Will you sign the petition Holla Forums?
Will you sign the petition Holla Forums?
Nearly all terrorists are white conservatives & nationalists, it makes sense. Most are religious too. My group is making a record of potentially dangerous people in our city, and anyone with tons of right-wing/Trump/NRA stickers makes the list. They're unpredictable & fucking dangerous.
Not enough
They also harass people online and threaten them. It would be tolerable if they weren't unironically acting like tumblrina roasties and shitting up everything.
I can't wait for the day that we kill all the Americans.
Holy shit DC Drumpfkins btfo!
We have these skinhead Trumpdrones starting shit everywhere in my city, it's why we're tracking them all. A group of them trashed a friend's restaurant last week b/c the band had 2 black guys in it. Fucking degenerate savages.
What a bunch of fucking mongs
well, you're right that they are religious and conservatives, because islam is a very conservative religions
but no, arabs are not white
Why bigot Drumbf is so naughty? i cannot even, i'm shaking right now
Oh fuck off Ruffalo, conservatives have enough trouble trying to get work in media. MSNBC is liberal, and they're actually trying to get opposing viewpoints? I guess we can't have that.
Of course, his masters probably told him to do this "How dare white conservatives be given a space to defend the preservation of their race and country! SHUT IT DOWN."
Your race is on the way out. Nothing you can do to stop it. Just die quietly. No one likes a whiner.
Start including archive links within your screenshots. They're useless otherwise.
fake statistics
fake news
Why do kikes like this not just move to Uganda or something? Whites are a very tiny minority in the world, why would he stay among the people he hate?
Good thing slacktivism like petitions doesn't do jack shit.
Did they kill the niggers? If not I'm disappointed in them.
btw donate to msnbc's patreon
go back to flicking your little boi clit to BLACKED, drumpftard. adults are talking here.
About killing niggers?
didnt this dipshit tweet something about getting "woke" to the trans experience?
Won't you join him on his journey?
Isn't he the only fag from the marvel movies that hasn't done a solo movie?
wikitaab showing its true colors again
They're joking you fucking dip.
and you fags hate on women lol
yes, twice.
Nice try Chaim.
I guess Norton was a little too right-wing for them.
Palestine is controlled opposition though. It was a deal between kike and sandnigger elites so Israel continues to receive aid from Murica (that includes both Bushes, Obongo and Drumpf eras) due to muh enemy at the gates while giving worldwide mudslimes a reason to stroke their hate boner against whites even further. And guess what, Israel shares that Murican money with the Saudis aka mudslime Vatican. But do keep trying to shut it down, Shlomo.
How are any of us POCs supposed to trust whypipo when you will only go this far smh. You need to do more tbh…
smh tbh…
funniest lie I've read all month
In what universe did these people step out of? MSNBC is like CNN's doppleganger. There's no attempt by them to be "more conservative," let alone white. They've had almost the exact same talking head staff since before the election.
These people are beyond paranoid, they're delusional. The moment MSNBC tries to become more conservative, it will be after every news person on TV is dead. I'm not sure if this more baffling or more hilarious. I can't emphasize this enough. None of what that petition claims is taking place and moreso, if it was, that would mean the opposite of the claim for progressives and ratings - it would mean that they're receiving higher ratings because of the alleged conservatives being hired.