Are elves white?

are elves white?

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Elves are elves. They're like white asians but purer. Dark elves are the same but shameless sluts.

elves are walking cumrags

I think you mean target practice.

In Wakfu/Dofus, all the species are humans. Humans who are especially devout to their God gain certain features and qualities as blessing from their God.

Cra get big slutty ears.

So that means every child that's part of a certain "race" was indoctrinated to a religion at a young age?

Elves are originated from Scandinavian mythology. It's interesting to note that the Swedes, who often top the lists of the most beautiful peoples in the world, are (according to Ynglingatal) descended from Yngvi-Freyr (another name for the vanir Freyr, who is thought to have been cognate with the beautiful aesir Baldr), king of the Light Elves. The area now consisting of the Swedish province of Bohuslän and the eastern half of the Norwegian province of Østfold were once known as Álfheim. And as we all know the only purpose of elves is to get brutally raped, penetrated, violeted and defiled by orcs, much like real-life Swedish women are being at the moment by rapefugees from all over the third world, its safe to say that yes.

Pop culture elves are modern Scandinavians.
Tolkein elves are white.
Mythological elves are ancient Scandinavians.
"Dark" elves are Westaboos.
Drow are Rhodesians.

Go back to Holla Forums faggot.


Are you implying that Scandinavians aren't white?

Scandinavians are snow niggers.

They're a subset of white. All Scandinavians are white, but not all whites are Scandinavians.

Jesus Christ Beyonder! Get your monkey of a Janitor and do your job!

Who are these semen demons? My dog is asking.

A bit late in the game for that one don't you think?

Its called Google images. You download the pic, click on google images and then drag it to the page and BAM its done.

Hey Holla Forums

Truth hurts.

At least your being honest to yourself user.

I thought it was a elf porn & jokes thread.

Take it to one of the other smut threads around, quit taking up space.

Its obvious fucking bait user, quit fooling yourself.

Self appointed vols with no power to enforce any of their bitching are always amusing.

Because a thread that's baiting Holla Forums is oh so valuable. Wonderful user truly wonderful.

So pretty much what I said

Or you could go to /tg/

One day when you are in a position that isn't "whiny fag who only ensures threads will stay bumped by posting pissy sage replies" then your opinion on what a worthwhile thread is will have any meaning.


Glad to make today that day for you user.


Bring forth your mighty vol powers and smite the thread then. I will wait.

I think I like it here better, mainly because you are so assmad.

Your the one still replying.

Nice. Are you locking the thread like you said you would?

Indoctrinated is an odd word for it, because the Gods in their universe are very real and often show up to have a direct hand in things.

It's also a sort of chicken and the egg thing. Certain personality types are likely to follow the ways of certain Gods, and they are likely to have children that are like them and while will also likely follow the ways of their parent's God.

I think it's also kind of indirect. Like it's not all about going to the local temple and praying a certain way. Iops live their lives like their God Iop. Cras live their lives like the Goddess Cra.

There's some exceptions, though. Like Xelor, who apparently recruits.

Which god had the cutest modified humans?

Honey i'll do anything in that little space in your head called a mind.

Here's a wiki

Didn't ask you.

Hard to say.


Hmm that is a nice selection. I'd have to go with the horned cutie with blue frilly neck thing though.


Here's a link

Still wasn't talking to you.

Man, you are an ungrateful little shit aren't you?

Don't need the spoonfeeding. I want to discuss it with the other user without you butting in with your increasingly desperate downboats.

But user, only a child would be selfish enough to ask for things. I'm simply giving you what you want.
Please, posting on Holla Forums because you got banned from the Reddit is no excuse in trying to masquerade why sage exists

Why are you saging so much then?

Sage exists for off topic posts. You are simply using it as a bludgeon to let everyone know how very very upset this thread makes you.

Yeesh and I thought the kid didin't want to be spoonfed.

Surprised to see that they made a Wacky Races homage. I wouldn't have expected that to make it across the pond. Really felt sorry for the female Sram version of Dick Dastardly. She was even worse at cheating than 'ol Dirty Dick himself. I just wanted to give her a hug.

I called it.

Elves are European creatures before the mudslime invasion so they are naturally white. Why is this even a question?

Your not making the case any better for you.

Because OP is an idiot by definition

You are the one still replying

How is the thread policing going? I notice that no smiting has occurred.

