Gravity doesn't exist
I am right
Gravity doesn't exist
I never felt like anything was pulling me down. I always felt like I was being pushed down.
this tbh
electric universe theory anyone?
It is pretty good, and does get a fuckton right; however, it does have some pretty stupid shit, that have been straight proven wrong
The stuff it does get right though are things (((they))) don't want you to know
>the earth is flat and hollow
I don't know about the other stuff, and I'm too lazy to look it up; you raise great points that do deserve their own thread; I think they're a bit miss guided though but for all I know you are right, the world is so fucked up at this point
eventually you will come to understand more.
OP do you have other cool ideas?
Originally when making this thread I was basically lolposting, and making a statement that is technically correct because physics & shit
But then I actually got some really good replies
So on me having any ideas, nope; I'm the kinda guy that has to be asked questions, or be given a statement to correct/contest to give info directly
well I thought your walrus cat airplane nose gif was really funny in how it spins around like crazy rather than just the nose as per usual.
Earth is Flat.
and hollow^
The stupididty in here is so intense
you are wrong
if you left the thread it would get better
gravity is inverted force, as amount of mass deplets dark mass and therefore creates pull
I got another one for you, you ever seen the move The Martian?
Well, how come the Moon and other heavenly bodies are subject to maritime law?
really gets the noggin rockin
gravity is powerful enough to alter time
fuck you, gravity is awesome!
Gravity is just a conspiracy made by The Man to keep us down.
If you got wet, congratulations, you've proved the "theory" of gravity for the billionth time
i wish
Time doesn't exist
I am right
you are right.
Then what's holding me to my couch?