Why is Holla Forums so dead? Did everyone move somewhere else?
Why is Holla Forums so dead? Did everyone move somewhere else?
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I have no idea what you could be referring to.
I think you could appreciate more >>/g/ on halfchan.
It's #7 in posts but #10 in activity, so obviously the activity has gone down.
pretty much everyone fucked off because kikes like ring deleting all the good posts, scaring away good posters.
To where?
to giving up on chans
You mean like deleting obvious shitposting/bait threads? If that's good threads for you than you need to up your standards.
You forgot to tell people to go to some other chan this time.
Imageboard culture is dead thanks to Holla Forums. I wish there was English version of PTT or something similar. I'm really starting to hate memes, pepe/wojack, BTFO, shilling, ((())), baiting, hate (don't tell me about safe spaces, you can discuss ideas without unnecessarily resorting to insults)... As for alternative places forums would be good alternative but there is a problem with names, reputation systems and similar issues. There must be something that can be done to get people with similar interests together. Whatever it might replace imageboards, one thing is for certain: there should be no Holla Forums, as that is the reason why things are as they are... Farewell Holla Forums! I can't stand this place anymore.
top kek
y-you sure are salty towards the b-big majority of a-anons who keep this w-website alive
fair enough
Do (((you))) not like it when you're pointed out, user? Are you a heeb by any chance?
no board is good without some bait
just go to some board where the janitors clean all wrongthink, like /g/.
Good riddance.
i am a good poster
I've thought about this a bit. I think a possible solution is textboards with only one or two boards and strong moderation. It lets you keep the forum focused while retaining the good aspects of imageboards.
It's hard to advertise a new forum though.
you just described reddit :^)
t. biggest asshole on Holla Forums
Go eat some more paintchips
w-with pleasure!
Holla Forums should just be renamed /gnuautism/ or something at this point.
Any mention of Microsoft, Apple or Google products that isn't bashing, including legitimate technical discussions, is met with autistic screeching and tinfoilhattery, with any meaningful discussion lost amidst the noise.
I threw the towel the day one decent thread with good technical discussion about Windows inner workings ended up ruined by gnutards shitting it up and the thread ended up deleted by some gnutard mod, this minutes after I made a pretty long post (relevant to the thread subject) that took me almost 30 minutes to write. This happened about a month ago and wasn't the first time I've seen a thread being purged for no apparent reason other than not being gnu autism.
How can you expect a board that's supposed to be about general technology discussion to prosper in such environment? Holla Forums managed to become a shittier place than cuckchan's /g/.Good riddance.
has been shitting on the customer for 20+ years now
shitty terrible technology with a faggot for a CEO
NSA subsidiary
h-here at Holla Forums we have a-ascended all these patheitc c-companies and we p-pray to the one and only institution t-that respects the c-consumer, GNU. d-don't be sad if we take a hot shit on you b-because of your i-ignorance. j-join us in the l-light and you won't r-regret it, a-user
stop stuttering faggot
a-user why do you have to b-bully me for m-m-m-m-my dis-dis-disability??
stop namefagging, faggot.
Do we have any good, and alive, user programming communities?
No. Haven't you noticed that the internet is dead.
Normies turned it into real life where nobody shares your interests and you are surrounded by morons who constantly fuck up any kind of community you try to make.
Holla Forums is dying in stages. It started with the never-ending, agonising and paralysing posting problems which Josh failed to fix. That reduced the unique IPs on many boards by half. Then there was the increasing paranoid schizophrenia of Holla Forums, which might have begun with the shemitah nothing-burger, but anyhow reached its height right after the American election. This unleashed an army of retards, many of whom must have come anew from 4chan, whose vocabulary was limited to 'kike', 'nigger' and the (((echoes))). This really fucked the quality of Holla Forums, combined with the war with Holla Forums overspilling. Since the April hack, things have just gotten worse. Although user counts have recovered, I am almost certain these are not the same users as in 2016. Many of the quieter boards went completely unclaimed in the aftermath of the hack (some still redirect to /a/) and the PPH seem to have concentrated in the top boards more than ever before. This site is kept alive by imkampfy's autist army and the porn boards.
