So why are you a NEET or a Hikikomori Holla Forums??.
NEET and Hikikomori general Thread
Cause the government told me I'm too much of a fucking fuckup to do something with myself and to not make a nuisance of myself, and then they started throwing money at me. And as much as I try to motivate myself to do something, it always falls back down to me getting nowhere and continuing to live on disability.
Same here pretty much.
I know that feel bro.
But serious question
Why live like that? How do you live like that?
It is such a sad life
I dropped out of college, and I haven't quite gotten a job yet.
I'm 23 and I still live with my parents.
fug. did you realize that you aren't allowed to have political opinions until you pay taxes? I mean are we allowed to hate niggers if we live like them?
Boy, I sure would love to have an actual income to even pay taxes on.
NEET life isn't sad not all NEETS are hikkineets normalfag NEETs still go out and have a social life now living like a hikikomori yes is sad but some people just don't want to be apart of society so they withdraw and stay in their homes for years.
Anyone can be a NEET it's not that hard a NEET is simply just anyone who is not working and doesn't want to work Hikikomori are mostly supported by their parents and still live at home with their parents or live off of SSI Neetbux or some are self employed have a job and work from home.
I'm a NEET, and I would like to work.
Neets should be gassed
I don't want to be gassed. I want to be useful.
Kill yourself normal scum.
Basically, I'm a NEET, but I don't want to stay a NEET.
I'm okish at C++ and linux. I've ran a few servers in the past for games and such. Hard to find employment for that sort of thing in rural northern Minnesota, though. :/
Been a neet since I was more or less 13 and i'm a neet because I cant function in society and I get everything paid for while living a comfortable life thanks to my disability payments so I have no need or desire to work.
I've been a hikikomori ever since i was 13 for the exact same reasons as well.
lost job, no motivation to find another without a valid reason. also no real skills
"Live like that?" How do you mean? I don't just sit alone all day or sit in my room 24 hours or anything, I mean I don't go out every day or anything, I don't have that kind of money or anything. I obviously haven't got the funds for a vacation or the like, so I do what I can with what I have. But I go out, I drive around, and every weekday I walk to the mailbox which is up the road a ways. The neighbors used to be afraid of me, being a tall guy with long hair, but eventually they found me to be friendly enough that now they greet me, they sometimes chat with me.
I don't live the pathetic existence of the Japanese hiki, I do have a life outside of my house. But most of the time I'm at home. I work on projects of various types, programming on computer, building intricate little arts and crafts here and there, I bought a shitty kids airbrush kit for like $30 thinking I'd use that to paint something, but I then realized I have nothing to paint. It's probably no good anyway.
It's not really the "living" that bothers me, it's the depression. It's the lack of mental focus from ADHD. I find it hard to sit down and read books anymore. I can force myself, but the fact of the matter is, the internet ruined my already ailing ability to focus. Even as a kid, sitting down and doing homework was an impossible task, but sadly I couldn't figure out why, my diagnosis didn't come until I was well into my adult life at the age of 29 or 30.
If you want to see suffering, consider that I started out on 4chan when I was only 20 years old. I always figured "I'd just be here for a couple years, then move on when my life takes off." Over a decade later, I'm still using imageboards.
I watched YouTube go from a small project site to a small media site to Jewgle's new toy to a platform for social justice and anti-SJW alike to turn it into shit, while all the fun and good content fell by the wayside. Nowadays I only browse this site and a few YouTube channels. The internet is repellent nowadays.
Everything fun is gone, and all that remains is a culture war. Is it any wonder I'm using the internet less and less these days?
Shouldn't you be out socializing with your Chad friends??.
eating and fucking is all we're programmed to do, tbh
meep meep I am neet but I live in the middle of nowhere so I don't have many job opportunities but who cares cause I'll die eventually anyway tbh no homo
Oh hot damn
NEET Music
She is a pure, innocent angel….
and I would Hitomi her Tanakas all night
No this is the NEET anthem.
Data mine thread?
That's an oxymoron, ya double moron.
Nope a normalfag NEET is someone who is a NEET but still has a social life and maybe a gf a hikkineet is someone who is both a NEET and a hikikomori.
meep meep that was bretty gud but it sounds like the perspective of a drug addict or something tbh no homo
Crywank has a lot of song about people who are at their lowest point in life.
Song is pretty fucking hateful, to be honest. It of course gets a free pass because of its somber tone, but that's just window masking to hide its true intent.
Yeah it's just some normal scum trying to be funny while making fun of NEETS and hikkis.
