Matrix Thread

Matrix is an open network for secure, decentralized communication.

Matrix supports text chat, audio/video calling, file uploads, encrypted chat, bridging to other protocols, and much more! Matrix servers are federated, meaning the users of one server can join the rooms and talk with the users of other servers easily, without needing to make an alternative account.

While Matrix really is for everyone, users seeking FOSS alternatives to Discord or looking for a more featured messenger than XMPP or IRC will adapt well to using Matrix.

There is a public, user-run Matrix web gateway at right now. is a small but regularly active room of anons, feel free to drop by and introduce yourself.

Absolutely! Check out to learn more about deploying and maintaining your own Matrix server! Feel free to ask for help in this thread as well if you have any trouble getting set up.

Got a room or just want to make new friends? Post a link to it in this thread using please!

Other urls found in this thread:

Source of server and client or fuck you. Also there is no such thing as a secure end to end encrypted VOIP software using SIP or otherwise. ==ALL== Have been intentionally weakened or backdoored. Your doing awesome work if this is real though. Hide your children as (((they))) don't want encrypted voice chat that is secure to be a thing

In the OP, is a Synapse server.

Yes, it's all FOSS.

Oh it's based on synapse. That's backdoored you faggot. Read the github.

This would be a great competitor to skype on normiefags using it to trade cooking recipes. Anything more than that and it's beyond useless. Not to mention laughably insecure.

People like you are the reason why tech is shit. Stop spouting FUD memes that you hear from /techpol/.

Back to >>>/g/ you go.

i tried the riot application for matrix a while back. the desktop and phone version both seemed to work relatively fine. it just seems the UI is kinda lacking. while it is all looks together it just seems out of place. dunno how to describe it. waiting for more major improvements to really jump on the train

How does this compare to tox, and why should i use this instead?

Oh, so it's shit then.

it isnt you fucking god damn retard holy shit can you fucking read.

Not knowing how to cross compile on linux is a meme now? I would love to see the picture of that meme kike.

Also none of what you said is a arguement refuting my points or clarifying mine or even justifying your own.
Justify why javascript/node.js is acceptable as a "secure" layer of transfering data. Tell me who you are "secure" from and why which is to say threat level.
Also explain why they suggest "Chrome, Firefox and Safari."? With a little jewgling you can see that all three of those are now backdoored or phone home which is the opposite of secure in most cases.

Tox is entirely peer-to-peer, and fills the niche of Skype in terms of behavior and design. But it doesn't have any servers so multi-user conversations and their histories don't persist. You can't go back and view a conversation you weren't present for, or receive messages while you aren't online. All of the one-to-one stuff is great though, assuming both users are online regularly.

Matrix has servers, though there isn't any one "official" server and anyone can run their own. Rooms have an actual "location" on the network as represented by an address, and are accessible from any federating Matrix server. The niche Matrix fills, again, is closer to the one filled by Discord and IRC.

Source of backdoor or fuck you.

I know I'm falling for bait but here's a (you):

Matrix isn't designed to be a super secure ultra hardcore anonymity protocol. If you read any of the Matrix spec and documentation.

Messages are secured by HTTPS. There is no metadata obfuscation. NodeJS is for easy cross-platform without having to code a risky C application. Rust could be switched out in the future. I'm not a Matrix dev.

Okay, tell me a browser that isn't "Backdoored". I'll wait.


Actually you can also use olm and megaolm double rachet cryptography, in Matrix it works similarly to OMEMO for XMPP.

The primary reference server isn't node.js, it's Python. Riot is node.js but not the only client available, there's others written in Qt5 and as plugins for Pidgin or Weechat.

There is also a Go server in development called Dendrite.

Oh, my bad. I thought the reference implementation was in N.js.

If you want a modern, that is to say can play youtube videos and display images, browser then search and judge for youselves. It is out there for now....

OMEMO is used only for text messages not voice chat. That's what the 'double ratchet' scheme is used in. Useless when applied to the throughput and latency neccessary for near instant voice chat.

It's an okay chat app for cross platform abilities. But your not doing anything besides trading cooking recipes and similar. So don't advertise it as secure. Or atleast say what it is secure from as to not decieve users.

Well I have been proven wrong. Tox seems legit for day to day use. It uses NaCl for encryption as end to end clients like a torrent. I am glad to be wrong. Will still be cautious with google endorsing it and the core protocol being written in C though.

gtfo cia nigger

VoIP can be secured with TLS/DTLS, since it's just WebRTC.
/biz/ business & finance / crypto currency discussion

From observation of the arguing of some of you faggots, I'm in doubt. DS Discord servers but with 1000x the security that is open source is the way.

Open source does not = secure. All open source means is that you can fix it yourself. That is it.

no first class cli, no fucks given


very very cool reply

You guys are obnoxious at this point. You do realize that endorsing your language this way only makes people hate it more, right? Then why are you doing it?

There are two other homeserver projects in better languages already
Ruma is also working on porting the client libraries to Rust.

We have our community Exclusively for like-minded individuals who claiming themselves as shut-ins, hikkis and NEETs.

You can check our thread on local board:

Or simply do this:
Get a client listed at
or just open in your browser. Then you can set as the server to log into instead of, the default.
Tick the "Custom Server" button and put in the Home Server URL field. is open registration server specifically for our anons.

Wow this sure makes me thrilled.

Good, you failed the turing test.

You may want a client.

More of a Slack clone

Get it right, kids. It's a

Actually, XMPP is a hipster Matrix clone dude.

In end user security terms its much better than proprietary corporate shit. Never said open source = secure

Crabs in a bucket: the thread


none of these have encryption faggot

Its XMPP but better


it's homo and has aids and cancer but better

stay mad

must be real mad

Bumping for interest. It was about time somebody made this a thing.

I fucking hate these people. But why should I use Matrix instead of Pidgin? libpurple can bridge different protocols too, albeit it's quite shit at it (no image sending and stickers with facebook and calls only with xmpp, for example). Is the Matrix protocol support any better?