Does seeing how certain creators conduct themselves on social media influence how you view their works?
Does seeing how certain creators conduct themselves on social media influence how you view their works?
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im not a millennial faggot who uses social media so i'm good.
It makes me like JK even more knowing that you are so triggered you brought the twitter shit here.
This is pretty simple, you fuckfaces are triggered sjws yourselves, fuck off already
this. drumpfkikes GTFO
Swing and a miss.
This, you polumpfedorittors need to fuck off
I'll seriously answer before this thread turns into yet another massive, stale clusterfuck.
I don't really pay that much attention to what celebrities do outside of when I'm watching something involving them or reading one of their books (and of course when faggots post their shitty political tweets on Holla Forums).
If I don't like their acting or writing or whatever then that alone makes me disregard any future works of theirs.
Merely insulting/whining about politics I disagree with isn't enough to make me shit myself. If it was then I'd have fucked off to r/the_donald a long time ago and buried my head in the hugbox sand.
you are from r/the donald though redditcuck
How fag poople from 8/tv/ can comment a line like this and consider themselves better than redditors?
At least you admit you don't know what acting is and only have a subjective opinion on whats "good"
he's fine by me
Caring what JKcuck and Kingcuck think about Trumpcuck on Twittercuck.
Caring what JKcuck and Kingcuck think about Trumpcuck on Twittercuck.
you twice the cuck of your average cuck. cuck.
I always hated them so whatever
That's all we do here.
We shouldn't be here.
None of us should be here.
Tell me if you think this is appropriate behavior for a famed children's writer.
The fact she posted this may indicate that she is mentally unstable.
Double spaced, size 15 font, with pictures at the start of chapters that eat ~ half the page and the end of chapters with 1/2 or more of the page left blank.
Contrived weak, 2d characters, that don't grow, change, or earn anything …. ( things happen, Characters on autopilot, the book)
Proceeds to makes millions from books movie and merchandise ( oy vey) from stupid populous that can't see how mediocre the book series was ( even for a children's book).
Thinks this entitles her to bitch about serious issues including politics from a foreign nation (US) to disparage an again foreign president of a powerful nation because she doesn't like that he has different opinions and goals than her….
The woman is either disturbed or shilling for attention.
Trump tweets are like cocaine to the progressive hivemind is what I'm getting from OP.
I doubt Stephen King writes his own material, he probably has an army of ghostwriters that pump out material to cash in on the Stephen King brand.
She said nothing wrong, she's right bitter virgin faggot frogposting redditors are cancer look here is proof they were so assblasted like you still are about the banter.
Also the content of hp is more mature then you give credit its why she wanted terry gilliam to direct it parallels british shitty society and is basically british self deprecation
The characters had development in the films bookfaggot plotfag
You can tell the quality of something by the creator's beliefs. Time proves this every single day that leftists produce garbage and the more left they are, the more whatever they produced is garbage. It would only be a phenomena if it wasn't such a reliable metric.
Oh please. What a tired out theme. The last thing anyone needs is another series dedicated to self-deprecating brits. Even your bait posts are tired out.
Nice quints.
It does influence the idea of intentions, that is when they mention them
Harrison Ford in Blade Runner was probably the weakest thing on the movie, that is until you take perspective with the ending and the implied consequence.
It means Ford might have made the character a confused and very distracted cop who was just very efficient for said implied reasons (justifying Deckard being a somewhat of a retard)
Ford then mentioned he didn't, he just phoned it and was just disgruntled by production and the role itself. It turns his role into a cheap accident instead of well-thought acting, souring the experience.
The brits self deprecate as a mean to cope, it isnt tired out because it parodies it successfully in its own original setting
I was a little disappointed when Tarantino dropped out of the running, but I don't think I can handle this.
it's kinda hard not to be distracted by the innocent "war is bad" diana in wonder woman, when gal gadot could give two shits if every palestinian kid gets used as a human meat shield
it's the most disingenuous thing
and then there's known pedos working around child actors, I mean how can you not feel uncomfortable about that?
she wrote a torture scene for her self insert in the last harry potter book, at the hands of another chick no less
can't he still look at Trump's twitter while not logged into his own account?