I am too wondering where, if anywhere, the people who left at each of those stages of decomposition went. But this place is as good as dead.
you mean (((Holla Forums)))
Textboards seem like a good solution. They also require very little bandwidth to host, making them easily deployable on even less powerful hardware/networks. The only problem is gathering the initial userbase. Another bonus feature of textboards is that it doesn't attract people with low attention span. Reading and writing text requires more effort that just posting same images over and over again.
Constantly bashing Windows is stupid. There are a lot of things one can learn by studying it even if it's "evil proprietary software". Also if someone mentions BSD license there has to be someone that responds:
Those posts should be deleted if they don't have any valid arguments against license itself.
It's strange. We all have high speed access to the internet, hardware is very cheap, there are tons of resources on networking and programming available and yet somehow there is a severe lack of places/communities on the web for people that want to discuss about technology anonymously. This has to change, otherwise one might as well quit using internet all together.
We are trying to uphold spirit of original hackers. What they had in common was mainly love of excellence in programming. Commercial entities that you named are purely profit driven.
Also, those of us who aren't neets or students and actually work in tech for a living a diminishing tiny minority in Holla Forums by the look of things must put up with proprietary products, whether we like them or not. Just bashing and/or ignoring them won't make them go away or lose market share / userbase.
If people can't find answers or have civilized discussions here about these products, they'll just go elsewhere and make the board less and less significant.
If the majority of the userbase agree with this definition and commercial products / companies should be ignored for anything other than bashing / criticism, then a generic title such as Holla Forums is pretty inadequate.
There's nothing left to discuss. You're 2-3 years too late. It's just shitposting now.
I'm a freetard, but I don't like the GNU hivemind. On the other hand, something like half the pro-Windows threads are variations on "lol why are you so paranoid everything is backdoored anyway :)))", which aren't worth keeping around either. I try to remove those, but keep threads that are about actual technology around.
Sometimes I misjudge. Feel free to yell at me via /metatech/, email or IRC when that happens. I'm writing a tool that can back up and repost threads, so maybe I can even fix those mistakes in the future.
There can be excellence in profit-driven development. I'd love to learn more about the internals of Windows. I'm sure a lot of it is shit, but let's face it, a lot of any Unix clone is necessarily shit, because a lot of the Unix design is shit. I'm really tired of Unix. It's the best we have, but it shouldn't be.
Do you really think that the average ">windows" sagepost is driven by concerns about programming excellence, and not just elitism?
when you have infinite boards, it's easy for boards to form a group consensus on issues, since you can dissenting voices to create their own board and fuck off.
Of course, people say this is to make the board how it used to be, but truth be told there's no going back to the past. This isn't to say that communities don't change for the worse as newer users come in, but I don't think most attempts to restore board quality by ousting new users work as well as people think it does.
I don't think I've ever seen a post or thread deleted here that wasn't a duplicate thread.
no u
Also Holla Forums is dead because restrictive licenses prevent widespread adoption of cool tech, even if said cool tech was backdoored to high heaven and back.
What is there to say about these ?
They're shit, there is no point of bashing the same thing over and over again.
When was their a legitimate technical discussions about windows ?
Is it even useful Besides RE considering the nature of MS ?
For the autistic screeching I can't say but your tinfoilhattery argument doesn't stand.
Even tho I don't like MS it true this isn't normal.
But besides reverse engineering their isn't much to talk about it.
This was vastly discussed in the "redox os" thread.
Could you elaborate on that part please.
Continue the good work m8
Their is no wrong making money/a living from software/services.
It's only when you abuse your customers that things go wrong.
You know the drill user.
It depends.
I work only with free software but I often have to touch the laptops of customers who uses MS and apple OS.
I can perfectly work without having to use on my side these bad products.
Agree that's why people proposes solutions.
Well the retarded moderation combined with invasion combined with 8ch going down certainly didn't help.
