DCEU continues to implode
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Friendly reminder that edgy power rangers will probably do better than another feminist propaganda blockbuster
Isn't the solution to all these reboots/sequels/side-stories/etc. is to take the money we were going to spend on those films and use that money to watch other movies that don't burn through cash like a tree in a wood chipper?
Kinda sad though, I mean yes I understand that DCMU is a mess but I really want them to stay with at least 1 good movie.
Oh Chris how I missed ya.
That's what the critic says. I found it to be very sound advice.
Not going to stop me from laughing at the shitstorm
DC's films have sucked, while their TV shows have flourished and are really good.
Marvel is their polar opposite, with every show they touch being shit even Daredevil went downhill after a stellar first season.
They had no chance at doing this as they rushed it out the door with a hack director who they canned way too late into production.
They figured if they announced 20 films for the next 10 years, just like Marvel, they'd get fanboys going, but they failed to make the first couple films good, so now they've either got to pull the plug or tone it down and make a bunch of standalones that MAY be tied together if they get support.
Oh thank fuck. Let it all burn. Affleck's a dumbass for fucking the maid and thinking this shit would win people's love back.
I'm not sure how I should feel about this.
Kind of a shame about the Batman stuff, Affleck would make a good Batman movie. Hopefully once this all burns down he'll come back and make a good film that's true to the essence of the character.
Some of their shows are okay. Mostly just mediocre and cheap. Marvel is just bland and uninspired with their shows. Daredevil did well so now every one of their shows has to be like Daredevil.
There is true kino.
Holla Forums is just filled with Holla Forums and goons trying to create the next big meme to win the meme wars, so they apply kino to everything until there's no movie left.
Then they move onto the next meme.
Currently, it's a competition between Al Paccino's Dunkin' Donuts ad and McDonalds, with a side of TruthSeeker vs SudoCuck, both oblivious to their autism.
Sage for off-topic, but have some true Holla Forums kino.
Are you injured in the brain?
TV shows? You mean cheesefest like Legends of Tomorrow and Supergirl? They are all so formulaic it's getting boring. It's like they saw what make Buffy successful and copy pasting it at least 5 times.
1 main character as the "Superhero"
A bunch of supporting characters who knew the so called superhero identity
The main character spend 90% of his scenes with his mask off and people calling him by his real name
Because fuck secret identity right? Even Supergirl casually revealed that Clark's is Superman to Olsen like it was nothing.
Arrow and Flash are their only good shows despite their flaws.
Flash is debatable based on how much you can turn off your brain or forgive them for getting characters wrong. But Arrow is inexcusable dog shit.
Its not that hard to use a script to get trips. Stop shitposting.
Nigga, the fuck you talking about?
Shit they even got Cranston for a role, he chose Zordon over Lex. You know you fucked up when actors are more willing to do Power Rangers than Capes.
>Power Rangers confirmed to be best superhero film of 2017?
God help us
We still got Logan and Guardians coming out so probably not, though it'll be interesting how pans out.
Is this why he said it was going to be like The Dark Knight?
Not by a long shot.
Still looks like shit and Cranston is probably gonna be the only okay thing about it performance wise. Zordon will still look like shit.
Trying to do that never works out. It shouldn't even be attempted. Nolan's shit only got by on one lucky movie that only did well because normal fags loved Hobo Joker and cheap first year philosophy.
Newfags found. Gullible retards drooling over trips. There's script for everything.
He saw Supes vs Batty script and knew it's going to be utter shite. He picks the lesser shit to swallow. Also he probably dies in the middle of the movie like his Godzilla role.
Also that 1st pic. He's floating in liquid meth.
He'd probably increase his value as an actor if he did neither
One thing he learned after Malcolm in the Middle is don't be too picky. Sure Power Rangers sounds cheesy but people already knew him from Breaking Bad. He's now a household name so he doesn't need to worry about getting less offer.
The only way to ruin your career in hollywood now is when you either pick a boring role or doing something horrible irl and someone recorded it.
No the only real way to ruin your career is to go against (((their))) wishes.
Was this before or after they tailored the role for someone like Jesse?
We're all fucking degenerates here.
Being this obvious
We're all here by choice user. We know the risk. Stop acting like you're a member of an elite club.