I learned to ignore Rowling long before she became a total Twitter whore.
If they separate their views from their work, I'm fine with it. Sadly, that is not the case for most. As soon as the isolation starts to leak outside of social media where it can't be easily ignored, it becomes a problem. That's when it starts to become an agenda or egocentric opinion projecting.
It's annoying and multiplied worse the more people your following. Saying the exact same thing without deviation. You could confront them on the facts: but some won't have an answer for you, half won't have a good and reasonable answer, and most will block you rather than argue. Social media makes might with whatever actions you do right. I'm just surprised so many people have such a twitter addiction. It just seems to make people worst the longer they are on it.
They say and believe what the Jew commands so the goy will parrot their opinions. Know you nothing of the race war?
nobody will even remember these hacks or their teen fiction garbage in 50 years, they are nothing in the literary world
That retarded bitch stole his food
serves him right for being a fucking pale man
Why would you ever pay attention to anything that degenerate orange murderer says?
Who would use social media in the first place, aside from whiny, self-centered teenage girls like the president?
Yes. I have even more disdain for celebrities than I used to.
That shit happened back in Jan
Does that have anything to do with anything? It was good for the book and film, plus fyi the film hatd to be edited down from a R rating because of that scene and others stuff.
I never liked Harry Potter because I'm not retarded.
t. I'm a complete retard and can't even into harry potter
no,I just assume every director,actor, writer, producer, etc is a leftist and just enjoy their work and ignore their personal views.
You sure owned me
of course not, i knew hairy pozzer was shit long before i saw her flipping the fuck out on twitter
No, I'm not into social media. And I think people attribute way too much importance to them.
Care to tell me how you reached that conclusion when I didn't even say what constitutes good acting?
Why do you guys hate this dude so much?
It's just you growing up. Harry Potter was mainly about an idealistic, angsty, and narcissistic teenager who thinks that he's in the center of the world and always right for being inclusive, so you shouldn't be surprised when that same character reflects the author and it's fanbase.
You shouldn't be hurt as there's millions of other creators who made have better content.
They're also faggy people who fear death more than judgement. Their priorites are completely out of whack.muh islamophobia and homophobia is bad, but nailbomb is fine!
what do you mean "you guys"?
Not relevant to this specifically, all peoples are faggy a lot of the time
Harry Potter pretty much accurately represents that they are faggy people. The ministry is shitty. The ministries priorities in times of war and such are completely out of whack.
Not in the movies
I read and bought all of the books when I was younger to rebel against my religious parents. They turned out to be right.
He's a SJW. Though most people just made fun of him rather than actually hating him.
does that have to with anything?
besides proving my point, that is.
I read all the books when I was younger and it had no influence on my religion and harry in the films is much more relatable and normie hes not a cunt
Oh it proves that you are a faggot for sure, kill yourself
There's nothing wrong with hating jews though. Should receive praise honestly.
okay you're retarded, got it
nah breed their women kill all the dirty jew men
What are you even trying to imply that rowling wanted to be tortured as opposed to writing a good climax
Their women are just as bad.
Well in Jewish law, women pass on Judaism, not the men. So, kill the women and the men, I guess. Or kill the women, and the men can be comedians or something
Well, Scarlet Johnson is dead forever after pathetic propaganda for Hillary Clinton, her carer will now go down or she will need other people to over compensate her ince if she is alone less people will want to watch her, but if have other group of people and you want to watch the movie, you can try to ignore the existence of Scarlet Johnson because of her propaganda for Hillary Clinton before election in 2016 who was pathetic and had a better propaganda against these mediocre celebrities shilling for Hillary because of DNC having corrupt partisan lobby and monopoly and trying to use this to manipulate for themselves and promote fake news, lies, cheat, everything possible to try to get power in the most dirty way, lied in pools, fraud in the votes, insane fake news media, cnn, etc…
But is funny that someone like Tim Allen who don't even said anything great but DNC disliked his comment because DNC wanted their slaves in these industries following the narrative and shilling, canceled Tim Allen Show..