And anonymous websites without usernames are bound to lose its original posters eventually. I've been browsing chans longer than I'd like to admit, and it's agonizing how over the years you become more knowledgeable (even if it is mostly useless shit like board culture) while year after year with the coming of new people, the quality of the board just does not improve.
So you're left in this situation where you see the same stupid shit being posted over and over again over years every year, while that shit has been resolved in your case years ago. Not much of a motivator for you to keep posting.
No you haven't.
See >>>/g/
chans will surge again when there's a truly decentralized model that can't be controlled by a datamining kike like jim or the faggots who ruined Holla Forums
No need for expensive servers because each user is a node and a seeder of the threads he participates in, like bittorrent
Because it's a massive Linux circle jerk echo chamber
chans are what oldfags call image boards newfag
If you use Windows for any reason, you have no right to complain about your privacy or telemetry or forced updates. You chose to give those things away when you actively installed proprietary software.
Thanks for proving my point, new people like you shit the board up by not knowing the norms of the board but posting anyway.
Reminder that shills from dead image boards also contributed to the traffic decline. They come to derail, spread FUD and create drama.
yeah, okay
It really doesn't take some hack professor to realize Loaded Questions are considered a logical fallacy
Can you post a days transcript off their discord?
Or a link.
It really doesn't take an IQ over 100 to know that site wide posting statistics are down dramatically compared to the first years, using stats that the Cripple posted himself within the last year. So, we can safely assume that you're far below that.
Well, image boards in general are dying. 4chan is eating it all up, Holla Forums is losing its user base, smaller boards like endchan die left and right, as soon as they appear. All the while 4chan is expanding so fast that there's more normalfags than people who belong. Imageboards are just dying, it's mostly moving to groups, from what I can tell. Chat rooms across lots of platforms, tox, discord, skype, they're all over. There's more of that, and less people posting on decent boards these days.
This is bait but i'll bite.
If you want a reason as to why imageboards are dying, this is a pretty good one.
Unrelated, but i'd also like to point out the format of op's post.
It's a shitty 1 sentence question with no images and nothing else.
This thread was bait to begin with.
that is not what i mean
you didn't see it because it was deleted, genius.
Thanks for being the cancer killing this board, newfag.
The web is pretty much corporatized to a point that sites like this can't really survive.
Folks either bitch about too many people coming in(newfags/summerfags) or bitch that the board is dead.
Its like metal from the 80's it'll come as a fad, a bunch of people will be a part of it because it's chic, taint it and then leave the corpse behind. The only people who make an imageboard alive are the folks who do shit, and turns out a bunch of neets living at home don't really do shit.
is Holla Forums the Holla Forums of Holla Forums wtf.
There's still a couple hundred of us. If that leaves you feeling lonely, you should probably reconsider. That being said, if you aren't growing, you're dying. My only advice there is evangelize evangelize evangelize
Well you're here
Literally everything about data collection by these companies has been proven to be true over the years.
I just went on 4chan to see how things evolved.
-Mandatory google/captcha for Tor user
-google/captcha comes back every few minutes.
-Full structure on cloudflare
-No hidden service
-People can't discuss or make evolve "controversial" threads because mods ban people who are making a "disturbance" in their datamining thread/website otherwise normies go away because they are mentally to weak to have a conversation.
And Holla Forums is dead ?
Personally I blame boards such as Holla Forums for creating a gateway for the low IQ normies. The "red pilling" moment for me was when the "five guys" troll raids
first : Replaced their name with a name some faggot from twitter invented
second : Gave $50,000 to a woman only game development project
third : Started to deflect and criticism of their movement by 1) telling people to "keep digging" and 2) telling the thread to block [insert id]
It felt as if a wave of sub 100 iq individuals flooded the chans when they would originally be safe in their containment chambers on twitter / facebook
Doing shit is not allowed. board owners know that if you give people the ability to self organize, they will eventually not see a reason for our existence and move away from your authority.
I can post anything I want to my group without fear of getting banned, its just the path of least resistance for me and a lot of people.
You cant really be in good company on /g/ with all the normies and marketing departments posting about products.