Swing and a miss
But would he be a good Batman?
If he had creative freedom to do what he wants…. maybe. It's impossible to say without him stating what he wants to do with the character but can't.
Sure, if they ever allowed him to direct the movie he wants.
That is a rare costanza user. Nice pic.
I heard it would deal with Batman fighting the criminals in Arkham. Is this true.
I actually believe he be a good Batman. As long he's given free reign. But knowing those cunts at DC they going to ruin it again.
Deathstroke was already confirmed.
Are there even any real posters on Holla Forums any more or is it just shitposters now?
I've personally never rated him as a leading man, he's not a good actor
Use a good Batman, wonder woman or justice league story. Problem solved.
Batman is trying to rescue several Americans in Canadian embassy in Iran by creating a fake movie crew. Hijinx ensues. Orginal chractur donut steel!
Played by Chris Tucker
Think Max Landis or whoever it was that wrote Chronicle said their original script for Power Rangers was meant to be more faithful to the show, then the trailer came out and it's basically Chronicle.
Have them filming a Batman movie and this might be really fun.
Probably was, too.
Max Landis is a triple nigger-faggot, but he's also one of the less cucked leftists in Hollywood, and hates when people deviate from source material.
Reminds me how another time, there was a back and forth going on between me and another user. I saw doubles were coming up for one of his upcoming opportunities, tried to inform him about it, but then that post ended up getting doubles because of another user posting in another topic.
People are attention whore even when it's just two person interaction. Welcome to humanity, we are all fucking degenerate cunts.
Sure, I'll be that guy.
Neither of them are cyborgs, they're both genetically enhanced. MC is a result of the Spartan 2 project, meanwhile Samus received enhancements from the Chozo to act as their warrior.
If that's real then what an asshat. No one gives a shit about his dumb drama thrillers. Or anything else he does at this point. They just wanna see his Batman because normalfags love Batman.
But Metroid and Halo are my favorite robots.
He's gonna end up hanging himself soon enough.
Wonder Woman not the new Cisbusters. Feminists Hate Wonder Woman.
I think comicbookgrill19 nailed it. The only way to save it is crash and burn the current line with no survivors. The shit was rushed with no direction or goal with a stupid mentality to catch up to marvel like it's a fucking race. The studio heads fucked it.
It's true. Leftypol are some of the lamest people you never want to post with. They are too stupid learn economics 101, but they can at least watch TV and movies.
I want them to restart the project with a JSA movie. A period piece about forming a team during the end of the McCarthy Era and directly go into the team representing America at its best. The whole movie being about good, flawed people becoming the heroes the world needs to look up to.
I think taking a movie to establish the legacy of Heroes for the universe will help ground a lot of other future projects.
Hey newfag, you forgot the slashes
If I could, I would fund that project to the moon and back.
Sadly, with most the studios, they'd skin you alive for even suggesting such a "controversial" idea (Especially with how China is the "next big market", and everyone is catering to them now). Ever since the mid-90's, everything has become about how evil and self-righteous of a country America is (Ever since it's founding) and how everything is now a "global community" and how everything has to be about the out of luck "working man" who lives the "noble life".
When you go to watch the opening episode to the Justice League series, they even had Superman throw away his line "Truth, justice, and the American way." And, it's only gotten worse since. Take a recent films like The Magnificent 7 (Which was pretty damn good), and the biggest complain you hear is how they don't make the time period's racial tensions an issue in the movie. Even stuff like the race movement that happened in the 60's is blown out or proportion these days because, yes, it was that bad on the East coast (And, even then, it more was isolated). And, then there's the fact that everyone is so anti-business that they believe that anyone who is better off than them (Even in the smallest of ways) has to be doing something shady or illegal, or "isn't spending their money properly".
However, despite all of that, there is nothing preventing you from making your own original series. Instances like Watchmen and the appearance of the "Justice Guild of America" in the JL series happened because the creators were not allowed use the original characters they intended (The Charlton Comics' characters for the former, the "Justice Society of America" for the latter), and both of those were the bomb. So, I'd say, if you really want to see that series happen anytime soon (At least, until the studio execs start realizing how far up their ass they are), get some pen and paper, start writing the script, and find some way to get the story out there.
