Preparing for next debates

So. The first debate is now fought through. It wasn’t a victory, it wasn’t a defeat either.
However we feel about it, whichever won in our opinion doesn’t really matter. What matters is that the questions were better suited for Hillary and she did a pretty decent job counter-attacking Trumps claims.

I was expecting real talk about America’s future but got only IRL-ad hominem-shitposting about Trump’s past. Not a single question about Clinton e-mails or any other Wikileaks exposures for that matter but a ton of questions about Trump’s history (birther, taxreturn, muh misoocheney). This will likely stay that way and questions will remain more anti-Trump than anti-Hillary.

Thus in order to avoid this kind of underdog-position Clinton and the host were together pushing Donald into I’d like to compile a few talking points Trump should focus on in the debates to come and a few things he should get his campaign working on.

This would allow him to just wave a hand to Hillary’s false claims and to not use his turns defending himself from her lies. Short answers, just a simple “That’s a crooked lie, Hillary. Crooked like you. Go check out the truth in www.blahblah.maga.fuckyou folks. Go check it out.”

He should ask why they aren’t talking about things that matter. They claim he has too much money and then they claim he is not rich enough. What does it matter, the small loan of million dollars became multibillion dollar fortune. And all that de jure. America needs a strong leader who can do that in a national level.
America and rest of the world are facing crisis after crisis left and right and they are worried about his tone? Really? How weak can you be if mere words hurt you? Once again people need a strong leader who is for the people instead of wealthy donors.

A few claims he should be fact checking the fuck out:
No. A harsh talk doesn’t mean hate. A true equality doesn’t include silk gloves when dealing with women. He respects them enough to handle them the same way as he handles men. End of story.

There’s a ton of videos about this. It is simply not true. Fact checking this thoroughly will make both Obama and Hillary look like fools. Here’s one:
Once again, true equality means life without any reparations for race or gender. It’s about time women and minorities get to try being truly equal and not pandered like babies or retards.

No. Protecting everyone, including blacks and latinos from illegals and gangs is not hate. Illegal immigration costs 80 billion every year. That’s money away from building better living standard for everyone. Including for minorities Democrats have been betraying for a century.

No. Same goes here. Protecting the people already living in America is not hate. American muslims deserve the protection from the very same terrorists they fled from in the first place.

A few things to talk about
Hillary is being populist by talking about rich paying their fair share but in truth everything would stay the same because there is a way to avoid paying them by going overseas. Hillary is saying this to get votes from Bernievoters and at the same time she gets money from big businesses because they know this way nothing changes.

Please feel free to contribute some ideas what Trump should be talking about in order for Him to win this god damn election and keeping us from falling in the abyss of multiculturalism and globalism. Note that these are not all my opinions on what he should really do, they are just some ideas he could get more votes with if expressing them.

My useless rant here is done.

Other urls found in this thread:

Holla Forums seems to be full of NEET's being very happy to themselves that we managed to raid poll to make Trump look better.

That's not a reason to celebrate. We need him to actually win, not just look like he did.

The real issue I had with Trump's performance was that there were so many moments he could have both defended himself and annihilated her.

He was on the defensive too much and he seemed to need to switch gears to attack her after accusations flew his way- he should be able to package defense and offense in the same sentence.

"Well, Madam Secretary, why is it that the same banks, speculator billionaires, and other .001%ers that've grown so monstrously wealthy under this administration support your plan while opposing mine? Why do predatory banks and billionaires with fortunes dependent on financial bubbles support you in almost lock-step? Why do they oppose me? Why don't we discuss the tax burden your biggest donors and supporters pay? As to loopholes, this is just more of the same from democrats. President Obama talked about tax loopholes and offshoring, you're talking about it now, and I'm still able to pay what I pay, legally. Are you telling me you'll follow through with this as-yet-unfulfilled promise of an administration elected 7.5 years ago? Are you telling me your donors are financing you in order to finally pay the taxes they should? That support or bias from Warren Buffet, Mark Cuban, Mark Zuckerberg, the Waltons, Seth Klarman, and J.B. Pritzker is given to you in order that they may be taxed appropriately? Are you telling me Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, etc. with their generous speaking fees and donations to the DNC are doing so in order to finally be taxed at a sensible rate?

Gimme a break. You're seeing it here, folks. Secretary Clinton is doing the same thing President Obama did. She's pretending to champion the middle class, pretending to understand finance because she has billionaire backers, and making promises she knows she will not keep. There is an excellent reason the oligarchs and financiers of the political class in the country don't support me- because they stand to lose a lot, a lot under my administration. I'll hold them accountable because I know their tricks, believe me, Hillary was once my senator and I know how this works. My plan will grow honest businesses, encourage or force better practices out of dishonest ones, and be a desperately needed boost for our Middle Class."

He could have said that. It would have absolutely ruined Clinton. It adequately answers her accusations while putting her majorly on the defensive. He didn't have to answer her accusations point-by-point like it seemed he did, he could have just answered the "spirit" of the accusations while firing back at the same time.

This is, ultimately, why I'm disappointed Trump didn't do enough debate prep. He'd better get his head in the game and his people had best start prepping him to do more than answer accusations and sound like a broken record on trade- he's got to expand, prove that he can "freestyle" on any topic and wreck Hillary.


top notch post user MAGA/MAGA

It seemed like he was debating without any real prep. I woke up 3 a.m to watch the debate and as it went on I couldn't help but notice soo many good spots where Trump could have easily devastated that old catlady.

And I was nearly awake. In other words: Trump was a bit low energy

Lets hope he learns his lesson and we will see the Emperor in action next time.

I feel you op.
This was really underwhelming. Even though theyre not redpilled. We've all seen how people like Gavin Mcinnes, Milo, Crowder, Shapiro tear apart berniefags and hillary.

