Theoretically if a successful Communist revolution happened in the US what would happen to figures like Hillary, Obama and other major establishment figures who were involved in the killings of innocent people.
Theoretically if a successful Communist revolution happened in the US what would happen to figures like Hillary...
To the dustbins of history I guess. You really wouldn't have the time to give a shit about them.
And btw if you made this thread because you want all of us to collectively share revenge fantasies about judging and executing prominent politicians then I strongly advice that you stop daydreaming about shit like this and find something practical to do
Gulag or escape to Canada
Like shitposting on Holla Forums?
Hillary's dirty old vagina would be colectivized for proles with granny fethishes. By that time Cletus shoud be hanginh Obama and Jamal playing ball with Trump's head
They'd probably all escape to, I dunno, Saipan or some place like that. Like Chiang fleeing to Taiwan.
Nigga if there is a revolution going on you best believe China is just going in an annexing it
Fuck you bastard. I'll have plenty of dreams of Trump and Bill Gates dying from eating my shit.
They'll runaway to their Hampton houses.
Why are you so angry, miss?
I'm angry because the earth is gay
They're just figureheads. We'd use them to extract information about their superiors, and then we'd exile them to an island or something.
realistically they'd either be captured or killed during the fighting or escape to some foreign country.
Personally i would hope for a symbolic trial/public execution
You will not be punished for your anger,
you will be punished by your anger….
Hillary would probably kill herself, guilt ridden for all the misery she caused, she would grab one of her secret service agent's pistol and shoot herself before the commies come and capture her.
It's the same as when there is more than one leftist poster and they don't agree…
They'd die. Not much else they could do really, most 'career politicians' in liberal democracies are morons who can barely manage their immediate underlings, much less an entire country. They're a lot more powerless and ineffectual than one would believe: they can and do make some top-down decisions but ultimately it's up to middle-men on how to implement any of that stuff.
Not what I meant, though.
Hopefully they would be dragged from their mansions into the street and each given a single bullet to the back of the head before being left for the vultures.
Is anyone on. I'm really high and was imagining a world that this wasn't satire really pissed me off. fucking buzzkill
It isn't satire. You're not even high. This is the world now. And you're going to vote for her.
I would make them the subject of our new society's first reality tv show. Let's watch these bourgeois lapdogs adjust to a world where they actually have to do their own work to survive. It would be both cathartic and educational.
Noone is going to vote for her. This is not even a question of ideology - she is either clinically insane or voefully incompetent.
probably public trials. Let the citizens sort them out.
What sad is Hitler was more eloquent and used fewer words to do it.
fucking hell I thought I was the only one
light severely misused that thing
They would swiftly evacuate long before the revolution starts, preemptively.
they would "work" from abroad with a legion of propagandists, psicologists and porky representatives to ruse the people they betrayed,subjugated and abandoned into refusing liberation.
Anger is cool.
fuck i hate jedi philosophy
Basically gulag.