complicated to get when you don't have an adress.

I don't know what the solution is, my property. Perhaps there is no solution.

What I do know, is that with time and by practicing self-control, one is able to change perspective. The feelings will come to wane in their grip over you, they will be eroded by the mere act of living and by your own will to over come them.

Be oportunistic, be self-determined, and deatach yourself from your own system-values. The feelings will not simply dissapear, but you will be able to gain some agency over them, you will be able to live your own life… I know that doesn't seem like much right now, you are probably too hung up on your beliefs to ever feel satisfied with just that. But keep in mind that there is no reason for you to suffer for others.

start your own one man company. make money helping those in need. be a decent human being. travel the world and explore different cultures. do things your way. don't complain. inspire.

This is >99.7% pure ideology as confirmed by GC/MS analysis.

Be a wage slave, live a normal life and kill yourself by not doing anything with your life, like the rest of us.

Or you could find what you love and let it kill you.

This is oppressively true, please delete.

Kill yourself stirnerite poser.

Leftism exposes you to the truth of how the world operates, the disgustingness behind everything you experience. It shows you exactly why you can't get what you want out of life, why your true desires can't be fulfilled. The slavery of existence in capitalism and the lack of justification for it, and the complicity of everyone you know with it. Unless you let go of all desire like a buddhist

When the truth hurts like hell, those who are happiest are the deepest into ideology.

I want postmodernists to leave

spot the STEMfag

Yeah I'm sure the cultural hegemony is going to effect those measurements of proton decay.

How would you manage to make money online? I've considered such a lifestyle as well.

Produce and sell child pornography.

We all know that feel, OP. That feeling of generalized alienation and hopelessness is extremely common among the far left. There Is No Alternative, unfortunately. Which might not be so soul-crushing if only there was a chance to actually build the socialist alternative, but we were born at the wrong time to have even that. Well, the Rojava thing is arguably an opportunity to do so, even tho, let's face it, it won't last. I would have fucked off to there if it wasn't for my depression.

The false flagging here deserves a medal.


It seems like we've all come to that point sometime in the past, comrade. What you're feeling now may be the worst of it, at least that how it was for me.

All of us probably go what you're going through once every few weeks or months, (seriously, we need to come up with a name for this condition, I feel like "woke" has been too bastardized) but over time you're going to adapt to feeling so alienated, and it won't hurt quite so much every day.

Just try to look at the bright side of this world… Bob Ross helped me a lot. Find what's genuine and authentic in a world of plastic and hang on to it when you're feeling the most hopeless.

If you feel overwhelmed, read some stoics or zen to calm down. After that read Stirner

Despair is the price; the sickness unto death.

Op here again, thanks everyone, your support really helps.

I've considered leaving everything behind and become a monk in the East some time ago. But then my depression kicked in and I thought "why even bother living if I just sit and meditate all day"…

Isn't there a place on Earth where we can gather and live together? If we all work together, maybe we can make our own little pardise…

I've also considered moving to pitcairn island, but they have a "sexually awkward" history and idk if I want to be a part of that. But maybe we can go there with a group of comrades and make it better?

Wherever we'd go, we need to show the world it's possible to live in a total different way.

So much autism and euphoria this is so hilariously cringeworthy capped for future use kek


I feel you user, perhaps we become radical in the first place from a general feeling of disaffection

Yes, brother or sister. Very true.

I hope you aren't serious. Kids who study physics and math work as actuaries on Wall St, or you can work for Monsanto if you did bio-chem, or you can do military RnD. Nearly all scientific funding in the US is given by the government, which is totally politically neutral right guys? It's not reality (the veracity of scientific laws and theories) that is troublesome, it's the fact that the government tells you what can and can't be researched. Blue skies research isn't likely to make returns $$$ see?

tbh, Rojava looks promising. Fellow lefties, cute kurd qts, and if one day it falls, you die knowing you fought for communism. Too bad I'm too much of a raging faggot to go through with it.

i totally agree