I was expecting a similar thing, she gave Trump so much ammo and he didnt use any of it at all.

There was obamas birth certificate which he could have pointed out she started.
There was job creation which he could have stood out heaps by saying combating illegal immigration will help the lower class because there will be way more jobs.
There was the sexism accusation when he could have ruined her with all the stuff to do with bill clinton.
There was the "military style assault weapons" and firearms comments which were easy as shit to refute.
She kept talking about her plan for dealing with isis which he could have said her plan was arming "moderate" rebels which have always screwed them over.

He just kept repeating himself about his business and how awesome he is.
The stuff he said about trade was good and how she keeps saying shes had 30 years to do all the things she says she will. But thats all he really said.

he's saving energy for the final annihilation in the final debate.

Oh he did
He won with us, with the population he already had in his pocket, with working class tired of the crooked guborment.

He didn't win any swing-voters to his side.
No. His performance was adequate. Not on the Nimble Navigator -level where we need him to be.

I think his decision to just "wing it" was erroneous, he should cram and do multiple mock debates like Hillary did.

This "raiding of the polls" and self congratulating is what Reddit did with Bernie.

The God Emperor should have raped her to death (she defended herself but showed a lot of openings that Trump didn't take advantage of), last night was a fondle at best.

As Trump's Internet People we have to recommend how he can prep.

No, they arent going to bring up the same points in later debates. He should have been high energy for this.

I'm disappointed but not that much. Hillary fags are still voting for hillary.
Trump supporters are still voting for Trump.
And everyone else is still rolling their eyes at both of them

He should really watch all of steven crowders videos on the second amendment if he wants to rape her on the topic of firearms.

Fact checkers note that he lied 34 times last night.

34 fucking times. Jesus Christ how can he be trusted at this point? What is real with him?

pretty much every online poll disagrees.
it was close
but still a victory.

I don't know if that was solely because Hillary was attacking his character so hard that he didn't have time to actually throw punches like those you listed.

It all seemed so fucking easy yet he couldn't say any of those points. He need to get the attention out of him and to her flaws.

You faggots are insufferable.


Hillary stood on stage with that shit eating grin saying Trump was the one who perpetuated the Obama birth certificate rumor when it was literally her campaign that started it.

Every online poll says otherwise

Thanks. On the ISIS plan and Hillary really kinda smeared him, he could have answered and he could have answered in a way that works.

"I will not reveal my full plan for defeating ISIS but I'm willing to share a key part of it right now. Are you ready? Stop funding them. Stop giving them opportunities to grow. ISIS is booming, booming in Libya right now. In Syria, where we use military force instead of deals to get the pipeline we want, we're simultaneously funding terrorist groups- and that's what they are, terrorists, not moderate rebels- and hindering the Syrian government's ability to fight ISIS. Look, Assad's not a nice guy. Qaddafi wasn't a nice guy. Saddam wasn't a nice guy. But they weren't ISIS. They were powers with which we could deal, who could at least keep their countries stable. None were good people but they were a hell of a lot better than ISIS. Sometimes, you have to play the hand you're dealt when it comes to things like this, not force regime change and hope for something better- despite clear evidence that something better coming along is highly unlikely. We want to talk about foreign policy experience, I'd say Secretary Clinton has all the experience she needs, we've given her enough experience and we've seen the results.

A thriving ISIS in multiple nations, anti-ISIS forces constrained by US military power, Al-Qaeda linked terrorists funded by the USA, the Taliban essentially bribed with money, weapons, and equipment to please not attack US forces in Afghanistan, and a beast like ISIS that was created by the Bush-Obama foreign policy attacking civilized countries around the world. Secretary Clinton, you were the chief foreign policy agent for our country under President Obama and you oversaw much of this. This is your legacy. I say the American people have given you enough experience, letting you have any more would be a disaster."

They did the typical leftist tactic of just attacking you so you stay on the defensive the whole time instead of actually getting your point across.

Hopefully he'll reflect on how it went and try to avoid it next time.

"Raping her to death" is precisely what Trump should not do. He needs to focus on optics for normies; being very careful about what attacks he commits to so as not to alienate independents is his best strategy for victory at the moment. He can play his trump cards in the last debate.


I think at a certain point, considering he doesn't really get into these pinpoint specifics at his rallies, it's fair to wonder if he's actually interested in bringing any of this stuff to light.

Fact checking is irrelevant and Trump only needed to sound normal to the eyes of normies. It was possibly the first contact anyone outside our camp had with Trump on a live event, and if he had gone all out and won the debate in his primaries style normies would instantly associate that with scary, dark and crazy. So, he won the fight that actually matters. In the next two debates he'll beat Clinton, but just slightly, and answer the people much better than Clinton, and in the last one he'll throw the finishing blow.

The optics of the debate shifted to Trump every single time he started focusing in on Clinton's ACTUAL record and he never once delivered a crushing blow, even when they seemed set up on a fucking tee.

My issue with Trump is that i sincerely think he's a smart guy, but he just doesn't seemed to be arsed to put in the effort to prepare for shit like this. One moment in particular he could have really nailed the bitch with how pointless the debates are.

(What should have been trump's reply)

Trump had so many opportunities to nail her to the fucking cross

Oh, and "go check my website" style answers are stupid. You think anyone at all checked Ben Carson's website?

And what good did it do to anyone. No seriously? Does a rigged poll win you elections?

good idea, Crowder made me a gun rights advocate with his arguments

My point exactly. Best thing about Holla Forums is that we demand facts even though they would hurt everyone. Trump needs to stop talking about himself and start attacking Hillary and all existing power structures.

True enough. But this is just why he needs to attack her bad experience harder. Trump already has all indifferent rednecks and angry protest voters. It was easy because they don't care about "muh presidential temburment" or "muh PR".

