Why do you love this man Holla Forums?
Why do you love this man Holla Forums?
Isn't that the guy who put himself a buttplug but claimed he wasn't gay, all on TV?
I can't watch TACS. It's too painful. I still miss OnA.
Not only that but that time he spread his ass cheeks, his asshole had clearly seen regular use from how stretched out it looked.
The dude probably jumps on a large dildo at home after pretending to cum with his wife.
When the bull comes over shes the one that probably gets cucked.
Yep. He did that once. He also kissed Milo on the mouth once. Just to prove how 'not homophobic' he is.
Did what? "put himself a buttplug"?
Well, now that you mention it, it might have been someone else who obstructed his anal cavity
It escapes my memory, shame i forgot, own you that one m80
post best of
i love no zionist cocksuckers
They're threatening to kick me out of the Proud Boys FB group because I won't go to a meetup. Jokes on them, I'm not some gay Chad, I'm actually a hikki-neet infiltrator.
I am sure his Proudboys love him every night.
He's so secure about his masculinity and sexuality that he has no problem with doing gay shit because he still goes home and fucks his wife and takes care of her kids.
Dude is a aging hipster wreck who plays at being "le edgy right -wing rebel" but not too edgy because we can't offend my Jew producer and my Zioshit financiers
On the other hand, weev got pretty butthurt when he called him "jewy" during their interview. That was fun.
remember when sammy "our boy" hyde started crying about the 6 million on his show?
that was one of the few times sam was legitimately funny, and holy shit did gave-in mccuck got royally BTFO.
Me too.
It was just the best. Everything from nice blue-collar political talk, to non-pc jokes to Opie being the absolute worst douchebag there possibly could be. It was a great fucking show.
Isn't this the guy that made out with ((((Milo)))) and then told Joe Rogan he was totally straight?
in b4 timsperg
Dude is married to an Indian (feather) and has 3 kids. More like he's just a degenerate while being mostly straight.
fucking hell thanks user
Next terrorist attack they'll touch wieners
there are a lot of fags married with children user.
Damn she's super cute