Do these people genuinely believe: - They're a majority - Normal people will look at these comments and go "I guess that makes sense" - Everything is a Jewish scam - George Soros is behind everything - Interracial relationships are somehow anti-white relationships
This is just crazy. I can't believe this is now considered a rational response to a joke about open relationships
Nicholas Rogers
Parker Allen
Oliver Brooks
fuck off kike
Grayson Mitchell
I suppose the normies could comment and upvote their own comments then instead of non-cucks who they obviously outnumber to be represented.
Nicholas Parker
(You) again… Your last shill post didn't go according to plan did it? Too scared to shill on Holla Forums lightweight? Fuck off back to halfchan. Youre not going to get the results you're looking for here
Grayson Reyes
Multiculturalism sucks, agreed. Race is not culture, however.
You have the right to make decisions on behalf of others?
I am not a Jew.
Normalfags don't leave comments on anything except vlogs and movie trailers
I'm not a commie, nor from halfchan.
Justin Cook
I guess then cucks won't be represented as the majority they supposedly are
Colton Murphy
Juan Smith
Juan King
Parker Hill
Of course you're not. You're a Marxist-Lenninist Syndicalist Totalist, and your special snowflake brand of leftism is totally different from all the others. Ugh, how could people be so ignorant.
Nolan Torres
If they don't kill their enemy (you) at one fell swoop, they are the Red Ogre.
This is the test.
The veil is lifting.
Camden Russell
the retardation is strong itt really strong
Blake Sullivan
if you leave leave, it will lowered a lot
Jose Reyes
this is a group of people who hate niggers for being like animals yet are obssesed with picking out cucks and declaring theyre the alphas just like a group of shit slinging apes. they also hate jews but support ancap which is the only system just gives jews more power than they have now. you cant reason with morons.
Ryan Butler
At last I truly understand
It has come to me through great epiphany that their lies no conceivable distinction between the woman and the nigger.
Their unholy alliance is thus made clear
Hunter Morgan
wtf i like soros now
Hudson Hernandez
even by their own standards they don't qualify as more than sub-human, so you flatter them and we all know how desperate for attention they are Holla Forums are the new feminists
Tyler Davis
You gotta be shittin' me. Is Holla Forums actually going to start claiming that the spic cop who shot some guy in Arizona is Holla Forums? Because… he shot someone?
Holla Forums really is scraping the bottom of the barrel, in more ways than one.
Isaac Gonzalez
your normie is showing
Luke Brooks
I'm an ancap
Joseph Stewart
kek shit slinging apes are people too
taking aggressive action based on false pretenses? its not that far off. of course you wouldnt see it just how they dont see ancap is jew paradise and obsessing about being an alpha male puts you on par with shit eating dogs.
Matthew Allen
Wyatt Nelson
You better be satire
Lucas Thompson
You can quiz me on Rothbard, Mises or Hayek if you want, got a couple books to hand
Angel Scott
i was very specific about the people who qualify as morons, since you seem to be one too ill explain this to you, nobody in their right mind would fear such fools, humans should be passive or aggressive but assertive instead in every situation, if youre not going to try to be intelligent about it then you may as well be a jew loving nigger.
Wyatt Nelson
Matthew Brown
Smooth move Netflix
Angel Fisher
They're a special breed of retard, huh?
Jose Powell
the memes are a catalyst, you fool. You think normalfags want to read some serious paragraph about how the jews control the banking system? They will just ignore it, whereas the memes will become embedded in their head and they will eventually find out the truth on their own.
Isaac Parker
the alt right blame the jews for their inability to make white babies? it could just be women don't want to fuck racist white trash or neo nazi manlets with fashy haircuts.
Ryder Stewart
shoo shoo, filthy jew
Jack Gutierrez
"White genocide" is butthurt for "I can't get laid"
Nathan Davis
Xavier Diaz
Then why are so many central figures on the "alt-right" I hate that retarded term btw already married?
Oliver Garcia
you like race realism? how about this race realisms?
Austin Morales
you mean all the ones with money? bitches love money! also see the post about how ancap benefits jews more than anyone.
Parker King
That's not an argument and the whole penis size "data" meme is completely flawed. It's all based on polls where people can obviously exaggerate their size. They don't take a bunch of people in a room and have scientists physically measure their erect cocks.
Brandon Wright
What does ancap have to do with the alt-right? The alt right hates libertarians.