Those eye-rolling centrists are a bit harder nut to crack. Here is where we come to the picture. It's our knowledge and factual superiority that is going to swing those undecided ones to his camp once they truly see what a fucking monster Hillary Clinton really is.

Yeah but the point of the debate isnt to argue with hillary its about convincing the audience.

Its simple things which he didnt do which even entry level "alt righters" could have done.

That little comment alone would have cause so many normal fags to shit themselves in their chairs and go WHAT!?!

It's an effective handball. Neither candidate wants to focus on policy. Both candidates want to focus on Donald Trump; Don needs to disarm the LITERALLY HITLER cries and Killary needs to keep that applied or pivot it elsewhere because there isn't a thing on heaven or earth that could ever break her negatives.

this this this

As I spoke to the average voter seems to think Trump won which makes sense since Hillary sort of just focused it all on Trump instead of the issues. But I've told you guys all along that the debate commission is heavily fucking rigged. Look at who they are and what their political standings and connections are. In the last debate before this one, they were so butthurt about losing it that they made absolutely sure that this one they'd be against Trump as much as they possibly could. And it still wasn't enough for them.

It's fucking ridiculous.


I think it has a lot to do with the average person just being sick of regular jack off establishment politicians which cant get any more typical then clinton.

I just wish Trump bought the same wit into to the debate that he seems to have on twitter.

Seeing some Fox commentators this morning say they know that Trump was being given lots of prep by his campaign but evidently he didn't absorb much of that prep and tried to wing it. This method is good only in that he is near impervious to gaffes of being hit with soundbytes that will stick, but what this debate needed was easy dismissal of the attacks but then prepared counterattacks that will put Hillary more on the defensive. Only a few times did this happen and when given an opening to push back against her further, he dropped it to go on to a slight different point.

I think he will do much better naturally for the town hall debate, but he needs to take the debate prep seriously for the last one and make it unrelenting. She shouldn't out unscathed as she did tonight.

I think for us we need to counter CTR, there are so many lies and misleading things she said that can be disproven by effective youtube videos and other social media elements. The TPP one being the obvious one. As this is the most social media driven election yet, we need to use that to undermine her and the media narrative of her.

He would sound bitchy just like her with his taxes if he made a comeback like that. Would make people already voting for him wild and people who are too afraid to say they'll vote for him more afraid.
Trump isn't in the primaries anymore, folks, he doesn't have to cater to the people who are already voting for him, so chill the fuck out that he isn't calling Bill a rapist and her a dying cunt, he doesn't need to win our vote he needs to bring out shy Trump supporters by going against the picture the media paints of him (dark, monster, evil)

That's what I'm trying to get across – that because Trump doesn't go after these things, he doesn't actually want to bring them up on the first place. It's not just on the sexism, it's on ISIS where he just says Hillary has no plan instead of coming out and saying her plan is to collaborate with Israel to fund, train, and support ISIS to destabilize the Assad government.

He had a moment there with the emails, where he started in on her bullshit accusations about Russia being behind it, and then he just lets it drop. You could see Clinton's face getting visibly shaken when he started going there and he just lets her off the hook.

The left is shitting on the mulatto mod too.
What do they want the next guy to do?
Whip a gun out on live TV and shoot Trump?
What the fuck are they expecting?
It doesnt matter how hard the mod hits trump or how brown they are, it's a suicide mission.
Anything short of shooting Trump in the face is met with extreme criticism/possibly job loss.

EXACTLY. It was like watching a cuckservative up there on stage, constantly responding to Hillary's attacks. You can't let the enemy, in any kind of engagement, determine the tempo of a fight. You can't let the enemy dictate things like Trump let Hillary.

He fired back, some of his interjections were good, but that's not enough. He has to take her momentum, her accusations, and turn them around- and he has to make it look easy.

Trump's a fighter and he fights the Left very effectively but the didn't do it last night.

What in the fuck are you shills talking about? It was a slaughter.


Which is the tell that points towards how they're actually feeling about the debate. They feel like they lost because they didn't bring out the angry, ill-temperament out of Trump that they imagine that he has. So they blame the host, they blame the questions, they blame the weather, all while screaming "but we DID still win, okay?!". They know that they're still losing even if Hillary can spit more facts per minute than Trump.

It's because the mod didn't physically murder him on live TV. It really does seem like they expect nothing less at this point.


I get youre point but I dont get what its supposed to accomplish.

Hillary's talking points are endlessly repeated by the media, so Trump should know exactly how to counter them.

Trump supported the Iraq War? Hillary voted for the Iraq War Resolution, then continued to defend her vote, all the way through the 2008 presidential race, until she finally said it was a mistake in 2015.

Trump supported the intervention in Libya? Hillary spearheaded the intervention, publicly took credit for it, and celebrated the death of Qadaffi by yelling "We came, we saw, he died!".

Trump said mean things about women? Hillary defended the rapist of a 12-year-old girl and got him off with a very light sentence, took tens of millions of dollars from a country where women aren't allowed to drive, and bullied and intimidated Bill's alleged sexual harassment and assault victims.

did you not see the google trend searches for hillary rocketing after and during the debate

people were checking the (((facts)))

He is teeing it up for the future debates. No reason to completely destroy her during the first debate.

Trump does everything with the long game in mind. Now she has to live with the reality that he WILL go there during future debates. Causing more anxiety in her camp. Uncertainty as to what Trump will say during the next debate.

It's not the primaries. You're putting your bias in front of everything: you'd think he won if he had gone all out and called every Clinton crime in the universe while insulting Hillary's sick looks.
To everyone else he'd sound "dark" like the media says he does and they'd go "oh no I can't vote for him now, damn". Just chill the fuck out, it's not because you know Bill likes some raping that the average person is willing to believe in that just cause Trump, that one guy the media constantly calls evil and a liar, said so.
He's leading people towards listening to what he has to say without associations of fear creeping up.