Plus chans are too chaotic to be productive.
you could never post on 4chan over tor ever. maybe before 2006, i dunno. You don't even get an option of a captcha. You must be talking about the captcha you have to fill to merely view the site, which indeed only exists because either they want to profile viewers or they're incompetent.
Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.
If Cloudflare detects a Tor exit node as doing anything suspicious on any site that uses Cloudflare the node is permanently and globally marked as malicious, and gets captchas depending on the so-called "security level" set by the website owner. Cloudflare literally warns you that your site isn't safe if you haven't set it to a level where Tor users get annoying captchas all the time.
(I'm assuming that it's a Cloudflare captcha)
It's the google reCaptcha but it's the same.
The worst of all things is that reCaptcha make profiling easier than non javascript reCaptcha.
How does that work?
No, they're marked as tor nodes because people could otherwise use them for DDoS attacks. You can still access the statically cached content without getting the "One more step" screen.
You don't need JS to solve them anymore.
Mouse movement, screen resolution, CPU speed, font rendering, lots of stuff you can check
That is not one of the official stated reasons, nor is it reality. Tor users are not capable of DDoS. What said is probably correct and is what I always assumed.
But who cares? I just realized you can just set your user agent to Links's user agent, and cuckflare will never bother you again except the rare site that needs to do the browser check with JS on.
In palemoon at about:config set general.useragent.override to:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/45.0
and image.http.accept to
The latter might break some stuff but it still seems like the least cancerous way to browse the web in 2015. I don't think Firefox has general.useragent.override, but you can use a plugin for the same functionality, and I'm assuming it does have image.http.accept.
Also oddly, this bypasses the halfchan captcha (the one required for viewing their site, not for posting), so I guess it was integrated with cuckflare after all. That's a real rare kind of stupid - most sites don't even bother configuring the ATTENTION REQUIRED page, because they don't even know it exists.
I actually set image.http.accept to
but it appears that palememe prepends this jxr bullshit every time you start up, which indeed gets you blocked again.
I use palememe. Sure one guy changing the user agent in tor browser would be a problem, but they could just make an update that changes it for everyone.
Pale meme? more like pale moron
The Tor Browser Bundle already pretends to be Firefox on Windows.
People stopped making threads because everyone time a thread is made some slider comes in and complains about all the shitty threads on Holla Forums and how much better it is to have no threads at all.
interesting, I just tried it, and for the first time in years it doesn't get ATTENTION REQUIRED on every 2 web pages. They're using basically the same user agent as I posted above:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/52.0
And they set image.http.accept to */*. So cuckflare gets triggered when it sees this "suspicious" "image/jxr".
Why aren't we open-source developing this? Let's fund it.
Because Holla Forums is dead.
I really miss pre/pol/ 8ch
Can confirm, Holla Forums was way better back in late 2014.
Never cared about /gamergate/ faggotry back then though, I only came here for the porn boards. Ended up staying for Holla Forums, /ck/ and /cyber/ in the end.
I wouldn't mind seeing this site die, but it sure would be a sad thing to see it die on the other hand.
Remember, everyone: sites like Holla Forums are a dying breed. Cherish it while you can!
It's overrun by competing groups of "special" american children to see who can be ostracised for shitting their pants faster
Nextchan has actual moderation
Make up your mind faggot
Nice reddit spacing
Yes, clearly moderation is the answer.
Typical yurocuck
The answer is waiting out the next 4 years until you obsessively self-grooming mice die off.
I think you misinterpreted, what I meant was folks posting code, software, machines, things that spark some childlike sort of interest some folks get.
Because Holla Forums is filled with fat fuck autists who constantly shitpost.
Can you even imagine the smell coming from the room of an autist who giggles every time he post some dumbass comment like "Firecox" or "shitsymd".
It's enough that I retch every time I see one of their shitposts, who knows how horrible the smell coming from their shitposting lair really is.
Let alone all of the software recommendation threads posted by such fat fucks, because they're too mentally deficient to make choices for themselves.
If you want 24/7 "serious discussion" then go to reddit ffs even redditors aren't all about "serious discussion"
Holla Forums's biggest board is an /r/altright clone that has little in common with it's namesake. A circlejerk of autistics is not conducive to anything but stagnation.