Connor Reed
maybe you alt righters can measure cocks. since you're all faggots.
how many white babies you make today? 0? how many white babies you make yesterday?0? 0+0= faggot
Xavier Edwards
I'm not alt-right. They are completely compromised by kikes. I know about them though since I used to be into it a couple years back.
Blake Hughes
Pull yourself from your boot straps faggot. Find a job and get money. This why all your women are leaving you for the niggers. All you pussies know how to do is whinning, about "muh bigot society", while jerkng off to lolis in your parents basements. Fuck off loser.>>7672629
Jason Howard
What is your definition of alt-right anyways? The people who openly claim to be alt-right have been completely deplatformed and rely on patreon shekels. They are hardly right. I bet you think Ben Shapiro is alt-right.
Landon Bell
they are hardly rich*
Jaxson Rogers
Not in their home country.
Landon Scott
LA Werewolf and Wild Smile are cuckchan users. There's a thread in Holla Forums about the 56% face meme being a shill's meme.
They're libertarians by the way.
Isaiah Jones
Ryan King
The alt-right is just a meme now. The only people who take it seriously are Richard "the kike lover" Spencer, Red Lice, TRS faggots and Andrew Faglin's Thai fuck shack. All of which are completely and utterly controlled by kikes.
Austin Gonzalez
Silent Majority maybe? They think they're red pilled, so no. But they're trying to enlighten normies or some shit. Yes They are because they're not pro-white, so they're anti-white. Think of how with SJWs, everything not pro-women or pro-black is bad (they don't like black men dating white women).
At least in america, you have to realize these people live in completely different worlds now. And they're somewhat writing for both audiences in many ways, except the other isn't supposed to be happy.
yeah…you're probably alt-right. Just a hipster one.
Easton Watson
(heil'd) I don't think you know what that term means.
Luke Gray
Sargon of Akkad is my favorite alt-righter
Bentley Nelson
sure thing, faggot. that one will go down in history with pic related
Ayden Johnson
Carl Zyclon Benjamin is the leader of alt skeptic +
Luis Barnes
Well they're definitely right in the case of Netflix. Soros pulled all of his money out of Disney and sunk it into Netflix. He's directly responsible for this show, Bill Nye Saves the World, Dear Black People, Star Trek: Discovery getting a second season and a ton of other garbage.
Jace Cruz
Whoops, I meant: "Dear White People".
Lincoln Morris
Joseph Cox
if white people were of a mind to fight back we'd have ejected anyone who needed to be ejected years ago.
Oliver Sullivan
Jewish bait detected.
Logan Gomez
Then what do you identify as? What are you're beliefs?
If a lot of it aligns with Holla Forums, then you're alt-right, even if they claim they're not. Most people who shit on the (((alt-right))) here shit on them because the figure-heads in the media don't go far enough or have problems. It's like saying your not left learning because you think bernie sanders is a corporatist.
Matthew Rogers
That's where you prove that you have CNN-tier logic. If you are a white nationalist or a NatSoc, that doesn't mean you are alt-right. Alt-right is just a meme coverall term that explains a bunch of fags who browse TRS and wear polo shirts and khakis. They may be white nationalists or natsoc, but that doesn't matter. It's a sub-category of white nationalists who support Mike Enoch, Andrew Anglin and Richard Spencer. All of these people are either jews or are controlled by jews.
I am a general white separatist and I support a lot of what Holla Forums supports, that doesn't make me alt-right though. I know it's complicated and hard for you normalfags to understand.
Jaxson Sanders
what you are is best described as retarded
Kayden Baker
Yeah because you don't understand the concept. You probably came here from reddit and have no idea of what the alt-right actually is and can't into nuance.
Noah Murphy
We are not of the (((alt-right))), we are special, and not controlled by jews like the rest of society.
Eli Baker
John Hernandez
You're looking at the general sphere of right-wing discontent, singling out the elements that you find cancerous (which conveniently the media has also chosen to focus on), and describing this as "alt-right". I'm telling you that the general sphere that your part of is the alt-right, even if you're aware that there's some cancerous elements to it. It's similar to how there are many people who wouldn't consider themselves SJWs because they're not insufferable screeching harpies, but fundamentally they share so many views that they're naturally associated with one another. Those "progressives", "leftists", or whatever you want to call them are in the same position as you.
Nicholas Bailey
NO We are special We are unique in all the internet The only uncompromisable userbase except maybe for the moderation of Holla Forums but otherwise NO