Amazon Prime is on pace to become more popular than cable TV -
TV died in 2009 anyways
DTV was the worst thing to ever happen. DTV sucks and it's just a method to track television users. It's superior in NO way. In fact, it's inferior as you can't get good reception with an ordinary antenna anymore. You used to be able to channel surf too. Can't do that. "Auto-Fine Tuning" is a joke, and you can't even watch things through static. If it's a staticy reception the picture literally stops and if it's usually like this the "Add New Channels" feature will reject the channel. In the old days you could just go "Channel 2, Channel 3, Channel 4, ..." to find a channel. Now they've removed that ability. On all comsumer televisions you need to use the Add Channels feature. Some times it even refuses to tune to a channel if you type it in.
What a great future this is
But user, digital is the Future™! Carrying MPEG streams over UHF is the Future™! Don't be stuck in the past! ATSC is now!
In all fairness, ATSC does have some advantages over NTSC, and it's not just better picture, ATSC can multiplex channels so you can have multiple streams per channel (ie. with NTSC it was just channel 1, 2, 3, 4.etc but with ATSC you can have 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 2-1, 2-2. 2-3.etc)
NTSC was superior because it was simpler, you didn't need a converter box, you didn't need to scan for shit, and you could still watch though static without the picture itself just downright going to shit. And in some cases it is superior quality to ATSC because you don't have lousy MPEG compression artifacts.
Overall both standards had their advantages and disadvantages, BUT the switchover was a massive fucking mistake. It should NOT have been made mandatory. The Government fucking killed television forever because in the months leading up to the 2009 switchover kikes were all taking advantage of it and snatching up all the good channels to switch to subscription-only services. That wouldn't have happened if the free market actually existed and the 2009 Switchover is a perfect example of media companies lobbying governments for their own advantage
But DTV can much more easily be restreamed, so it's ultimately better.
Not restreamed, but for example key sharing exists. It would be much harder when you have to actually cap the content and encode it than just sharing the keys.
Anyone remember how the Government also killed Amateture (Ham-style) Television with overregulation? It's a topic not brought up often anymore. No one learned their lesson from the killing of ham and then DTV happened. I remember the DTV commercials:, old newscaster from the 1950s in B&W saying "In Febuary of this year all Over-the-Air Television service will be switching to Digital. [pause] What's Digital?" and then the announcer says it's the biggest and best transition since TV went into color. I even knew it then that this didn't make a lot of sense but now that I'm older and wiser and a techie I can see it's the result of a lobby trying to fuck over America for-profit.
Also I didn't know that they used MPEG streams. Amazing. That's the worst thing I've ever heard and I'm only finding out now. yet another retarded decision by the communists in the Obama Administration.
I wonder if it would be possible to adopt Hoffman-esque gurillea tactics and begin to broadcast on the old frequencies in a form of protest. As I understand it all the frequencies were literally bought out by some services but screw that. Let's break Part 15.
We're fucking talking about television reception. Are you a millenial or something and fail to understand the difference between Television and Video?
What is this crap
An in-joke
Thank you for your IP. Expect to be h4xx3d soon.
Expect my Mcafee to fuck you up
k-k-kool kids k-klub b-b-bls go!
It's a splog that scrapes links from the front page of Hacker News and posts them on Holla Forums as if it came up with them.
As a matter of fact, its stupid fucking easy to broadcast your own TV channel over VHF.
Here's a good example using common equipment;
1.) A VCR
2.) A Rabbit-ears antenna
3.) An RF/Coax Amplifier
All one has to do is plug the amplifier input to the VCRs coax output and then plug a rabbit ears antenna to the amplifier output and boom. You're now broadcasting over the airwaves. To set the channel to broadcast on you need to adjust the antenna and to reach more people you obviously need a stronger RF amp then the ones you can buy at a local hardware store (Coax amps are still being sold mainly for cable modems but they work nonetheless)
Now go faggot, go out and LARP as your own Pirate TV Broadcaster!
I don't think that works, user. In fact, I think you're retarded.
Why would you make an assertion like that? It's obvious you're making conjecture. It was even used as a prank back in the phreaking days where people would jam their neighbors TV signals with something like porn for shits and giggles. Please shut the fuck up and read a book you stupid nigger.
I want to try this. Is it really that easy?
Actually, that's a nice idea.
Who would receive them? No one turns on analog signal anymore, and I think most modern TVs went full botnet anyway.
Though it sure would be cool to have a network of old school TV broadcasting h4xx0r news.
As soon as the licensed bandwidth holder complains to the FCC about intentional interference, they will invest resources to track down the perpetrators.
Then you plead No Contest and explain to the judge it was purely a form of protest. Then you do community service or something small because you pled "No Contest" rather than "Guilty" and then you get out on parole and do it again.
Yes, it actually is. I swear to God these underage faggots here. You're literally just amplifying native NTSC signals coming from the VCR output. It's not rocket science for fucks sake
Isn't that illegal, since it constitutes a public performance under the copyright act of 1976? It's illegal to rebroadcast public (non-encrypted) television over the internet.
It's technically illegal to even use an RF modulator or use the VCR coax output AT ALL because the wording is so vague since you're still leaking RF frequencies., haven't you even put an antenna close to a coax output from a VCR on an old tube TV before? of course not since you're too underage to have owned any of these things you will pick up the output over the air, albeit it will be very staticky and fuzzy. That's why it's called "Pirate Radio" or rather Pirate TV in this case. The thing is though, since everyone is over on UHF now, will anybody really care? A company who owns the channel will still have to press charges first after all and even then they may feel like pressing charges will cost them more money than simply leaving it be unless they ever planned on using their horded VHF properties again, which is unlikely.
Well, that's true. But it'd be more interesting to just broadcast it to the entire world over the internet or something.
I love and all the amazing products and services they offer! Thanks, Amazon! Thanks, Amazon Prime! We appreciate you!
Seriously let's just all take a moment to appreciate Amazon and all the time they've collectively saved us shopping for goods. God bless you, Amazon.
0 seconds
Then you've obviously not a Prime subscriber! Did you know that with Amazon Prime you get FREE 2 day shipping on nearly ANY purchase?
While that's pretty great the amazon botnet seems like it's starting to overtake even google, and that's a scary thought.
cuckolds win again