Didn't you cucks know that socialism is economically IMPOSSIBLE? Really, don't you guys understand the infallible law of supply & demand, ordained by the gods as the one true rule of the universe. Huh, but I spose you murderous cucks are still in la-la-land with you're Kuck Marx and Bernie Sadness.
I, on the other hand, understand the invisible hand. And it's telling me to spread Its truth.
Didn't you cucks know that socialism is economically IMPOSSIBLE? Really...
Spread me next.
With your invisible hand.
Socialism does not contradict the law of supply and demand what are you talking about?
In fact trade, would be necessary in communism.
I know this bait but
What does that even mean?
Daily reminder that supply and demand is voodoo economics that doesn't apply to real economy.
I was tryna be the archetypal alt-rightest, but everyone took the bait. Kek. Up your game, leftypol.
Whenever I see a libertarian denounce communism it's because it's "economically impossible". I agree, it means nothing.
Poe's Law man, there are people out there who beleive this unironnicaly…
you have the rest of these right
Right. Because even under capitalism, it's pretty much a useless theory of price.
This is now a Mises debunking thread.
I think I got the Bernie Sadness. Time to put out a blues album and distribute it to the poor,
Also all market theory is basically fucking ridiculous nonsensical shit once you reach a certain level.
tomorrow we can follow up with a "fire is cold" debunking thread
10/10, will start a business tomorrow
I love how the argument is based on a misunderstanding.
you mean price and value?
Moreso that the assumption that Marx says 'all labor creates value' I'm reading the comments and there's an ancap that is literally triggered. It's like the tables have flipped here. Now we are the ones with the arguments, and the right are the ones who think with their feefess.
Amen brother
that's pretty much been the case since the reagan era famalam
tumblr was so jarring because it was not only an exception, but one built upon rightist rhetoric to begin with
You had one job.
I can't decide between Alunya and Rodina.
I'm closer in terms of politics to Alunya and she's qt…. but Rodina is VERY qt.
being leftist is hard work and difficult choices.
The point is to become the qt.
This distinction between useful labor and just labor are what many of those Mises shills aren't getting. Just because only useful labor makes something valuable doesn't mean that labor itself doesn't create valueMaybe one could say value is discovered rather than created., or that prices aren't the same as values. I could also bring up scarcity, which they think is subjective too, can also be part of the labor process, or the fact that capitalists may sometimes find usefulness in newer commodities before mass producing them, let alone that many inventions actually come from the state as well.
How does one deal with this nonsense?
But Anfem, I do not want to be the qt. I want the qt to remain as the other, to remain as palpable, corporeal ideal but somewhat always beyond absolute grasp.
I want to consume the qt but be unable to digest qt, so that qt forever remains within my sight as an object of desire.
Hence why we need more art.