Why is she so perfect?

Why is she so perfect?

She isn't. Only Emma is perfect.

Why is it always the hot ones that age like milk Holla Forums?


All 3DPD does that. Abandon them and accept 2D into your heart.

She's not.


She married a jew?



doesn't exist

But its right there, you can see it

it's a picture, nothing more


but she can't see you
because she's not real


watching pedoweebs trying to act like Holla Forums is Holla Forums or /a/ is always amusing.


emma only emma watson, yes

Technically they both exist, but in different dimensions. 2D girls not being in the physical world is kind of good in a way, I don't want them to become corrupted.


She has a misshapen head.

Not an argument.

2D's are also in the physical world, as data or as drawings.

She's pretty much a cool guy, but in the body of a hot chick.


