Are there any stable distribution which aren't bloated do shit, preferably with support for building from source? Debian is stable, but it's bloated as fuck and you can't build from source. Void Linux seems interesting, but everything is bleeding edge from what I can see. Are there any other distributions to keep in mind?
Stable non-bloated distribution
Install Gentoo.
Debian isn't bloated. It's the opposite due to package splitting.
Debian also lets you build packages from source.
Arch Linux
sorry forgot to add:
dont run pacman -Syu every day
Not stable, everything is bleeding edge.
It installs stuff that's not strictly necessary, compare its dependency handling to Arch and you'll see what I mean. It's very easy to pull in hundreds of megabytes of packages for no good reason.
You'll still get unstable packages, but they update slowly. I want something that has tried and true packages. Rolling release is okay, as long as they've been tested and not just randomly been thrown in on a best effort basis.
(chegged :-DDDDD)
That's actually not true, the stable (default) bortage tree is actually a little (or very old, depending on what you're used to) old and indeed tested and stable.
Not with Gentoo. All packages that are expected to update poorly or cause any form of trouble are kept in testing until they can iron it out.
Thanks for educating this tard in my place.
Thank you user. I will probably >install gentoo then.
no need to be a jerk
g-gentoo being hard to install is actually a meme since you can just do the chroot from any running GNU+Linux distro and if you skip all the meme-ricing steps like compiling your own kernel y-you can get a r-running installation in under 30 m-minutes. The documentation is wholesome and c-complete and the best you'll find in a-any distro (save for Arch, maybe.).
y-y-y-you're welcome user-sama
w-what are you talking about a-user-sama was n-nice
gentoo is nice, i just always worry that i forgot to check something in the kernel menuconfig, or checked something that i have no need for. but i it's comfy knowing that every single software on my computer is compiled for my machine specifically, even if that means waiting 24 hours on an old thinkpad.
install gentoo
The opposite of this is true. If you use --no-install-recommends (or configure APT not to install recommended packages) you only get what's strictly necessary, while Arch is less afraid of bullshit dependencies - for instance, most filemanagers depend on systemd somehow.
Debian also splits up its packages to a much greater extent than Arch, so you won't get debug symbols and development headers unless you need them or request them.
what temperature does your CPU reach during compiling?
cat > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01norecommend
Nice. All it needs is a 'sudo apt autoremove --purge" and it's done.
You'd do it every five minutes if you read the security mailing list.
Windows ;^)
really glad this board is becoming more weeaboo friendly
y-you've seen b-bad things a-user-chan
w-who are you c-calling a w-weeaboo
dunno how to measure temps during a gentoo install. i won't be using this laptop much until the new parts come in, maybe i'll test the temps if i figure it out. But when you have something compiling on every core for a long time, it gets pretty hot.
But anime enthusiasts practically run the entire internet. In the study commonly referred to to "prove" women are better programmers than men, they counted people with female (anime) avatars as women. So people with anime avatars were able to bring the average for women (otherwise shit coders) to surpass men.
The largest bittorrent tracker,
The second largest bittorrent library, libtorrent-rakshasa.
The largest TUI/CLI bittorrent client, rtorrent.
Most chans.
In general, whenever the lead maintainer for some project has an anime avatar it's usually of good quality.
isn't there a minimal debian install?
Yes, but it tends to pull in quite a lot of dependencies.
It's professional serious business technicians and engineers who actually run the entire Internet. These are the people who design and operate the physical infrastructure required to connect people. These are the people who design and operate the logical protocols that keep everyone communicating. Your so called anime enthusiasts are merely piggy backing on top of the existing infrastructure that they did not contribute.
kek, it's just different protocols haphazardly stapled together until it kind of works
t. someone with no idea what they're talking about, probably about 13 yo.
when your protocol is so bad it starts an entire industry centering around exploiting it, it's bad
"take the first idea that pops up in your head and use it for the next 42 years"
very bad in nearly all important aspects and has had all sorts of functionality shoehorned into it
logical protocols are logical
t. neckbeard retard who sucks cock of DNS
t. neckbeard retard who sets special snowflake local host and domain name whenever setting up new Linux box
t. neckbeard retard who uses host file to block things and name things on network
t. neckbeard retard who runs DNS to name local network machines
Yes. Use the netinstall, then the advanced installer, and deselect all package groups. After that, run and then . The most minimal Debian is more minimal than Arch.
cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone*/temp
and then divide the numbers by 1000, then select the temperature which makes most sense (around 65-80 deg. C for me)
How about tiny core?
are you sure about that?
It's not actually useful for much.
Fuck your bloatware! I don't want a cat running in my computer!