I can see that but I really dislike the circlejerkiness of that.
Twitter used to be a great platform because it relied on self moderation but a handful of (((trolls))) , Journokikes and the SJWs running it put an end to that. Twitter is now just a platform for boring unfunny people to asspat each other.
Why do you think you belong in tech? You're the cancer, user.
t. 12 year old
Just look at the quality of moderation.
Some thread that's vaguely related to consumer technology in some way? Fucking deleted.
Some faggot attention whoring with japanese cartoons and trips? Go ahead please.
Bait but fuck it
You know the drill user "proof or GTFO"
Never seen these ones around here
Come on m8s we've been around image boards for some time now, you should know how to detect these.
i came up with firefug and firefux myself, got firefof from some guy filing a bug report (probably a typo), firecuck from (((pol))), and firecox from some dude here
lmao stay mad you shitposting fat fuck autists
I can certainly empathise. I think the bigger problem is that even if you go on something like HN or /r/programming, all places feel like it's kids that have just done their first programming subject at college giving their opinions.
I wish there was somewhere that people who have more than a few years in the industry can talk about their side projects, and what languages they are currently implementing prototypes in.
Everything is "community" instead of actual code.
No ID's
Take a look at Zeronet, it's fully anonymous over Tor. There's a couple of 0 user base image boards on it already but for the most part they're shit. We could easily develop our own though if anyone here is willing to put some effort into an actual fucking project.
And it inherits all the problem that Tor has.
Reminder that Tor is just for web browsing and small file transfer with specific protocols it's not freenet/i2P/gnunet and all the others who propose a complete more or less new layer.
On an anonymous image board ?
On an anonymous image board with Tor ?
Might has well accept tripfags the day that happens on Holla Forums.
If you're okay with using a new protocol, just use FMS. Completely decentralized, but everyone needs to have a username.
t. someone who knows nothing about Tor
Could you elaborate on this more please?
Literally who
Freenet Messaging System
Tor is only for TCP:
Zeronet itself is not designed for anonymity, it's just a torrent client seeding websites. If you try to run a decent sized websites through Zeronet with Tor you'll kill the Tor network and get sub dial up speeds on your website if anything. Tor barely works on just browsing websites let alone being used to serve them too.
This is why people use VPNs not Tor for torrent etc.
The Internet runs on money not meme software.
so never.
The early adopters for these meme technologies are always going to be pedos and no one is going to want to serve CP from their home connection because "free speech" instead of just using 4chan, twitter, facebook etc.
and don't say run it through Tor, I already addressed that.
I have no comment on ZeroWhatever, but
1. No, Tor is TPC only. Torrent uses UDP or some shit - maybe you can make it use TCP exclusively, but no normalfag knows how to set that up.
2. No, people use VPN instead of Tor for web browsing because they're retarded normalfag consumers. Some of them (polniggers in particular) believe the made up hypothesis that "if it's free, you are the product", and literally pay VPNs money just for that reason.
Yet public torrent works reasonably well despite governments threatening to put you in jail for using it, and i2p works fine as well.
Tor works fine meight, I've been using it exclusively for 10 years. The only real problem is sites blocking Tor (for the past 5 years it happened a lot more often because cuckflare became a meme, which is configured to block Tor by default).
>plumbed toilets are the mark of the (((beast)))
Zeronet is not bittorent. Web pages are transferred over TCP, the link you sent is irrelevant. It does use the Bittorent protocol to find peers but it ends there. They currently are working on using DHT to find peers so in time that dependency will be completely gone.
Not true, when's the last time you tried it? Speed isn't a whole lot worse than standard tor browsing.
yes true, you don't know what you're talking about.
How many Tor relays are there, what is the bandwidth of all the exit nodes?
The Tor network doesn't run on magic.
The Internet is moving everything to the "Cloud" anyway, it's not moving the WWW to a torrent client. More and more users browse on smartphones or tablets, the majority of the web browsing on the Internet now is smartphones, and they aren't going to use those to seed websites.