Name a better 90's action movie

Name a better 90's action movie.

I'll wait.

The Fifth Element
Jurassic Park
Saving Private Ryan
Schindler's List

is this a fucking joke? half of those aren't even action

I hate it when posters do this.

Schindlers list is a joke the rest have action

yeah, it's stupid, they want nic cage front and center, but they have to bill him first?

still an awesome poster, though

running from dinos is not action, it's adventure

A shitty ass plane movie isnt action, dinos killing people is action

confirmed for not watching the movie

Incidentally Con Air isn't just the best action, it's best 90's movie period.

confirmed for 2 out of the 5 con air fans on earth

plebs, the lot of ya


The Matrix, seriously.

Would you not classify this movie as a drama before action?

I think it goes hand in hand. Dialogue can be action and suspenseful too in my opinion, but if someone is going into Heat for the first time and expecting balls to the walls action they might be disappointed I guess. What action scenes there are are well done either way however.

Admit it's the best 90's movie, or the bunny gets it

has anything aged worse than the matrix?

We are not judging which movie has aged the worst, just which is the best.

trade a girls scalp for the bunny

I am going to put Armageddon on the list. It has some of the best disaster scenes until CGI matured.

Probably the best movie of the entire 90s

The Rock

he was still a wrestler in the 90s

what is this haircut called?

but like i said, in retrospect it's in poor taste and is pretty bad.
see con air doesn't take itself deathly serious at least

"screaming queen"

i can't tbh


despite all the memes, this is a really solid action movie. also probably the best thing Hulk Hogan has ever been involved in.


Based Hulkster.


best 90s fights

shit, maybe it has potential.
but tom hardy? I can't see it.


Best 90's. But El Mariachi was pretty nice too.

Super Mario Bros.

Seriously most underwhelming film ever

Eyes Wide Shut


Inspector Gadget

Use your mind.

He is a big guy.

I like how the weird pedophile killer dude gets away clean


Total Recall

Literally any of them. Con Air is garbage.

gimme back muh bunneh

Thunder In Paradise.

funny fucker, aren't ya?

they never said he was a pedo, and he was implied to be "cured"



The Fugitive

When the fuck were you born user?

Out for Justice is better, cooler and grittier in every way.

oh wait, I'm a moron, I thought this was that birth year thread.

Anything? Con Air was fucking shit.

Jerry Bruckheimer invented all the shit everyone loathes Michael Bay and J.J. Abrams for.

Can't be more homophobic than this.

The skullet

The Rock is the best without question…

saw con air in theaters, saw it on tv a month a go, it sucked then it sucks now. Even ironically or bad-good i think it blows

Fucking plebs ITT.