Basically, they kill themselves when they want to suck the shithole of DNC.
People are forced to be in silence or will have their carers destroyed by DNC who don't accept their actor slaves outside of the narrative, propaganda and shilling for themselves, or they need to shill for DNC and the next piece of shit candidate of DNC or against the other who wins against DNC, to be promoted in a industry who DNC wanted to make partisan and manipulate to try to shill for themselves and get more power and lobby to manipulate everything.
Also, this hateful shilling of DNC made in their corrupt websites, media and slave actors, was responsible for some Bernie Sander retard american brain dead baby boomer libtard follower of DNC Media, Rachel and other sick shit, try to kill someone from GOP when was the DNC and Hillary Clinton who removed Bernie Sanders but the brainwashed brain dead animal want to kill trump and gop because the brain dead animal is so stupid.
Is hard that people can be brainwashed in real life and follow the manipulation of DNC even after everything who happened in 2016, all the dirty tricks, trash and garbage of DNC
People in USA can't be unironically brainwashed by DNC and watch their shit and become crazy retards manipulated by these insane trash.
DNC are responsible for chaos, death, killing, treats, and they intentionally does this.
Have a video by , talking about the last garbage of DNC responsible for the retard who a gun against someone from gop because the animal was brainwashed by insane corrupt DNC shit
Also, the last video of PJW was good talking about insane DNC media being responsible for the retard wanting to kill
And have old videos of pjw about this j.k. being trash and where these "celebrities" are living and how they behave for the
He's at least 90% Spanish.
Hello PJW ;)
Yeah. It really shows how many of them are just average people who got lucky, and have very overinflated egos and bank accounts in this retarded world of ours.
Trump is a moron, but not more so than these tools. I'm glad he won, because I'm White, but he's still forcing shit policies.
I shudder to think who'll be next. Mark Zuckerberg or The Rock?
Just end it already.
He invites plenty of jews and commies in his taco festivals, i have really wondered for months if he's a marrano or something.
He does look like one, in both senses of the word
Women over 30 are a lost cause anyway, unless they're really talented. She's not.
He had a good run, but his core audience of Mid Western workers seems to have been replaced by metrosexual cuckolds.
Wow. Trump did nothing wrong.
It affects my views of their work since I start noticing how they're trying to insert their politics into their works.
Like with Rowling I wouldn't have thought anything of a black woman playing Hermione in that play, it's routine to get whatever random people to play a role in a play so the race seems irrelevant. Yet Rowling tried pretending the character was always black. She probably even believes that now. It's clear she's so immersed in her politics that she's trying to find ways to shove it into her works, likely because she has no writing career now as Harry Potter finished.
Reading a celebrity's social media basically ruins them since there's no longer plausible deniability for their stupid comments.
women get off on torture and rape
but the women are hot.
kill the jewish men, then white men can decide what being jewish means
tbh I really got pissed off and lost a lot of respect when this fat greasy fuck talked about the girl in pan's labryinth, said they had to "pretty her up" first for the role, ie straighten her hair and pluck her eybrows
I mean, wow she's like a 10 year old in a war torn shithole.
Being a jew is passed down matrilineally you dumbass, also 99% of Jewish women turn into hags pretty fucking quickly.
Fuck off schlomo, no one cares about your kikelogic
Wowee, look at this faggot who wants to justify his kikesslust. Why not just exterminate them all so we don't have to deal with jews
That's what the muslims even said when the jew betrayed them thrice
Jews cannot be forgiven, not even the larvae
Jew girls are hot, but yeah if you breed with them then your kids will be Jews.
So? Can't you just control yourself? And they're actually not hot at all once they get older.
You are retarded fam
Jewish women are not hot, if you think alison brie doesnt look like a fucking ugly 4/10 skank you are a fucking failure
Geez, what a fucking normalfag
Record corrected.