Debian installs shit tons of dependencies whenever I want to install anything. On top of that, it comes with a large number of useless packages. Also, systemdicks.
Yet you have this retard amok.
To not go completely off topic
For nondesktop and nonserver CNK and CNL, or lfs depending on how specialized you need it to be.
Default Gentoo installation is slim as fuck, and Gentoo also has fastest binary execution. No distro can compete with that. But you have to mess with portage.
You apparently aren't smart enough to read or understand the thread. Are you sure you're mentally equipped to be using a computer? Stop repeating ignorant horseshit about things you can't comprehend.
Configure your system properly either during or after installing it. See and for the after install way.
or Alpine if you really must use GNU/meme
Haha, jokes on you. Alpine isn't GNU.
Did you just assume DNS's gender?
How Der he?!!
HeadsOS by the Dyne group.
Void's pretty stable. Probably because they don't patch packages like some other distros and it doesn't have systemd to make everything use 100% cpu or stop working suddenly.
Configuring a small kernel and compiling it is faster than compiling a giant bloated pajeet kernel with shit tons of modules. It will also save large amounts of time when kernel updates come around.
No. Even after removing useless recommended packages, debian and derivatives still compile as many features as possible into their packages.
Only user-controlled compilation (like is seen in Gentoo) can remove this bloat.
This guy's right about one thing for sure: Debian derivs do enforce some dependencies which are NOT required or even recommended by the upstream author of a given package. Anyone who doesn't realize this doesn't know Debian well enough to comment.
Also, a sane definition of "bloat" is as follows: Software which applies undue burdens on system resources. Just having every lib lying on your HDD doesn't mean "bloat".
Which brings me to Slackware.
Slackware/BSD when
You can't spare 2GB to house every lib known to man then "here's a nickle kid, buy yourself a better computer".
not to mention the bandwidth used to download and update these useless libraries. and the memory used when loading the binaries, and the IO wasted when loading them from disk...
It helps when installing new stuff. Pretty much everything you need is already there.
But really, RAM and HDD should just mostly stay empty right? That = "performance" to you.
Don't be stupid.
I want to use my RAM for caching and my HDD for storage, not for keeping unused libraries.
Seriously dog, I can appreciate your minimalism, I use a tiling wm, etc. but whatever "gains" you think you are seeing are purely psychological/ideological. Either that or your hardware is from the late 90's.
That's how we have smartphones with 8 cores CPUs today.
Such as...?
Bluetooth support. CUPS (printing) support. X11 support for packages I don't need it for. Perl and python bindings for libraries I don't need it for. The list goes on.
Just configure apt to not download suggested or recommended packages by default, you retard. It will remove all that automatically.
Boy was that hard.
yeah? then i try to install something (which I don't need printing features for) and BAM cups is back.
Can you tell me the name of a package that unnecessarily hard-depends on cups?
no. i haven't used desktop debian derivs for a long time and i don't remember anymore.
however, i can tell a package that forces dependency on bluetooth: nemo file manager in linux mint.
Why did you even install cups or X in the first place? Netinstall... package group page... uncheck 2 clearly marked boxes... proceed. No X. No cups. Boot to a nice minimal console. Turn off recommends. Install the few things you like. Pretend it's 1993. Have fun.
Did you have APT configured not to install recommended packages by default, as mentioned multiple times in the thread?
In any case, nemo doesn't depend on anything bluetooth in Debian (it may get pulled in as a recommended package for all I know, but that's not a dependency and is easy to disable), so if that really is a hard dependency in Mint then that's probably an Ubuntu problem and not actually a problem with Debian derivatives in general.
Or I could
though portage being written in python is one of the major fails of gentoo, which is why i prefer alpine for many purposes.
All of these are possible in Debian without doing anything crazy. Follow >>767648's instructions, then install OpenRC and uninstall systemd.
By all means, use Gentoo if you prefer, but I think you're underestimating the possibilities of Debian.
Use whatever distro you prefer. But please don't spread fud, misinformation, and general ignorance about distros you obviously aren't familiar with.
No, it doesn't. Debian has 3 kinds of dependencies: hard dependencies, suggested and recommended.
Hard dependencies are unavoidable, suggested are installed by default and recommended aren't. ==A simple .config file is enough to avoid installing recommended packages.==
Jesus Christ, do you not know how to read? It's been stated multiple times in the thread. Debian has packages with low dependencies and they're usually split so they're sometimes smaller than in other distros, that's a policy of the distribution that every maintainer follows.
You can also remove systemd if you wish to, or just install the damn thing with OpenRC, Upstart or whatever the fuck you want using the CLI installer.
Fuck. It's like you guys get paid to talk out of your ass.
It's the other way around, but basically, yes.