At most they'll read and forget about it tomorrow. If facts mattered Hillary would've lost to Bernie after the DNC leaks.


Did we watch the same debate?
Hillary was behaving like a condescending 14 year old teen with a Glasgow smile while Trump was going really really easy on her.
And the things they sid were miles apart.

if they got even a few words out of that text of yours to his debate he would be winning BIGLY

Damn he needs to stop jumping from topic to topic all the time

Momentum's in his favor. If Hillary continues to pile on the gaffes, chimps continue chimping out (especially with the football BLM shit), and Alohas keep Snackbarring, Trump can just coast his way to victory even if the next two debates are as lukewarm as this one.

He does need a better way of handling the openly hostile questions, fact-checkers, and the probable collusion that occurs between them and the Clinton campaign though. I don't believe for a second that Hillary didn't know every single question that was going to be asked before it was.

Exactly. They wanted a Trump that is dead, and since they couldn't "get under his skin" like they thought they would, didn't get him to scream insults like they thought they would, they're super pissed that the mulatto didn't help Hillary more and didn't attack Trump more, so they could point to Trump losing his temper and being crazy the day after.
In short, they didn't achieve their biggest goal: making Trump look scary. So they're pissed.

Proof of this where? I keep seeing articles that state otherwise. The lugenpresse actually admits that Trump swung over independents and democrats to his side is impressive in itself.

I think it is good to reflect on how poorly Hillary did speaking to Americans. In her answers she droned on and on. Her memes fell flat. The MSM is having to carry her message for her much like she was carried through the debate. She will not be able to win against Trump like that.

hear, hear!!!

In the next two debates he will. Winning this debate in a primaries style would make him look bad. Trying to fact-check while the average viewer believes he is an evil liar like Clinton says he is would be useless. Expect a more proactive Trump in the next debates, cause now he's caught the attention of everyone by… not beating Hillary. I'm not one to see the news cycle, but I'd bet there's a fair share of surprise and comments being made regarding how different and normal Trump was sounding.

I am surrounded by people who really couldn't make their minds if the election was now, I have talked with them and I know this debate had nothing that could swing them in any direction

please provide source on those claims of yours

He didn't lose the debate, but he missed so many opportunities it feels frustrating. We all want this cunt against the ropes where she belongs.

Trumped up, trickle down is the most retarded rhetoric point I've ever heard. No one even remembers this today anymore.
Trump saying Hillary has tons of (bad) experience is very, very good. Now every time Hillary talks about her experience some part of our brain is thinking "yeah, bad experience". It's catchy.

oh shit, they have their own memes now

Fuck yes!

People would listen and think "there he goes about these emails, she already said she's sorry!"
People don't get the legal ramifications of the email servers in general, and the scandal has been out for ages and only keeps getting worse. If that hasn't changed the voter's mind on Hillary yet, Trump saying something about it won't do shit either.

Is there anyway this thread can be sent to him/his son them to him. There is a lot of valid criticism.

And I'm surrounded by people who are democrats that got won over by Trump. A lot of them were also undecided.

Criticism from people who are already voting for him?
I bet he is more attentive to how the rest of the "undecideds" (shy Trumpers) are feeling than how we feel right now.

I tend to disagree, this would, if well executed, be a swinger-swinging-swing

true that it would most likely do no harm regarding hard core hillary voters

There are no undecideds. It's good that it hasn't swayed any vote away from Trump already, but give it time and people will only remember how the debate made them feel instead of what the debate was about. If they felt safer around Trump this time, like it was intended, when Trump wins the next round they'll feel like they made the right choice by not turning to Hillary and openly declare their vote to Trump. After the second one comes the speaking to the voters style debate in which Trump will sound even more safe/controlled/friendly/knowledgeable and by the last one the elections will have already been decided.

I stand corrected.

Still, I think he could have done a lot better. He should Rock the planet.

Trump just needs more material the next debate. The fagot emperor also needs a crash course in speaking in complete sentences. But other than that he was spot on. Killary damaged herself badly last night by being on wrong side of issues. Kikebook cucks are freaking out about it today.

But if you factor in a)media says Trump is a liar; b)media says the emails aren't important; c)would have sounded like an out of place attack because she previously apologized for her "mistake", empathy would run high and people would feel like Trump is pushing too much. I'd say the best way to win was not to play, in this instance, because pulling it off in an environment where even the host is against you would've been too hard (i.e., host says you're lying and points to how she wasn't jailed)

Read other posts by my ID. I'm not asking Trump to foam at the mouth, I'm asking him to disarm the Left's favorite tactics- which he can easily do without foaming at the mouth.

Thanks again.
On Law and Order

Trump's bit on Law and Order was great, but he didn't back it up appropriately. He should have gotten to the core of it.

"We need law and order in this country, without it we don't have a country. There is an insurgency against our police, we've seen it in Philadelphia, Dallas, and elsewhere. We have to attack this from multiple angles. We have to treat the symptoms by improving community policing, getting tough on violent crime, and treating these riots for what they are- opportunistic orgies of mob violence and larceny under the guise of political dissent. We have to attack the root cause of this problem too: poverty. I want all voters watching tonight, but specifically African-American voters, to ask themselves if they're better off now than 8 years ago. We know what Secretary Clinton's policies look like, we've seen 7.5 years of them in action. We've spent, at a low estimate, $5 Trillion on military adventures around the world that have only emboldened our enemies or created new ones. This policy hasn't just been expensive, it's been a failure and the greatest failure is at home. How does confrontation with Russia, regime change, and aid to Al-Qaeda linked militants help the poor communities in our country? How many textbooks could those TOW missiles buy? How many guaranteed small business loans could have been made? How much infrastructure could have been built? How many jobs could we have created with that money?