Or, even just self-produce it and see the money roll on in.
Class of 2004 old fag reporting actually. Old Holla Forumsmmando, Holla Forumstard and /k/ommando in fact. Ask me how huge the Xbox is. Leftypol doesn't deserve backslashes. They are a containment board like mlp. Anyone remember how much mlp gags shat up Holla Forums? I still cry wryyyyyyyy from time to time, top Dio.
Top kek
They should have gone with Billy Zane instead, since he actually looks the part. Eisenberg never seems like a legitimate threat and has no charisma.
Kicking Goyer out after Man of Steel would probably prevent most issues with DC's universe. He think that half of DC's superheroes are stupid, and refuses to acknowledge or embrace sillier parts of the comics. He should be replaced with someone who actually understands DC's heroes.
Meanwhile, Marvel manages to make a hit out of a story with a talking racoon, walking tree with a broken record, and starring a former wrestler.
partly agree, I think Zack Snyder is actually pretty talented, although if JL with its OSCAR-WINNING WRITER bombs I don't what excuse to make anymore
They also tried to make him this Zuckerberg style businessman who suffers from dementia and it just doesn't work at all
People have a set idea of what Luthor looks like and how he's supposed to act and they just threw that out the window
Even though they tried to imply it's his son?
As my professor used to tell me "There are no bad ideas, only bad artists."
Making Luthor this Zuckerberg type figure isn't a bad idea, it's just that the people who wanted to make him a Zuckerberg were talentless hacks. They thought making him a facebook jew was "hip" without understanding facebook, social media, or even basic contemporary technology.
Simply put, they didn't give a fuck.
With him? You must be inZane!
I like it. Sounds like it would nuke whorey Quinn, lame luther, and Leto joker
Kind of reminds me of Justice League New Frontier. Would this have the old school JSA like Jay Garrick, Alan Scott, OG Black Canary and Wildcat?
More shit movies just mean less movie synergy pandering which evidentally destroyed marvel
Keep up the schlock so I can continue to enjoy Green Lantern
Good point Brad Jones!
I actually liked Spacey as Luthor. I know that isn't a very popular opinion but I stand by it. Best thing about Returns.
What the fuck did you just fucking say to me you small guy? I'll have you know that I graduated top of my class at Langley. I've led numerous secret raids against the Masketta Man and his mercenaries. I'm the top guy in the agency at shooting men before throwing them out of planes. I can remove hotheads like you from an altitude of 30,000 ft! If only you would have known what your little "clever" comment would bring, maybe you would have gotten to stay on my aircraft. But as it stands, you'd better prepare for the flight plan, kiddo. The maelstrom that ensures that only Me, my men, Dr Pavel here and only one of you leave with your life. I can assure you now, you won't fly so good, Hothead!
I think that's because they had a set idea in mind then did a last minute change for so much shit.
Eisenberg was originally auditioning for Jimmy Olsen then got cast as Lex for some reason.
Same as how when Gal auditioned for the DCEU, she was originally going in for Catwoman then was told she was playing WW.
Alot of it rings that execs couldn't make up their damn minds.
He auditioned to be Jimmy? That seems a role that would fit him better.
He's a meme ham
Ah, but the DCEU appears to be all about unexpected casting for the sake of it
Him as Jimmy I could have easily seen.
Gal as Catwoman, her body-type fits that more than WW. But like said they just seem to be doing things for the fuck of it without much reason for where they want it to go.
I just feel bad for the actors in this case alot. Henry Cavill once walked around Manhattan, NYC in a Superman shirt and not one person recognized him.
If he's playing as Jimmy i want this Jimmy to be manipulative, sociopath and kind of a jerk. Make him Clark's rival rather than just a mere assistant.
To be fair I think Christopher Reeves did that once and nobody recognized him as Superman. Though I feel bad for Henry Cavill since I think he can do a good superman but he's not given good material to work with.
I knew they were fuck ups when Green Lantern was not in fact a nigger.
They had that shit ass Ryan Reynolds do it. Dane Cook would have been better but that unfunny fatass ginger kike got all butthurt.
Nah, it was fucked from the start.
