Please god I just want one other place I can go where communists actually know anything about communism.
Mfw internet socialists are either democrats who like the color red or edgy teenagers with conservative dads
What about Holla Forums?
My only objection is maybe this, depending on what you mean by dividing
If you mean it in the conservative talk-show host way ("oh why can't we all get together and forget this race stuff, you guys want exclusive muh privileges") then I'm guilty of it
But if you think it's worth addressing racial/sexual inequalities, but it should be done in a way that doesn't alienate regular people, then I'm on your side
I'm talking "all men are rapists" "all white people are sexists" division.
If your definition of addressing racial and gendered issues is "make everyone equal" and not "give women and minorities more rights at the expense of others" Then I'm with you.
But all sex is rape, user, whether hetero or homo, male or female.
It's incredibly sad that a board on Burmese cartoon smoke signals is more intellectually honest than most of the Internet in this, or any, regard.
so you're saying rape is okay?
Well…I want to be raped, so maybe.
I'm not into rape, but maybe I could give it to you rough.. Wanna get in contact?
Just stop you sperg
Trotsky didn't die for this.
you've never heard of rape victim fetishists? lol, what are you, new?
Rape is kinky
what do you mean by this?
The working class are mostly idiots, just like all humans. Liberal college students are no exception either.
Expressing this opinion will not affect the revolution because revolutions are caused by material conditions, not opinions.
This pseudoscientific Marxism is useful in some contexts but fuck do you really think there is a way to mobilize people and inspire them to fight without evoking compassion and love for the people youre trying to liberate?
don;t think thats possible fam
I understand OP. Really. Especially with Brexit and the Orlando shooting the liberals I thought were socialists have been coming out of fucking nowhere
Hah, I'm an edgy teenager whose dad is dead. Take that, op!