It's not just policing policies, it's not just race relations, it's chronic mismanagement. And I would like to add that this is a national crisis. The unrest in our cities is not an opportunity for Secretary Clinton to push her personal war on the 2nd Amendment. We've seen gun control efforts and their results in cities like Chicago and Washington D.C. It's time to stop playing politics with these crises and start fixing them. "

I'd agree that some of this thread needs to find its way into the Trump camp's hands. He needs debate prep and he needs to understand how momentum works. He's done well against a large field but his traditional tactics didn't work so well last night.

We can't stand by and hope for 4d Chess, we need consistently strong performance. We don't need excuses. I can guarantee that a stronger Trump last night, able to take Hillary's momentum and turn it around on her, would have performed better with undecideds.

And you don't think the moderator would work damage control for her in real time for that? The other debates are probably a little better for that if anything because the moderators for that one have interacted with Hillary on those issues before. Trump can use her answers in those exchanges against her.

I do feel as if he needs to alter his speaking style on some things. It's hard but he should switch back and forth: On an issue, speak on it in a clear albeit mundane manner, then come back to it and speak on it as he normally would. At the very least people may not pick up on the repetition. If anyone does, he can claim he repeated himself because it was important. Because the manner in which he speaks will be different, he won't get any accusations like Rubio had, and it will make the media look petty as fuck f they are analyzing his speech patterns that much all the while ignoring what he is really saying. To the average voter, this will further deepen their distrust of the media, playing on their confirmation bias.

Man that pic is my life

except there is nothing you like…

You have some good stuff man but you have all the time in the world to think of what you're typing in the comfort of your own home. Lets see you do what he did live on national television with the entire world watching, with deck stacked against you. He clearly didn't do any prep but he still did great without it. I do want him to prepare better next time but hindsight is always 20/20.

I like Donald Trump

If you think Trump doesn't know how momentum works, you're insane.
My point is, any more aggressive Trump moves would've fallen into the confirmation bias trap ("Trump is crazy! Trump is evil! Look, he can't control himself!")
Sure, he could've been somewhat more strong here and there but how would he decide where to attack more strongly? So he went with normal, lukewarm antics to show he isn't scary. He did his normal talking points without pushing too hard in any of them, so today all the media has to say is "Trump is different, Trump isn't attacking like before". He knows his persuasion, but he doesn't know how the public would react regarding every specific point, so he goes average for all the points and scores nonetheless.
As I've said before, expect a more proactive Trump in the next debates: people will feel different about Trump now, so they're willing to let stronger attacks slide the next debate.

I believe this was his route as well. It DID work.

nypost .com/2016/09/26/the-best-debate-takes-come-from-inside-the-bar/
Remember he's already convinced all of his own supporters. Now he's trying to convince the others who are unsure or been fooled by the dems. Coming on too strong would scare them away.

On accusations of stiffing suppliers and contractors

"I refuse to be demonized for good business. You might not understand this, Madam Secretary, but when sub-par work is done, you either don't pay or you renegotiate based on the work done. I understand that you've been reluctant to do that with companies like Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Northrop, and others but neither the US Government nor the Trump Organization is a charity for businesses that can't deliver on contracts as-promised. Perhaps, if you've had experience dealing with limited funds that are your own, rather than those of the taxpayers you can always bilk for more, you would have a firmer grasp of this issue."

I have scant proof of this but my GF was with me last night watching. After the first 30 minutes or so, I paused when Trump started to launch my response then we saw how Trump handled it. It's the old high school forensics team member in me but I wanted to see much better arguments.

I get what you're saying, that Trump needed to soften his image and not appear crazy or overbearing. He could have done that WHILE demolishing (in a metaphorical sense) Clinton. This isn't !Jeb! or Chris Christie we're talking about here though- it's Donald J. Trump.

We are allowed to expect perfection or something damn-near it from him. I hope you're right and he's able to reverse momentum and dominate the tempo of the next debate. It might be my "solidly Trump" critical eye, maybe I'm missing something normie undecideds don't miss, but I saw him playing too much defense last night.

This is very very true. Making sure all the numbers are straight in your head and avoiding missteps and possible traps because you're fighting both Shillary and the moderators who have the benefit of having information in front of them and most likely an earpiece feeding them info (not to ignore the ear pies that Hillary probably has). Even on topics one is well versed in, it is not easy.

I do think that the fact that leftists are shitting themselves and getting pissed at the moderators counts for something and I think this is what Trump wanted to achieve. The line the media had been feeding everyone that Trump would crumble under scrutiny and fact-checking. The moderator vowed to fact-check him. Hillary vowed this as well. Mark Cuban claimed publicly to go there and rattle him. It took place in hostile territory with BLM outside of the place. All this and they can't even claim a clear victory over Trump. This hurt the left hard, demoralized them, while making some of demand more from him. Because of our demands, he now has a clear reason to go all out on her while the left has no other option but to go on the defensive.

At least this seems to be what the issue is.

That's great and all but you think you're doing better when you're just posting here from your home. Even a great debater would feel pressure being on stage like they were last night. When Hillery and the moderator both are trying to (((correct the record))) anytime he tries to get real info out. Only reason hillery did half is well is because she was getting told what to say (she would write things down whenever Trump would talk).
I mean it's great effort user but what's the point? He's not trying to convince us or the bulk of his supporters. He's trying to persuade undecideds and dems.

Corrected the record

Sure Trump could have answered some of it better but he still did very well, convinced undecideds with it softer approach to hillery
and he still won all the online polls
B+ debate Dahnold

I did but I'm pretty autistic.

You've said it yourself: he played a lot of defence.
So he didn't attack as much. Who is the candidate the media says is always attacking, never backs down, and is mean and thin-skinned because of it? Trump. But Hillary was the one attacking now. Makes people confused about how they feel regarding Trump and specially Hillary (isn't she the "good" candidate? why was she so on the offensive?)
He might have been more defensive than he needed to be, however. But still is a change in image, feeling for him – and it's a good change for people who weren't seated by his strength before.

