What wou,d you do to Lorde Queen Bee's breasts tbh?
Queen Bee
I want to sniff her hair
lorde is an ugly talentless hack and I'm ashamed to share a race with her
Zoom in to the pic. She's got a pretty armpits tbh. Makes ne hard.
Not a fan of her hair tho. She should wear it straight.
Fuck you nigger. Her music is alright.
She does have to moves
she's meh, they're all meh.
it's normie tier shit user you really gonna stoop that low?
I thought she just had 1 song called Loyals. And even that was nothing special
Gloria Estefan?
Nah ur a nigger faggot, Lorde is good
Fuck u fag
You are a disgrace.
Fuck, kill it with fire
Honest truth is she's not great looking but she doesn't help herself by being skinnyfat and having nigger hair. If she fixed just her hair and toned up some, she would instantly jump 2-3 points from a 5 to maybe 7.5ish. I've seen some pictured of her where she managed to look awkward-pretty so she could definitely make that work for her.
I'm sure you're a 10/10 stud
Irrelevant to what I feel is a pretty objective critique. Trust me, I'm a 4/10 at best. Doesn't mean I can't have opinions.
m8 you ever seen an actual nigger?
Nigger-ish hair then. All frizzy and shit. God, people are butthurt today. Something bothering you? Tell us where the bad man touched you.
Laura B is the only Holla Forums queen. Fuck off infidels
lol, nigger please
her hair is typical for brĂ¼nns (the predominant Irish subrace), but she's slightly darker than the usual Irish from her Balkanic maternal descent. But yeah frizzy hair like this is distinctly Irish.
Is this a wax figure?