Hilarys Ear Piece

What kind of device is this? Is it analog, bluetooth or wireless?

I bet one could easily jam it and totally fuck shit up next debate.

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That what we were saying last debate, the commander in chief one.
The question is HOW to jam it.
Does anyone have an idea?

I believe that's an earring lad…

we need to summon /tech to this thread

That's just an image of a witch user.

My mom was ranting about this earlier today.

I kind of assumed she was full of shit. It's nice to see that angry conservative normies are more paranoid than we are.


I dunno, lads…

WAS it an earpiece?

A common earpiece for short wave audio communication wouldn't require a hip-pack like that. What if it was pic related?

I wonder if that thing is like that heart device (can't remember the name and too lazy to ixquick) that would break if you go near a microwave in use.

I think you're thinking of a pace maker, and yes it is like that but for the brain. The pulse a signal just like them.

I fucked a diabetic once and will never forget that thing on her lower back.

What thing?
Diabeetus doesn't mean you have to wear a pack.


That is for her microphone, you moron. Anyway, her "earpiece" assuming there is such a thing can easily be jammed.

All consumer products have reserved frequency bands. The problem is that we don't know what technology is used.

If I were Clinton, I would send encrypted data and mask it as normal telecommunication. That way it would be impossible to jam without taking out all communication in the room effectively sabotaging the entire event.

I really doubt it's that complex. I bet it's some lame ass receiver connected to someone on a smart phone. These people aren't as smart as they want us to think they are.

They've gotten lazy..

Don't call me a moron just yet. Think about how you'd attach the microphone pack and cable to your body. Just imaging doing it. You'll see what I'm talking about.


Jamming all waves would really create chaos and would be highly illegal and heavily prosecuted if caught. It would be safer to flood with noise only occasionally for a few seconds Ata time so as to create effects in her that were weird and noticeable but not leaving something on long enough to create a general disturbance and engender pursuit of the source.

That's a receiver!! Look at how deep in her ear it is. That shit is buried.

I am reminded of when Dr. Harambe told Hillary to just keep talking at that one event and proceeded to parrot that to her audience several times.

Women could probably get away with wearing a large earring as well as part of the apparatus for battery or antenna

*she proceeded to


You seriously missed that?
Did you miss all of the was it Diazepam thing?

I don't live in the US, so I don't follow american politics that close.

Its a trans-utilitarian Bluetooth earpiece. It was born puppet strings, but later transitioned to a Bluetooth earpiece.

So progressive.

If this is the case, then it might be possible to kill Hillary with a sufficiently large EMP.

Russia plz do this.

Proof? Bluetooth is flimsy as fuck, I kinda doubt they'd communicate over such a shitty signal.

7mhz band, it's open to citizens.

1300 bucks for a receiver.

Looks exactly like what Hillary uses.

damn, are tunable jammers still legal in the US?

Most type 1 diabetics wear an insulin pump.

Not in most states no.


1. be braindead absolutely incapable of performing potus
2. be indebted by globalists and soros
3. have earpiece telling you exactly what to say because you really don't have a fucking clue what's going on

Who's going to win, fam?

The tech guy who setup hillary's server asked how to delete headers on fucking reddit.

All this time we've been OVER estimating these faggots.

Electronics parts are.
Build one.

And what we need to do is find a way to tap into the mic to her earpiece and just have someone start screaming into the thing.

Watch her freak the fuck out and start clawing at her head to remove the ear piece, oust her completely, probably cause her to have a heart attack. Many keks would be had by screaming into the mic.

Alternatively get her to say 'gas the kikes race war now'