If you want smiting, first you gotta close your eyes. Imagine your in the middle of the forest naked with only the local brush to shield your nethers. A bear slowly comes up right behind you and start caressing your lower thigh, you feel a sense of fear drizzle down your spine as the cold sweat from your arousal cools down your body. As the scene goes out, you scream in a mixture of agony and pleasure as sweet nothingness is heard throughout the desolate woods as the bear finally finishes his due satisfying the young user and his urge for smiting.

Welcome to the club

cane sugar > honey.

You didn't strike me as a vorefag but to each his own.

So it's hereditary but they can still choose to follow a different god and lifestyle should they choose?

At least we can agree on one thing.
There's this little thing called a search bar, its pretty nifty.

Excuse me for trying to keep the thread semi relevant with discussion somewhat stays on topic instead of another sperg out over nothing.

This thread was lost way before you came along.

If this place had any actual mods then this wouldn't happen. This place needs leadership for once.

Something we agree on again! Great minds think alike!

Basically, yeah.

Well that was obvious :^)

He asked a question and I answered it. Sorry if that made your tism flare up.

No prob, here have a jar of honey to ease down the medicine.

Huh. I feel like they never brought that up in the show. Least not when I watched it.

Maybe if you followed the links I graciously gave, you could have indulged in the lore of the series without being breast fed by another user.

A lot of the lore was covered in the game and not the show.

Exactly, read the wiki


That requires reading and trying to comprehend information. Having someone explain it in layman's terms and straight to me makes it easier. Don't kinkshame.

Ugh! At least refer to me by my proper pronouns, if you wanted to be spoonfed you shouldn't have acted like a tsundere little girl.



I look away from the thread for a little while and this happens…

I think she's an Osamodas. Beast tamer class. Good with animals.

Well the thread called for white knife eared devils being compared to dindu nuffin knife eared cunts, either way none of this is on topic.

They'd be best race if the males weren't all balding.

Last time I checked vidya was strictly Holla Forums's area of servitude and here I thought you people wanted to stay on OP's topic.

This was a thinly veiled porn thread, and you know it.

It's a mess. A mistake. A show of how chaotic this place has become.


Always remember around elves, watch yourselves

You're aware Wakfu has same pretty decent cartoons, right?

At least your being honest that you meant to post an entirely unrelated subject on Holla Forums just so you can whack off you peter popper because your too lazy to google Wakfu rule34. Or there's always >>>/rule34/ they need love too.

Thread calls for elf racism not Wakfu, if you want a Wakfu thread I made you a little present just because my chubby little boy is too tired to fapping to make his own thread.

She is a cute!

This is why /tg/ will always be better than Holla Forums. They take shit threads and spin them into something good. Holla Forums has niggers like you.

Glad to be of service.

I'm not OP you inbred mongoloid, I was just pointing out the obvious.

Hey that's a third thing we have in common! Gosh, this has been an exhilarating experience!

They are just waifu bait after the whole lord of the rings thingy, just like shakespear waifuing fairies
dwarfs, elfs, orcs, etc are just the representation of the human psyche expresed to the extreme

What is the point of this thread?
Why is there some saging faggot butthurt throughout? Hide the fucking thread you autist.
>>>Holla Forums

You spoonfeed all these niggers, but you don't spoonfeed me?

I'll take the bait
It depends on who tells the story and from witch mythology.
If you follow Tolkien's description of elves they are basically Aryans


Man, that was the most artful assassination since Lincoln.


OP here. Wow I just wanted to talk about Wakfu. This place is more autistic than Holla Forums and has bigger spergs than /a/. Didn't know you were going to take the OP so literally. Sorry for posting, guess I'll go back to 4/co/.

And nothing of value was lost.

I thought your site was supposed to be better?

Posting here is easy, just don't be a faggot retard. You, miraculously, failed at that. You could always just, you know, make an OP about discussing the show instead of making a shit one, but I guess that'd be much too hard for your tiny wittle brain.

Oh, it's okay if you're racist to an exceptional level. But only when the mods are feeling extra super generous and you take extra special care not to hurt anybody's fee fees.

Saying offensive shit is the lifeblood of imageboards. The fact that you can get banned over there for saying nigger, kike, or anything inbetween at the drop of a hat makes it shit and cucked. Sorry if you can't handle the bantz, I guess we really are too extreme for 4chan.

The fact that people like you can't seem to handle it here does make it better. Run along now, wouldn't want anybody to hurt your feelings with mean words again.