
Where are Ustaše?


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checkerboard pattern can be a masonic symbol.
not sure if want.


post qt ustaše fraulein

Trošiš novce čovjeće. Imamo već otok za njima. Zove se Goli Otok.

It's an ancient symbol of union between red and white Croatian nobility.
First time i ever heard of it being masonic was from David Ike conflating a Hungarian standard that incorporated the Croatian Grb as an orgy of masonic symbolism.

Also do you know which color is first for masons? Black or white? If it doesn't matter then it's not the same thing as Croatian Grb.

polka wars are best wars

yeah, i only posted half-seriously about the chess pattern. too widespread to pinpoint it on masons without further evidence.

from Cirlots dictionary of Symbols:

Chequers: Any pattern consisting of squares, lozenges or rectangles, in
alternating white and black colours (that is, positive and negative), or, for that
matter, in other pairs of colours, stands in symbolic relation to the duality of
elements inherent in the extension of time and hence in destiny. Thus, the Romans
would mark a happy or an unhappy day with a white or a black stone respectively.
The colour of chequer-work changes its meaning according to the particular
symbolism of the colours. The significance of chequers, then, embraces concepts
of combination, demonstration, chance or potentiality (48), as well as the
effort to control irrational impulses by containing them within a given order. All
orthogonal forms are symbols of the reason and the intellect, but not of the spirit,
because the latter is content par excellence, whereas the rational never manages to
be more than a system of apprehending things, that is, a container. The heraldic
lozenge is a development of the chequerboard, the form of which is such that it
represents the dynamic interaction of the two elements which, in all forms of
chequer, are opposed and counterpoised one against the other in a pattern of
duality. It is significant that the costume of the harlequin (a chthonian deity) is
actually chequered or made up of lozenges, which proves beyond doubt that the
harlequin is related to the gods of destiny.

Borimo se za pravdu i solidarnost na filozofskom faksu :^)

Ne, stvarno. Lik je pizda što unajmljuje bodyguarde iz novaca od faksa kad mu zbilja netreba. I pizda mu materina što je blokirao faks samo da mu bude ugodnije na sastanku. Nedo mu Bog da to ponovi kad trebam na faks.
Ali što se tiče prosvjeda i svega toga, držim se van toga. Neka samo prođe situacija.

If there's one thing serbs are good at, it's definitely making good war songs and acting like total retards

ne tako brzo

and winning word walrs

; ^ )

Imamo i ljetni kamp u Jasenovcu za njih

Skoro quads
Moran priznati da odavno nisan vidia bolje seciranje jedne drustvene skupine od ove njegove analize. Pogodia ih je u srz i zato su se ovako uskomesali i pokrenili harangu puten svojih medijskih pasa - Sorosevog placenika Babica i Hanza Medie masona Hanzekovica
Takodjer, prije par dana je bila obljetnica moralne i vojne prekretnice u Domovinskom ratu - bitka za Sibenik!


It was a random google search

Što očekuje od referenduma u Bosni? Hoće se raspasti država? Kako će nas EU zaustavi od uzimanja Hercegovine?

mi na ozbiljnim fakultetima kao što je fer nemamo takvih problema ;)


Republika Srpska Srbima. Bosna Muhamedanima. Hercegovina svima osim Hrvatima!

Dobar dio Bosne kao i dio Hercegovine pripadaju RS, tako da je tvoja ideja praktički neostvariva.

Neum i zagora dosta. Po etničkoj liniji podjela kad se sve raspadne.

jebo mu ja komunističku mater Tuđman je barem Neum mogao uzeti da ne moram slušati bajke o Pelješkom mostu

pipav je to posao, nije on mogao učinit ništa za što nije imao barem prešutno odobravanje međunarodne zajednice, a ti bi se vjerojatno protivili tomu jer bi se na to gledalo kao na "otimanje teritorija međunarodno priznate države"

Thanks for that.

Evo ga na webm
2 planes downed with Zastava's
flags killed 2 planes

What Croatian children did she have?

what's even the source for marija oršić?

I read somewhere that it appeared from NSK/laibach and neofolk/industrial circles in the 80s and its crypto-fascist tendencies.

Yugoslavia was the worst thing to happen not only for Croats but for everyone in the former Yugoslavia.

