So if anyone remembers the first then you'll also remember I fugged up by advocating identity even though we were supposed to be abolishing gender.
Out of respect for that, ITT: We critique the idpol of gender identity
So if anyone remembers the first then you'll also remember I fugged up by advocating identity even though we were supposed to be abolishing gender.
Out of respect for that, ITT: We critique the idpol of gender identity
Can I support abolition of gender and not be a feminist?
Not really but why wouldn't you want to advocate socialist feminism (e.g. Emma Goldman) Feminism doesn't have to be liberalism :D
You are automatically a feminist by being a gender abolitionist. You're freeing females from their oppressive gender roles, just as you are males. Sounds pretty feminist right? The good kind of feminism. Like Emma Goldman.
Performativity not performanssss, k?
Gender is not the starting place; it is an identity repeatedly constructed through time, and it is always constructed through the body. You do not have gender first and then choose to perform it; rather, gender is created by the act of your performance. This performance is informed by what is already historically constituted as gender and is performed by the individual through acts of the body. We are forced to do gender in polarity because there exists an agency which has constructed the binary gender system as determinate. But if gender is not as seamless as it appears, there is space for a different repetition of acts that would necessarily produce a different gender.
How will gender abolition affect kv neets? Serious question. These people have been driven crazy, not really only from sexual repression, but mostly from believing that sex with attractive women is the measure of a man's worth, and therefore they believe themselves to be worthless
They would feel better about themselves as they wouldn't have to adhere to the male gender norms of banging loads and liking "manly" and "normal" stuff.
stop caring about labels tbh :/
Sounds like you've been reading De Beauvoir or something and have come to the existentialist side. :^)
Easily. You just have to want to abolish gender for reasons other than a deep hatred of men.
If I had an attack helicopter for every gender…
triggered tbh
Now I know you're just here to troll
All those posts are literally triggered knee-jerk reactions because le idpol meme.
Read Goldman
This thread is tumblr level retardation. Anyone who thinks the sex signalling behaviours of the masses need to be destroyed is not my comrade. I shall not be discussing this idiocy further.
Abolitionism is important yes I will support this.
Gender identity is entirely based on gender roles. I see gender as a harmful concept. I would like there to be no gender to the point I even wish English was genderless and gender neutral from the start. Of course I am against forcing or bullying people out of gender roles or into alternate gender roles or forcing a language change. I just want people to reasonably be themselves and for all change to be voluntary. This of course means there could still be some differences between the norms of the sexes but that is not a bad thing because it helps keep variety.
Leave and never come back.
Read my anus with your tongue.
But this says nothing of intent, you could act like a girl to all outside observers and not care about any spooks like gender or feminity. The point is not to end """""""gendered"""""" behavior, but to remove any spooks and obligations about it
I suggest learning lojban. It has no biased pronouns whatsoever.
this tbh fam
There is only such thing as sex. Gender is a made up term by people with zero background in biology. You're either a man or a woman.