I'm starting to have some doubts about vanguardism. How come at every application it has eventually fallen to revisionism? How can this be prevented?
I'm starting to have some doubts about vanguardism...
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you know you can't rely on any institution fam
It can't.
by the elimination of private property and empowering the non-party masses to practice power.
Supervisors/managers/authority figures in the workplace should be elected from the masses by the masses.
The party should continue to exists after the revolution but as a social organization aimed at educating people about communism and getting people to think about it and debate its path.
My vision of a future without private property is one where if a the chairman of the communist party was to want a mansion he would tell workers to build him a mansion and the workers would tell him to fuck off.
Vanguardism is the only way to communism. Most people are too indoctrinated by the spooks of capitalism, to question capitalism. Vanguardism is needed to educate and lead the people into communism.
In science education students are not expected to re-derive Newton's laws. How could we in good consciousness expect the masses to one day wake up class conscious? Furthermore Imagine if the students had been indoctrinated against science. This is the situation the communist movement faces.
ok dude
More Gulags and more purges
a vanguardist says
>they will support a communist vanguard party
Why wouldn't the masses support the vanguard? The masses are alienated from capitalism and have within them the flame of class hatred which the vanguard can stimulate.
In most revolutions the majority of the masses were apathetic.
Only vanguardism can lead to communism because it is able to organize the active elements, while non-vanguardism waits for everyone to become communist, this does not occur in capitalist cultural hegemony.
Vanguardism also sets up and builds communism to the vision of communist, it does not try to appeal to people who still hold reactionary ideas.
Why is our classless society not working, guys? :^(
read this
Why is our classless society not working, guys? :^(
You do know capitalist media hegemony is a thing, right?
Do you think one day, all workers will suddenly see communism as an alternative worth fighting for?
What is your problem with vanguardism as I have outlined it?
Heirarchy tbh lad.
Capitalism is an intensely hierarchical society and you dumb fucks honestly expect people to be naturally egalitarian and not reproduce the culture of their social conditions. Sure, "abolish" the state. The first thing that people will do is build another one.
Sounds like you need to calm down lad
This. however, vanguardism, I think provokes much more reaction than anything else. if you don't dismantle the state in the collective psyche, you cannot dismantle it in meatspace… proles think they depend on the state, and they depend on the morals that justify the state.
he seems calm to me, fiery but calm.
Dismantling the state is a massive social engineering project; one orthodox anarchists are woefully optimistic about, not to mention unprepared. Even in Rojava they're not willing to repudiate it entirely, and they rely a great deal on Vanguard-style arrangements in the form of the PYD and TEV-DEM. And it works I might add.
Absolutely, like with every revolutionary process, it is always easier said than done, and there are so many pitfalls to consider.
I am less Optimistic than other anarchs in this regard -to say the least- And I don't even have any sort of conviction towards its feasibility, at least not as far as I can see.
Maybe in the next 10 to 20 years, given the expansion of technology and the predominance of the Internet (which I believe, axiomatically stateless regardless of any regulations.) we'll be able to see a change in social attitudes towards the state.
of course vanguardism will provoke a reaction, it is a revolution. Trying to tone down communism to make it acceptable to the capitalist indoctrinated masses, will just give you reformist shit that goes nowhere.
Honestly this. All the revisionism in the USSR, China, etc. was a result of excessive softness and insufficient purges towards revisionists.
There has never been a vanguardist revolution in the sense that people understand once they've read What is to Be Done? and decided to ignore the two decades in Lenin's life afterwards and engage in revolutionary role playing.
The vanguard model corresponds to a particular political reality of an oppressive, autocratic state at a period of time in which proletarian consciousness was separated by an un-mediated chasm from the pathways of revolutionary action and understanding.
After 1905 and during 1917, the conditions of material reality and the emergence of new proletarian practices necessitated a complete transformation of the revolutionary party. Lenin himself advocated the radical undoing of traditional Leninism. The central committee and steering organs were then only tasked with completing the break with the old political logic and the new process of communisation. This meant actualizing necessary moments like the dissolution of the provisional government, the withdrawal from the war, etc..
The vanguard or the most advanced element of the revolutionary class that also maintains its distance from immediate revolutionary processes is the mediating mechanism between this reality, this concrete factuality and the possibilities initiated into being by the revolutionary masses.
Previous revolutions failed due to (1) the massive resistance generated by objective reality and (2) the dissolution of mass revolutionary organs and activities. After that, you simply have traces of that revolutionary force in the form of the central organs coping with reality.
Please stop ruining Lenin. The only way to be a Leninist today is to renounce "Leninism." The actuality of Lenin resides in the moment at which Lenin negated Lenin, the moment in which Lenin came into contact with the revolutionary forces in July 1917 and recognized that everything had changed, that what he had posited had already been negated by the movement of the masses.
i'm starting to have some doubts about OP. how come that each and every one of them is a faggot who never reads up on the topic before starting a whiney thread?
you can skip to page 66
Undermining socialist achievements
*OPs confusion is simply based on the lacking unsterstanding of continued class struggle on an ideological level within the communist party itself.
Stalin wasn't purging and warning from certain ideas because he'd be such a self centric fuckwit and just felt like fucking others over in a contest of who got the biggest dick to slap others in the face with.
With the advances of socialist construction in the soviet union he warned the struggle would intensify and lack of awareness and the parties and peoples resistance against the lies of khrushchev the result would be the downfall of the soviet union.
The solution is quite "simple": stick to marxism leninism or get fucked.
You also need automatisation of processes and give leadership of economy into the hands of principled workers in the production while cutting down parties influence. Comrade Walter Ulbricht in germany got fucked over by the soviet revisionists for doing so.
So, Yugoslavia?