Why is she so perfect?

Why is she so perfect?

Because she's an android



It's that sexy haircut.

Because she can use her 500 billion power level to fly you away from the jews.


not as good as milf bulma though

When do I get my wizarding license?

Young Bulma = 18 > the rest

Never. Wizardry isn't real. You just an old virgin.

If wizardry was real we'd be ruled by virgin overlords.

bad Launch best girl

Those figures are very well made. Check out the rest of that series, you sick fucks.

not an argument

>>>Holla Forums

You're nearly there, user. You can do it.

anyone still a virgin after 13 should kill theyreselves tbh

thank you merchant, you truly are my gretyst aly

I'm going to have to call some people out here

Kill yourself if you are below any of these averages:

lmao you sound like a sexless short-dicked stupid manlet


Does Tien ever fug that? I like how he's a stoic character, but his waifu is either a bubbly housewife or a smug/rowdy chick. The whole opposites thing really expands my vanilla boner.


lol lots of betas in here i see

look at this weak beta

nice try, scrub.



lmao enjoy mortality, normalfags

LOL mods deleted my post >>767206

Because she likes bald manlet monks.

You're a big guy

I've always had a crush on her. I found it so hot when Vegeta tried fighting her at first and she easily kicked his ass. I used to fantasize about using the dragon balls to wish that she was the most powerful character on the show, because she's perfect and she deserves it.

vegeta is a cuck


You're minding your own business, sitting on a bench and reading, when this beauty comes and snags your book. What do you do?

Ask her to step on my balls.

If you hand over the contents of your wallet, she might consider it.

She isnt shes a fucking cartoon

Only 2D can be perfect

Sometimes I feel pathetic, but then I remember I'm not a femdomfag and my self-esteem goes higher than the sky!

Snag it back.

You're not very smart, are you user? Hand it back over, and maybe you'll live.

Okay calm down there Mike, you're definitely under 6'6" and should promptly kill yourself.

Get on with the times, user. The Great Gook Dong is mightier and larger than life.


Do you even realize what sizzling burn you just delivered unto all of Japan?

Mike "10 Inches of Pure Aryan Manliness" Mattei sends his regards.