It created generations of entitled, lazy fuckheads who believe the state owes them everything. A job, a house, money, etc. Yugoslav mentality is a fucking cancer on our nation

Don't get me wrong, the state owes it to the nation to preserve the culture, history, people, and to protect the borders but that's where it ends. We dont move forward until these Yugoslav mentality fucks realize that only hard work can move the nation forward

It also destroyed history and culture.

the dubs man cometh.

Obligatory post about Marko Perković, Čavoglave and the Bojna that defended it.

On 12 August 1922, the leader of the Ustasha movement Ante Pavelic married Maria Lovrenčević. Maria was part Jewish through her mother's family and her father, Martin Lovrenčević, was a member of the Party of Rights and a well-known journalist.

The Party of Right was doomed to remain on the fringe of Croatian national politics within the Empire. But it was an attractive ideology when it was discovered by a young lawyer from Bradina, a small village in present-day Bosnia-Hercegovina, named Ante Pavelic. Ante Pavelic rose through the ranks of the Party of Right after the incorporation of Croatia into the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, later to be renamed Yugoslavia. He led the far right-wing of what was already a right-wing party - the "Frankist" faction, so named after Josip Frank, a singularly intolerant man despite his ethnic background as an assimilated Jew.

Josip (Joseph) Frank:

Frank was born into a Croatian Jewish family,[1] and he attended the gymnasium in Osijek. After having finished his law studies at the Vienna University in 1872, he moved to Zagreb and worked as an attorney at law.

From the beginning, Pavelic had quite naturally adopted Frank's ideology for his own movement.

Ante Pavelic's wife, Mara Lovrencic, came from a family of assimilated Viennese Jews, and his chief aide in exile, Dido Kvaternik, was related to Josip Frank.

Slavko Kvaternik - Dido Kvaternik's father and the elder statesman of the Ustase movement - declared the Independent State of Croatia in the name of the poglavnik (a Croatian equivalent of duce or fuehrer) Ante Pavelic.

Slavko Kvaternik married Olga Frank, the daughter of Josip (Joshua) Frank. Slavko Kvaternik's son, Col. Dido (Eugen) Kvaternik, Ustasa commissioner for Public Order and Security was, according to both German and Judaic law, a Jew. Therefore, not only was the wife of Ante Pavelic, the Chief-of-State, Jewish, but the wife of the vice-president and Chief of the Armed Forces, police forces, and gendarmes was also a Jew.

Other prominent Jews in the Ustasha leadership included the Ustasha Representative to Hungary Alexander Klein, Vlado (Vladimir) Singer of the Ustasha Police, and Pavelic's personal physician. In addition to the families of Dr. Pavelic and Marshal Kvaternik, the wife of Minister Milovan Zanic was also a Jew.

A Jewish lawyer, Hinko Hinkovic, was amongst the ideological and political leaders of Croatian nationalism and Vlado Singer, a Jewish intellectual, worked for Pavelic's election to parliament in 1927.

Some of the Jews in the Ustasha movement:

General Milan Miesler (the Croatian Gendarmerie (Hrvatsko Oruznistvo) was formed on April 30th 1941, as a rural police, commanded first by Major-General Milan Miesler);

General Milan Praunsperger (1941- 1943 Head Judge Advocate General’s Office of the Home Defence Army 1943 - 1945 Head Military Archives);

General Oskar Kirchbaum;

General Josip Šulc;

General Ferdinand Halke;

One of the Ustasha movement most renowned writers in the second emigration, an Ustasa from the first emigration, Dr. Ivo Korsky - was also a Jew.

Ivo Korsky:

The Ustashe's "Honorary Aryans"

Even more interesting was the fact that the S.S. Intelligence service had discovered that nearly all members of the ruling clique in Croatia, from the head of government to the leader of the Ustashe, were married to Jewish women. The fifteen hundred survivors among the Jews in this area were clearly all members of this highly assimilated, and extraordinarily rich, Jewish group.