Oh fucking hell no. Dear god what the fuck
There was going to be a Green Lantern movie with Jack Black.
Lets actually, for real, organize and actual lynch mob for that. Multipart too, to distract and suprres police response.
That would be a viable solution if movie-goers would give up the movie-going habit. Attending a theatre and watching a movie is too ingrained in the normalfag psyche. They see it as an obligation and keep feeding the monster.
It also has uses for people that are part of a group and need to kill time, e.g, deadbeat person taking a group out but is too much a coward to actualize socialize and guess what? Movies are a way to hang out with people without dealing with them.
Movies also have a psychological affect of enjoying an experience by proxy and imprinting that memory on your party. I forget the better term but it's akin to experiencing something by watching it happen on screen as if it happened to you. Reap the benefits without risk, etc. Women want to see rom-coms with their boyfriends. Men want to see badassery and feel badass. This sounds obvious but it ties back to the previous point. People watch movies together for the simulated experience like a group brainwashing session. Studios have even less reason to try as it's cheaper to rehash recognizable icons like stores would stock brand name products.
So the bottom line is that telling people to just stop seeing movies that don't deserve to succeed doesn't work because normalfags just don't operate that way. They're never thinking of the bigger picture behind the one on the silver screen. They just see it as an obligation.
I never thought I would see this much a level of inability to understand shitposting but here it is.
Doesn't really matter, Jimmy got killed in the first part of the movie because Synder said "I could"
Flash actually didn't get any characters wrong, except maybe killer frost. Barry acts like Barry, Wally and Iris act like Wally and Iris except they're black.
Arrow was good for the first 2 seasons, after that they jumped the shark HARD.
Arrow is in that realm where they're still not sure if they want to go full capeshit or not.
They went full capeshit a long time ago. Are you forgetting pic related?
Flash gets more people wrong as far as looks goes than personality. Arrow gets everything wrong from the get go. But when you're adapting a bleeding heart liberal character like Green Arrow then you kinda need to take liberties.
the hell is that?
I'm pretty sure you don't know what you're talking about, man. They had to take liberties with a lot of stuff on arrow because his character history is rooted in campy silver age stuff, and for him to have a supporting cast he couldn't just work solo.
Flash has probably been the most faithful show to the books I've ever seen.
Barry isn't even blonde, he's built like a twig, and his costume is made of leather. That's not faithful at all.
I'd also prefer blond barry, but the costume looks fine.
It looks okay but really is late due for a replacement/upgrade that makes more sense.
He's supposed to have a runner body type. If he's built like a brickhouse it will be pretty funny to see him trying to run.
Flash in the comics is practically Captain America size with his muscular prowess. His neck alone is thicker than his head.
An in the Flashpoint movie, he looked like ass because they stuck to that. Skinny Flash is best Flash.
Blonde fit Flash is the truest and bestest Flash that doesn't fantasize about fucking his nigger adoptive sister.
Bryan Cranston voiced monsters in Power Rangers. They even have Billy his last name. Apparently Satan has him on speed dial, but Bryan does have history with PR.
Its a robot made up of nanorobots created by a mad scientist woman who does really shitty bee puns.
In the 90's they had a Buff Flash tv show. The suit was padded and the guy who played Flash was pretty buff himself. He also plays Barry's dad on the new show and also plays Jay Garrick.
I knew about that show but I didn't know about the actor returning to star in the new show. That's kinda neat. Didn't Hamill show up to reprise his role of that one wacky villain too?
Yeah, the same villain even.
See stuff like that I can appreciate about the show.
Hamil comes back as The Trickster, a role which apparently gave him most of his inspiration for BTAS's Joker. So you basically get Hamil doing a live action Joker without the facial scarring
Joker's more chemical mutations than facial scarring but I get what you're saying.
He appears again in a recent episode on Earth 3 version of the Trickster. The Trickster in Earth 3 has pale skin, purple hair and massive front teeth apparently. Closest to Hamil being a live action Joker.
If we can't fuck our maids, then what's the point in having them?
To clean the house?
Cleaning the house and having /ss/ with your son. Duh.
Don't forget Cock Knocker.
I forgot about that, Mark's a swell guy too bad he drank too much of the koolaid.
I just hope it doesnt lose it.