Has anyone giving any serious thought on joining the Pkk and putting your money where your mouth is by fighting isis?
Pkk war
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I would if I were single and in a bad state.
no, there's no real revolution there
it's just an ethnic nationalist movement adapting to the current political climate, since the USSR is gone and there are no other allies for them against Turkey
This. Even ISIS are more revolutionary; they have the anti-imperialist angle going for them.
Seriously? They're intentionally fighting a suicide war. They're only anti-imperialist in the sense that there will be no empires after Armageddon.
At least the PKK are useful to Rojava as some extra guns.
Holla Forums leftcoms: the post
Complete bullshit here.
PKK's definitely not full communist and they've got a strong ethno-nationalist bent, but they're still at least theoretically a Bookchinite social anarchist party.
Also, PKK aren't the main ones fighting ISIS. If you're fighting with the PKK you're fighting against the Turkish state.
God leftcoms are stupid, muh instant fullcommunism! Do you realize constructing socialism is a long drawn process?
How the fuck is the national liberation of an oppressed nation "ethno-nationalist" (negative connotation)? Especially considering Democratic Confederalism is very much anti-nationalist ideologically.
Stop with the mechanical class reductionism here, do you deny the existence of oppressed nations under the global capitalist system?
find me one mention of class in anything on Rojava and then we can talk about how it;s not ethno-nationalist and all critics are just reductionists
I'll wait
shit article, fails to examine the effect of commune based politics on the economy and everything that has been set up for after Occalan's gone.
basically, they may be doing the right things for the wrong reasons, but they're still doing the RIGHT THINGS!
They do reference class all the time.
They just focus more on Power rather than buying into slave morality and protestant work ethics.
The workers movement has no real revolutionary potential, for it makes a virtue and an identity out of work and thus will not ever emancipate workers from work itself. Beyond that, it doesn't question Power that has little direct economic meaning at all, say like the state over individuals and thus why so many "worker's" movements have degenerated into totalitarian nightmares.
The point is democracy, not working class emancipation as workers.
sounds like social democracy my dude
No class antagonisms sounds like social democracy?
Well, I live in a social democracy and I can tell you that we do not have direct democracy in the workplace nor are they directly responsible to direct democratic local assemblies.
is there a meaningful difference between direct and representative democracy?
does the direct democracy in the workplace really matter when pretty much your entire economy is built on sustaining a war effort which is planned by a central administration with the power to postpone elections?
In one you vote for a set of oligarchs that you pray will vote your way magically.
In the other you just vote your way. One is top down, the other bottom up. It's the difference between capitalism and socialism.
You'd rather have them not fight back? This is not entirely true btw. They've thrown a lot of resources into rebuilding cities and infrastructure, establishing education and developing the MoP unlike any other faction in the conflict.
Which elections? To which offices? Source?
how anarchists are individualistic faggots with no idea how class society and struggle works
A group telling you what to do is inherently better than one person?It's better to be beaten by the people's stick?
no, but you have to be realistic about what is a war and what is a revolution, and who is in control
I haven't seen a great deal on this, there's barely any information
they provide people with free bread from what I've heard; most wartime governments ration food
They also have a police force and prisons, it is literally the people's stick. I know it can be good to have hope, but I think when anarchists offer uncritical support to Rojava it's kindof dangerous. Obviously they're the least bad of all the factions, but that's really not hard in the middle east.
At least you're a member of said group, got to present your case before them, and vote with them. Also, you get ton choose to associate with any assembly you want. It's not a state acting "in the name of the people", it's the people controlling it directly.
Does it have flaws? Damn straight. So did catalonia and Ukraine. Flaws are there to be struggled against.
By the way, calling the citizens militia a police is iffy. They're working towards making service a mandatory part of citizen's life and there's a upper limit to how long you can serve.
Also again, they serve the will of the direct democratic assemblies.
Wow, a city election was called off because the place was literally under siege. Also no mention of the PYD being the ones to call it off.
Catalonia had flaws, but it was the intimation of a revolution. In Rojava they have a specialised which protects their constitutional private property rights, they have an elected president and assemblies are cancelled so there's no reality for the abolition of government any time soon. We also give tankies ammo by saying
would the Iron Column have done that? is there a revolution or is there a war going on?
I would like to help make weapons for them but I have almost no metalworking experience and that shit's expensive to practice.
No, fuk em. Anarchists are not my comrades.
You think there not a pretty good chance that they choose to call it off themselves, when concentrating a large amount of citizens the same place would have been extremely dangerous in the age of mortars and indirect fire.
Perhaps, but you can't really be sure
the entire war is an affair of the PYD
Might as well send them positive vibes you faggot.
And "private property" being protected refers to personal property. They don't have a lot of people who are both fluent in English and understand enough socialist theory, so a lot of stuff is lost in translation.
they explicitly reference private property and "entrepreneurship" though
Class, while definitely a part of the Rojava revolution considering the amount of collectivization going on, can't be used to provide the primary revolutionary subject in Northern Syria since there was much of class antagonisms to speak of in what was basically a rural backwater. What was there was massive oppression of women and oppression of minorities by central governments. It only makes since this would take center stage. But regardless, they are effectively making a socialist society and commune politics along with massive collectivization will probably prevent the rise of capitalism in the future.
Yes. In the shitty English translation.
How does that translate to real life? People are free to start cooperatives that are subject the the local direct democracies.
Such private property.
which means the commune has control over all economic activity. If private enterprises or even collectivized ones don't do something the people want, they can force it to change its course.
but then why mention or have private property in the first place?
I think that in the short term it means that the petite bourgeoisie will be tolerated so long as they do what the community wants.
But unlike lenin there are material reasons to believe this will work. The politics of having a commune rune things through almost direct democracy and consensus building is the kind of politics needed to ensure the long term survival of this program.
Capitalism cannot exist in an actually democratic and free state.
but even if this is true do you think the kurdish lads will be able to keep it that way if they win and were just allied with capitalist powers?
can't be too careful
Also this.
The petty bourgeoisie have been tolerated, especially since things have been really caotic, but things are slowly being collectivized and put into the hands of the workers in direct democracies. A few years ago about half the economy was collectivized. Now it's about 80%.
We have no reason to suspect that they don't take that principle seriously and that the petty bourgeoisie will continue to be eroded.
The kurds have historically been good at pitting their enemies against each other. I think they'll do just fine. And anyway, considering the low price of oil at the moment and the foreseeable future, Rojava is only valuable in a military capacity to the US, they'll probably leave them to develop their economy as they please.
The YPG and US alliance is one of the loosest ones in a long time. they haven't really recieved any equipment, and the US deploys their own personel to coordinate the air-strikes.
Don't listen to that asshole, Plesen, he doesn't know know how to engineer guns, but have little metal-work experience.
any more sexist chomsky memes?
You will die before you see a Marxist revolution ever again.
And your life will have been a waste of carbon and labour-hours.