I was watching the debate with family at my grandmother's house. All the women agreed that she looks like she's had plastic surgery since her fall.


She looked weird. I'm sure everyone will remember that, and her creepy smile too.

Your average voter was the sleepy nig, yeah, so they didn't check shit.

That's a valid point. I'm wondering if maybe Trump couldn't/shouldn't carry a jammer onto the debate stage. I know they can be small, we could wire the suit with antennas.

You need a tech guy near backstage with a laptop and spectrum analyzer trying to pinpoint the frequency she's using. It wouldn't be cell-phone, it's likely bluetooth you need to block. There's also the VERY likely possibility she's using magnetic inductive earpieces, which means a strong magnetic field would likely disrupt it.

He could have done multiple things at once, he's more than capable of it. We're used to seeing conservatives put on the defensive by the Left. We're used to seeing them dominate tempo and enjoy advantages in debates like last night's.

What I'd like to see is Trump turn it around. He doesn't have to answer every accusation like he did last night, he only has to cast light on the hypocrisy of Hillary's accusations and attacks.

It's not enough to look "less crazy", he has to look properly presidential and in-control. He did not appear in control last night and that worries me- as it should worry you.

How much time did he spend excoriating the policies of Clinton/Obama? How much time did he spend RELATING the state of this country to those policies? How many times did he hold Clinton accountable for them?

Compare the above with how much time he spend playing defense on accusations Clinton made.

That's all I'm saying. He can't turtle up like Jeb, he has to go on the offensive. He can play defense but there has to be a rapid, seamless shift- not the stilted nonsense we saw last night.


This. I hate to say it, but how he fares in the next debate is key. The only thing I dislike about that forum is that it is town hall (I think), so he may or may not come as overbearing with the audience. I will say that the Pence debate will be interesting, since Pence is a very smooth talker and all Kaine has is 'muh racism'.

I still wonder and feel that is playing the long game. This debate to get all their attacks out of the way. All they will have left is to repeat themselves and he can deflect that saying he already addressed that in the last debate. One good thing about the format of the next debate is that he can talk about these issues and connect them back to people by doing so to someone who is right there. The only problem is, the people who run debates may stack the audience with nitwits who will cry about 'muh racism'.

I may be sounding too Trump Defense Force, I fear. Under my optics, Trump achieved what he set out to do: look sane and normal. Clinton didn't: look healthy and paint Trump as at least as much untrustworthy as she is.
So, for me, Trump won the actual matter of the debate. One point or ten, a win is a win and, at this point, beating the home team in their full stadium is pretty good, knowing there's still a few rematches ahead.

I think that was his goal this time around.

Yeah, I think the problem is the moderators and probably why Trump kept calling for less interventionist moderator. He can only hammer her and put her on the defensive if she is the only one fighting him. He'll have to figure out how best to battle both her and the moderators.

That was incredibly well written.

I bet he will. The ground he gained in this debate is crucial for the next one: people won't be able to look at this debate and say he was crazy and so what he says in the next is crazy too. They'll have to deal with him sounding more tame now, so in the next one he can be more flashy. Don't expect primaries-level, Jeb-Bush-is-a-big-fat-mess rekts, but he won't back down as easily as he did this time.

Both are extremely and obviously biased. When checking people they like, they'll consider the circumstances and give them the benefit of the doubt if they phrased things poorly. Saying things like mostly true for people they like, or somewhat false for people they dislike even though that's the same thing. While for people they're against, every statement is taken literally and out of context.

I can imagine. With this debate, he was able to make himself look sane, his opponent look desperate, was able to avoid being CTRed to death as both Hillary and the moderator vowed to do, was able to not look unhinged despite Cuban and his nonsense and so on. However, he also lit a fire under his base who will undoubtedly call for more fire and stronger attacks from Trump at Hillary. He has effectively set the stage for Trump to unleash hell on her and to please his constituents. The media will hype up this call for fire as a means to take a swing at Trump when in reality, it is giving him a free pass to do so. He may even slightly revert to his primaries mode since that is now not only what some wanted and expected but some are calling for. Here's hoping this is how it goes down.

an astute observation user. I hope that's the route this all goes too.

Exactly right.

Facts don't matter, appearances do. Trump needed to break the idea that he was a crazed madman, and he did that well. Sage because OP's thread is shit. He's probably not a shill but he definitely doesn't understand politics.

Trump did alright in the last debate, as far as the actual debate goes.

He lost the soundbite debate though.

Plenty of voters did not see the actual debates. They don't have the time or the attention span. Instead they will see a series of out of context clips shown by the media of each candidate and base their decision on that.

Hillary was more prepared and more experienced with political debates and it showed. When Trump went on the attack about her calling black youth "super predators" or deleting 33,000 emails, moving confidential material to an unsecured private server, the email leak showing that the DNC screwed over Bernie, etc. she either refused to address it and changed the subject or in the case of the email server, she just said "mistakes were made" and moved on. She knew better than to address any of these in depth because it would generate bad soundbites for her. She never went on the defensive, instead she deflected, changed the subject, or attacked Trump back. These are your typical political debate tactics.

Trump did the exact opposite. When Hillary and the moderator tag teamed Trump over things like him supposedly supporting the Iraq war or not releasing his tax returns, he went on a long defensive tangent. No politician does this, ever. I don't know if he really had a choice in this because the moderator kept pushing these issues with Trump while letting Hillary slide in the same circumstances.

This is why Hillary was grinning like an idiot the whole time Trump was on the defensive. She got him to take the bait and talk about his tax returns in depth, then went on a tirade about how he must be hiding something awful, meanwhile she avoided / downplayed Trump's retort about the 33,000 emails she deleted right before the feds seized her personal server.