Any tips on becoming a NEET?
Just be unemployed and don't work that's it.
Need cash
nvm can't be assed to become a neet
Then be a hikikomori who works from home.
There's a fantasy in the minds of everyone who has had a normal life. It goes like this: I had a hard time. I still made it. Therefore anyone else can make it if they try, and having a hard time is no excuse.
It equates all difficulty and assumes everyone has the same abilities and starts in the same place.
quite a difficult thing to do when you have no skills
That's difficult even if you have skills, especially in a Western nation. If you're working from home you're competing with every single person in the world who has a computer. They can live on 200 hundred dollars per month and until there are no more of them at your skill level who are unemployed that's all the money you'll get.
So build up your skills get into programming or something like that.
song could be about a Borderline Personality crazy girl as well.
just imagined it was my ex that the song was about, describes her to a Tee.
Normalcy bias
it's called normalcy bias and it's a very real thing
Die french faggot.
Seriously, I don't know if there is something that disgust me more than a french disgusting neet.
I always browse Holla Forums with a certain distance to reality, telling myself "Holy shit the USA is a moral shithole", but when I touches me directly… Seriously
I don't know if should bite the bullet, and start to work, in hopes technology will make worth dealing with, or should I kill myself to avoid work, and hope that the technology that would make life worth dealing with won't come about in my life time.
I lost my last (part time, under the table) job after my boss's wife started an argument with me about feminism. I haven't needed to get another job because I inherited some money and haven't felt like getting another because I'm moving soon.
I thought they were my friends.
What happened to "luxurious life on welfare"? Doesnt exist suddenly?
user coworkers are never friends
how do I become a hikki?
Because I'm not employed, educated or trained and the government pays me for being mentally ill
It's simple withdraw from society and lock yourself in your room or home for years and only go out if absolutely necessary like if you need food or something.
Because I have aspergers and adhd and I can't keep a job. I dropped out of highschool several years ago and never went back even though I was officially tested to have an iq of 141 this year. lol.
Relax there Elliot
Fuck off
I don't like thing you said!
Because i live on disability for mental illness
only gymbros are your tru frends tbh
because I have no real life
Because I don't know what I want to do with my life and I can't find any job that I can tolerate for more than a month. It's pissing me off and I wish it wasn't the case.
Stupidly following "accepted" morals is what makes you a prisonner and working for peanuts, so that an unending stream of immigrants from jihadland and africa can get their free gibs while doing crime and generally fucking up your country.
Be a cuck if you want, but nobody with a brain is going to follow your example.
i can attest normalfag neets exist
i used to live in a boarding house full of excons, crackheads, low life dopedealer scum, one time a nigger was living there and doing jail time on the weekends, all kinds of unsavioury ppl
i can tell you from first hand experience these people do exist
retarded asshole with no social ability here just go to the nearest job agency and they will find you a job bc they make money off of you
i fuck everything up constantly and never talk but ive only been fired once
I'm Socially useless
came here to post this
How does one escape from being NEET? I'm turning 30 and never had a real job.
get a job and quit living off of your parents tbh
My dad is dead and my mom is sick. I take care of her so I actually can't just leave. Anyways, how am I supposed to just get a job when I have no skills and no experience? Everyone makes it out to be so simple. I also have no car and no way to get one.
Meep meep roaches live underground and almost never see sunlight in their lives
I used to stay at home and spend my whole days surfing the internet until I went to sleep now I found a job where I basically sit there and surf the internet for 6 hours out of 8 but I get pay for it.
Get a job where you have almost nothing to do, basially a job where you are pay to sit infront of a computer until someone ask you for information you already have.
I know I need a job, and I know a low-energy idiot proof job would be best. The problem is I don't know HOW to get a job. I have no car, no family besides my sick mother, no skills, no social network; nothing. I tried voc-rehab and got a guy who made a badly typed resume full of misspelled words and run-on sentences… he drove me around to turn in apps and resumes, as no surprise nothing came of this.
Get a bicycle or ask your local pastor for assistance
I was a NEET for a year. I wouldn't recommend it.
Anyways, that was basically my year as a NEET!!
try pine pollen extract
I was also a NEET, but the funniest thing happened. I ended up enrolling in a technical school run by some local nonprofit, and before I realized that the whole organization was a scam to siphon taxpayer money through collusion with the welfare system, I found myself teaching niggers how to use Microsoft Office without pay. Now I have a pending position with the only IT firm in town and a 40 year old not-girlfriend girlfriend, and in the time it takes for these to resolve I'm going to regress and fuck it all up.