Am i ugly

Am I ugly?

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Side pic


5/10. You look average to me. However, you're a fucking spic so -1488/10.

5.5/10. Your butterface holds you back, but you have a decent jawline and eye look. The side pic makes your lips stand out, but some people might like that.

Dial back the butterface, do your cardio and weights if you don't already. You'll go up a lot of points then

breh go back to your country. If i see your face here you getting stabbed.

dude, you are a dude
lift weights and stack paper
nobody cares about what a guys face looks like

are you jew


Respond to me shitskin where do you live. You think you can leech off from white countries or what? Just becasue some jew brought you there with your shit ass skin family? Oh boy this year you going to die ww3 starting oh boy shitskins going to be btfoed soon.