How To Install Minimal Debian "Stretch"
1. Download Debian stable "Netinst" ISO (~290 MB):
2. Put it on a USBstick:
# cp debian-9.0.0-amd64-netinst.iso /dev/sdX
3. Boot it and run the installer.
4. On the "Tasksel" page, deselect everything:
[*] desktop
This just copies the iso file
You need:
sudo dd bs=4M if=debian-9.0.0-amd64-netinst.iso of=/dev/sdX
Sounds like you don't actually know what dd does. cp works fine for this. dd gives you finer control, and is usually recommended, but not necessary.
the arch page for Nvidia Optimus is 50 times better than the Gentoo one, though this probably changed now
t-t-t-then recompiling it 50 t-times as you r-realize you forgot X, Y a-and Z
t-this is actually surprisingly t-true, I n-never fully r-r-r-realized how b-bloated the average k-kernel was u-until I m-made my own
tfw didn't program the script to ignore post numbers
Unless they've fagged up GNU cp recently and had it turn into cat when it detects a device node it shouldn't work.
Again, it sounds like you don't actually know what dd does. This is Unix. Block devices are just files. cp works fine. dd may give better performance with the right options, and it's occasionally useful for only writing or reading part of a device, but it fundamentally only does things that work with regular files, and doesn't have special handling of the kind you seem to think it has. Go look at GNU dd's source code if you're not convinced.
I'm not entirely sure why you think cat is relevant, but it may involve some confusion about the role the shell plays in output redirection.
You really need to try it before you dig the hole any deeper.
No, you do. This has worked for as long as I remember. Note: /dev/sdX not /dev/sdXY. You're just wrong m8.
Okay, I did.
/h/b/h/r/Downloads> sudo cp FreeDOS11.iso /dev/sdf/h/b/h/r/Downloads> lsblkNAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT[...]sdf 8:80 1 14.9G 0 disk ├─sdf1 8:81 1 840M 0 part └─sdf2 8:82 1 2.3M 0 part /h/b/h/r/Downloads> sudo mount /dev/sdf /mntmount: /dev/sdf is write-protected, mounting read-only/h/b/h/r/Downloads> ls /mntautorun.inf freedos isolinux setup.bat
Are you convinced yet?
Sorry, I took the wrong lsblk output, from before I cp'd. This is the current lsblk output.
NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT[...]sdf 8:80 1 14.9G 0 disk /mnt[...]
Calm down, niggers.
ii. A file descriptor for dest_file shall be obtained by per‐ forming actions equivalent to the open() function defined in the System Interfaces volume of POSIX.1‐2008 called using dest_file as the path argument, and the bitwise- inclusive OR of O_WRONLY and O_TRUNC as the oflag argu‐ ment. Manual page cp(1p) line 147 (press h for help or q to quit)
Debian a shit.
You have no idea what you're talking about, Tardboy..
stop doing the artificial stuttering
Disable "install-recommends"
Stop giving him attention
Enjoy your "Debianized" packages taken from upstream and niggafied by college kids they call "package maintainers".
i_i_its not art_if_if_ishal
[X] Stable
[X] Non-bloated
[X] Building from source
[X] Autism-friendly
[X] Literally the future
environment.systemPackages = [ (pkgs.emacs.override { gtk = pkgs.gtk3; }) ];
dˍdˍdˍdˍdˍdˍdˍdon't mˍmˍmake fˍfˍfun of my dˍdˍdˍdˍdˍdˍdisability pˍplease!!!
Here and down are your choices, OP:
This image reminds me of that one map on Tribes: Ascend. Now I'm sad.
systemd is standard, stable and easy to maintain.
It also boots up on my hard drive in 10 seconds, compared to runit which boots up in 1 minute.
t. actual 12 yo retard
Which standard? Who the fuck standardized systemd? Show me the fucking standard, please. The only standard it creates is a standard attack surface for malware.
lol. systemd was the most indeterministic piece of software that I have ever used. It randomly hung up during boot while it didn't connect to the internet, services randomly failed, etc. and on the next boot they would be fine. I never had any race conditions with OpenRC.
You have clearly never maintained more than, say, 3 unit scripts.
id say manjaro. id be running it now but i cant get svp to use gpu acceleration with the free amd driver and i need muh 60fps animu
Aren't all animated mediums standard to 24 fps?
Almost everything is 24000/1001. Only blind retards use SVP/mvtools.
Where? The problem of a lot of anime is that it's actually less than 24000/1001 since there's frame duplication.
How is that pretentious? That's just the real value. You're pretty autistic about it, anyway.
pretty much as stable and non-bloated as it gets (save for networkmanager being default now, fuck that)