NonSJW Tier websites

I sat down the other day and realized that I spend more time on then current pages. All the websites I used to enjoy years ago have been ruined by people shoving their politics into every-fucking-thing. What're some websites you guys hang around at that are decent? I just want a distinct lack of smug.

I miss my 2009 era internet.






how about serious answers instead of "joke" answers?

To solve the problem, we must first addddresss the issue. The internet is too easy to acccesss, making it such that the undesssirable populace proliferates.
To have the old internet back, the websites must have a barrrier to entry.
To name a few sites that are harder to accccccess than simply making an account:, exhentai, generally any website that issn't ".com" or needs a convoluted method to get in. Onion routing counts as a convoluted method.


... was better but it evolves into this site which I used to post on more and still post on occasionally.

Every day the urge to switch over to lynx and maybe even start using gopher grows stronger. All the best sites are static.

lol. well memed

Discourse gained a lot of respect from me when I tried using it in lynx.

Or maybe you could try growing a thicker skin and realizing that the Internet is not your little hugbox were everyone has the same ideas as you.
There are thousands of websites out there about every single topic imaginable, yet you get so triggered by people with different opinions that you decide to gimp yourself by visiting only a handful of websites.
Grow up.

The vitriol is hilarious. All that hate and rage, for not wanting to have Identity Politics in my car blogs and radio blogs other autistic interests?

I honestly can't tell if this is copy pasta, or people actually think like this. Your response, it's so formulaic, even with the generic "grow up / man baby" insult at the end. You're the exact type of user I'm trying to avoid. I want to find decent discussion, without interacting with people like you. You bring nothing constructive to the table, you follow a fucking script. You're a fucking NPC, just repeating their sad lines and thought patterns that reaffirm themselves.

t. SJW

fuck off nigger


Yeah, right, because you can find decent discussions where every single fucking thread is a competition to see who can troll "better".
I want you to leave because you're fucking cancer. Chans used to have good discussions and the occasional shitposters, now it's a sea of shit and a couple of good discussion drowned by retards like you who try to convert everything into a fucking Holla Forums joke.
Take a look at /g/ and how shitty it's become in the past year. That's what you are. That's what your "free speech means I get to flood and derail threads with 'nigger', 'pajeet' and 'jew'" retarded mentality gets us to.
Get out of imageboards and go back to your retarded echo chamber.


Just develop a social life.

There's no way this isn't a copy/paste from somewhere. It's the same formula used everywhere, a strawman of shit no-one was even talking about, and mocking MUH FREEZE PEACHES. I reiterate, you're a NPC. You bring no value, you just colonize and shit spaces up.

The only one shitting up everything is you.

>implying (((pol))) isn't SJW
i could never go in voat anyway because it just blocks me with ATTENTION REQUIRED | ClownFlare

>>implying (((pol))) isn't SJW
More like SFW or SNW

Voat is like wading through the comment section of official google search blogs, without the actual article attached. Nothing but slants and spam.

Holy quads confirm.

people really really really don't want us to be able to have a space together without SJWs controlling it.

I wonder why?

it's the jews!

proof or gtfo


club penguin

Telling, isn't it?

Reporting you for SJW shilling.

That 2004-2009 era of the net was a sweetspot of 1.0 and social media.

100% agreed. I want it back.