Trump has a lot of dirt of Hillary but Hillary was much more effective at focusing attention on Trump instead. Both politicians spent far more time talking about Trump's controversies instead of Hillary's. He needs a strategy to turn this around.

Calling her out on Syria is an especially important point. Trump needs to get her off script and go so far in depth that she has to think on her feet; this last debate showed that even with the softball questions and moderator on her side, Hillary can't do more than give canned soundbites and memorized lines.

The Obama administration is actively aiding ISIS in Syria and other parts of the world with funding, training, weaponry, and airstrikes, and Trump needs to make her defend them on live television.

Didn't trump actually support the Iraq war after Colin Powell gave his (public) wmd speech? If he did, he needs to own up to it.

He needs to know exactly when to give his killing blow, and he needs to mock her sincerity, like "she's probably over there with her sick little grin"


No. He gave an offhand "yeah, I guess so" on supporting Iraq on a random radio show once, everything else he said was directly against it. That's literally what he said, "I guess so." At the height of fervor for the war a couple days before they declared.

That's what they're pushing to say he supported it and correcting the record with. Even when he said as much, the moderator still tried to fact check him and call him a liar. It's total bullshit.

So it's literally all based on the Howard stern show?
The inflection is hard to describe in words. "Yeah I guess… So..".

It seems like supporting the war (you can "support" the war in 1 instance and be against it in 1000 others, and you've still technically supported the war), he needs to address this verbal trickery directly.

considering the podiums have their own microphones and the candidates voices changed depending on their distance from said microphones. what is logic for hillary trying to hide a transceiver in her suit?

Snake, she's wearing an exoskeleton

I think Peter's analysis is very good. Trump shouldn't have backed down from when he said that pregnant women are inconvenient for employees, because they are, and now Hillary can just make an add that shows when Trump said that and how he denied it on stage. Also this pregnancy is inconvenient not for big businesses,but for small businesses, which Hillary says that she loves, but she neither loves nor understand small businesses, Trump does. He should have talked about pregnancy, regulations, taxes, how workers getting a part of the profit that Hillary wants, isn't convenient for neither workers nor employees. He did talk about the Fed and interest rates, but he didn't go further, now the average person will say that if raising interest rates is so bad, he should be glad that the fed isn't raising them. He also mentioned how the debt was doubled under Obama, but he didn't say how the debt was also doubled under Bush, and he did criticize Bush in the republican debates where it was riskier, so what did he have to loose here? He needs to show that isn't another Bush or Obama, which is Hillary, but that he truly is the force of change and wants to separate himself from all those other presidents.
All he had to do to mop the floor with her, was to teach her about how small businesses work and he could have done that without appearing condesending, and the American viewers would have seen how Hillary understands nothing and this guy, Trump truly knows what he is doing.

Meh. Trump should debate Soros next, then whoever controls Soros.

I'm scared.

Trump's gonna fuck them up.
He's gonna turn reality into a side-scroller.
But it's gonna be a beat em up.

Good KEK almighty, I hope you're right about this.

Although what my country's liberal media was pushing was that the softer Trump we saw was because he has made this illusion about his toughness and not really be a tough on anything.

They were comparing it to the popular story about an emperor without clothes.

Gamblers have never known shit about the election. They've given Trump terrible odds ever since he announced.

There have been countless predictions that Trump wouldn't get the Republican nominee and he still won. What difference does this make? If you don't want this to happen then go and vote if you are a burger.

Trump held off using much of the ammunition in his arsenal which I think will be used for the last two debates. All this was, was a trial run to him. Even then, Hillary still lost, even with the help of a partially stacked audience, biased commentator, an army of "fact checkers", if only by a smidge.

I'm a Syrup nigger.

It's bad enough with Turd in charge, but if Trump doesn't win, where will I go?

Checking dubs of truth. He's appealing to normalfags that have heard nothing but "Trump is a loud, racist, bigoted evil, crazy, meany bobeenie!" for the last few months and they're thinking, "Wait, Trump isn't anything like what the media claimed he was, most of his points make sense".

Tell that to Clinton.

Also, I liked Trump's stories he would tell on the campaign trail like the continuous concrete pour they did for the ice rink in NYC. I know last nights topics may not have been the best place for stories but I think they show a better side of Trump and he can really use it to contrast himself with Hillary. The things he did great at the debate last night include NAFTA, 30 years, and most of all mentioning we are in a bubble that will burst with the slightest rise in interest rates.



This fucking post

The best way Trump can prepare for the Oct. 9th debate is to do two things:

1] Man up and stop being so easily baited into losing his temper.
2] Learn that shouting "WRONG" into a microphone doesn't mean "winning".

One of the best ways he can do that is to focus on Hillary instead of bring up things Bill did, over which she had no control.

He also needs to make damn sure he doesn't invoke Reagan, especially when it comes to the economy.

They all bend the knee ultimately


Yeah but Hillary and her next minion commmentator won't be able to use the same tactics again or else normal people will call it out and it will seem overused. IMO Trump handled this very well, he's allowing the enemy to think they have the upperhand and lower their guard, right before he utterly buries here in the next two after retaining all of his tactics.

You'll have to type a little bit more than that to get those 2 cents Efraim.

Your request has been denied.

Reported again.


Your request has been denied again.

Ok, I watched the debate a second time (Yes Im a dork like that) Hillary seems to want to take guns away from niggers.

I think she may have won my vote on that one issue…

And here you see a shill in the wild, trying to fuck anons in the ass.

Waste of dubdubs.

Does anyone know if Kaine is a good debater or not?

That was pretty funny. She more or less said that niggers have no free will and if guns exist then they'll shoot each other.

I'd say he and Pence are on equal footing.

But that is going to be the most boring shit show on the planet. Both VPs are so dull that it puts me to sleep just thinking about the debate.

True, but I guess that's part of their job.
Wojak is soothing to normies, so the soundbytes they get of this debate shouldn't scare them at all.

I am pretty sure that you are a shill.




I hope Trump takes him up on it. If nothing else, the Zodiac Killer is a good debater.

That's kind of a false dichotomy. He can still perpetuate it if her campaign started it.

This could be Ted's redemption moment

We may be able to influence the questions in the next debate by getting all thirty of the top questions here to focus on Hillary's shit. Moderators have agreed to consider questions from the top thirty in this list. We need to make sure they can't use "voter interest" as an excuse to lay into Trump; we do this by ensuring that the top 30 questions are all anti-Hillary. If they don't pick any questions then it's obviously a fix; if they pick a couple then it at least stops them stacking the deck quite as much for Hillary as in the last debate.

The list of questions:

All part of the plan

I am going to very slightly disagree with you… Trump needs to look inevitable. He needs to look above the fray of Hillary minutia, and focus on making her a historical artifact. That is why the "you have had 30 years" attacks were so effective. Direct attacks on Hillary should continue, but they should be carried out by Trump surrogates.

Then on the side, the libcucks are feeling defeated. They are focusing on fb with memes of "There is no difference between candidates" even though I can't remember a time in my life where the two candidates were more different. We need to figure out how to precision strike libcucks with those types of memes, the idea that it doesn't matter if they vote because there is no difference.

Yeah man, under preparation seemed to be his biggest problem this debate. I'm hoping it was intentional so she lets her guard down and he can demolish her next debate.

Also very well written and nice dubs

str8 outta reddit

Every time I see her godawful grin of poisonous smugness, I can practically smell the contempt for the general public oozing out of her. She's openly contemptuous of the working class, the middle class, pretty much everyone who isn't a piece of shit corrupt sociopath neo-oligarch like her. In everything she says and does, it shows that she believes she's above the plebian scum that are her contitutents, and above the law. But more than that, she gives off a "high school queen bee" vibe. She just giggles and waves her hand dismissively because you're so below her, you're not worth her time.

I see red every time I see it. It affects me on a primal level.












Someone needs to make a sequel to this book and call it "Everything I Don't Like is Russian".


Opps, didn't realize last night's CAPTCHA hadn't expired yet.

This narrative needs to stop, it is perpetuated by the liberals and other globalists as well as the MSM that to "win" rhetorically is a win because everyone is a fucktard. Everyone but you, you special snowflake, is a complete and utter fucktard who will buy whatever someone is selling if they make the right facial expressions, laugh at the right moments and otherwise rhetorically "defeat" their opposition. It's absolute 100% utter garbage.

The only purpose lines like this serve are to prepare your mind, yes, YOUR MIND, for when the day comes that a poll needs to be rigged, such that YOU will believe there are just that many fucking retards around you, because you're so special you're the only one that isn't a retard, that they voted for Hillary.

You are perpetuating propaganda which will be used to rig an election, stop it.

why didn't Trump attack her on the 2007 crash? Taxes had nothing to do with it (which is what hillary claimed)
Regarding race relations, simply pointing out Obama worsened them and mentioning BLM riot funders (George Soros) would've been enough.

Trump really really needs to prepare. I don't know what will happen in the next two debates if the same thing continues.

Also, please send this to Trump somehow.

I'm disappointed but not that much. Hillary fags are still voting for hillary.
Trump supporters are still voting for Trump.
And everyone else is still rolling their eyes at both of them

This. Polls indicate 95 percent of people are still supporting their chosen candidate, 3 percent of people switched to Trump, and 2 percent to Hillary. Even with the underwhelming performance he made incremental gains.

I might be a fucking idiot about this, but the gambling odds on the election has never worried me one bit. Remember that if a shit ton of people are betting on Hillary winning, the payout for her win will be less, and the listed odds of her winning will increase in inverse proportion to the payout. That's how gambling works. You're not gonna get a 6:1 payout if everybody is betting on the 6:1 payout - there's not enough money in the pool to pay everybody.

I'm sure there are Hillary fans that are betting on Hillary, and Trump fans betting on Trump, but in my mind it makes a lot of sense for Trump supporters to hedge their bets by betting on a Hillary win, just in case. Their payout if Trump wins is not the betting odds, it's the fact that their candidate won the presidency which is what they really want.

we need to get this to Trump. He needs to prepare more.

In addition, he needs to slow down his speech and explain himself. There are many times when he thought so fast he skipped over words, and expected the audience to infer his meaning. The fact is, most people aren't watching multiple trump rallies and speeches, they aren't familiar with his stories and thus can't put the pieces together independently.

When he was talking about race, he talked about his club in mar a lago, how there was no discrimination etc and he was proud of being able to do that. But he completely neglected to explain that other clubs in the area threatened him for allowing a non-white club and then his lawyers sent them letters praising diversity as well as the film "guess who's coming to dinner" with sidney poitiers.

But he didn't mention any of that. I wonder if that entire narrative was completely lost on people who didn't already know that story.

plot twist: Pence vs. Kaine will the most fiery debate of the last 100 years

Leaving the great white north instead of politely Making Canada Great Again? That's a paddlin', traitor. Dildeau must NOT be allowed to have another term, and we need you here.

What the fuck are you rambling about? Cut out the peaceful herb and watch the debate again. With a clear mind, will you.

The debate was biased, as both the questions and the host were against Trump. A normie watching might not notice it, but if we speak about it openly, it might just wake some of them up to see and start to actually question even the polls.

Still, as the thread has been analyzing it would seems that it was intentional for Trump to not show his power levels. My hope is that he will prepare better for those questions continuing to be against him. And preparing so that he will still seem presidential enough.