In the initial anti-Jewish legislation, the Germans had noted a curious paragraph that transformed into 'honorary Aryans' all Jews who made contributions to 'the Croat cause.' Hundreds of other Jewish leaders and officials were made "honorary Aryans," a practice that the Germans looked upon as quite serious. W. H. Allen, in his book, The Destruction of the European Jews, noted that: (German Police Attache SS-Obersturmbannfuehrer) "Helm added that the problem of honorary Aryans was admittedly unsolved; some of them were still holding office." Helm remarked that quite a few Croat leaders had strong family ties with Jews and that "some cabinet members had Jewish wives."(16)

Jews and the racial laws

"Like all areas occupied by the Germans, the Gestapo and SD units of the SS were active in Croatia. The heavy toll of Jews, as well as Croatian Catholics and Moslems, was surely taken. Although the Croatian government posted the racial laws required of them by Germans, Jews were on many occasions assisted by the Croatian people and Croatian laws. One such law redefined the German racial laws in such a way as to allow hundreds of Jews and children of mixed marriages to escape the Nazis. Another law granted full citizenship to those who had excelled in their "service to the Croatian State." (15)


i. The Ustasha were often known as 'Francovi' or 'Frankists' due to the dominance in their political evolution of Dr. Isaiah Frank, a Jew. He became leader of The Party of Right (Law) in 1896, following the death of Starcevic. Dr. Frank became a Catholic, taking the baptismal name of Josip ((EJ 16:917)). Frank was greatly admired and honoured by the Ustasha.

ii. A Jewish lawyer, Hinko Hinkovic, was amongst the ideological and political leaders of Croatian nationalism ((EJ 16: 917)) and Vlado Singer, a Jewish intellectual, worked for Pavelic's election to parliament in 1927 ((MTA 125)).

iii. The Ustasha was not greatly interested in the Jews prior to the outbreak of the war ((SSJ 19: 22)). Their hatred was centred on the Serbs.

iv. Pavelic (as Chief of State) and Milovan Zanic (as President of the Legislative Committee) jointly signed the 1941 decrees concerning Jewish and Serbian property ((RL 606-627)). Yet both had Jewish wives ((MR 69)). According to Nazi ideology, the lives of these wives and their 'mischling' children were under threat.

v. Slavko Kvaternik who proclaimed Croatian independence on 10th April 1941, and became Commander of the Armed Forces and Pavelic's deputy, also had a Jewish wife ((IO 21-22)).

vi. Eugen (Dido) Kvaternik was appointed Director of Public Security. Being the son of Slavko he was therefore half Jewish.

vii. Jews were still holding official positions in Croatia, including senior ones within the Ustasha command, as late as 1944 ((RH 457)).


The fact that their hatred was centred on the Serbs was even confirmed by the Germans:

As early as July 10, 1941, Wehrmacht General Edmund Glaise von Horstenau reported the following to the German High Command, the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (OKW):

“ Our troops have to be mute witnesses of such events; it does not reflect well on their otherwise high reputation… I am frequently told that German occupation troops would finally have to intervene against Ustaše crimes. This may happen eventually. Right now, with the available forces, I could not ask for such action. Ad hoc intervention in individual cases could make the German Army look responsible for countless crimes which it could not prevent in the past. ”

A Gestapo report to Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler, dated February 17, 1942, stated that:

“ Increased activity of the bands [of rebels] is chiefly due to atrocities carried out by Ustaše units in Croatia against the Orthodox population. The Ustaše committed their deeds in a bestial manner not only against males of conscript age, but especially against helpless old people, women and children. The number of the Orthodox that the Croats have massacred and sadistically tortured to death is about three hundred thousand. ”

During World War II, various German military commanders gave different figures for the number of Serbs killed in NDH - They circulated figures of 400,000 Serbs (Alexander Lehr); 350,000 Serbs (Lothar Rendulic); between 300,000 (Edmund Glaise von Horstenau); more than "3/4 of a million Serbs" (Hermann Neubacher) in 1943; 600-700,000 until March 1944 (Ernst Fick); 700,000 (Massenbach).

have some chow, crofags

Fuck off with that propaganda, kike.

sorry but if you can't accept the fact that the Jewstasa was not ideologically opposed to jewry and wasn't a meaningless aim at the destruction of Serbs and was "is x white or not" tier ideology you're an idiot

Out of all the excuses you could historically have, you picked the wrong one
That must hurt


What the fuck are you on about?

From "Hrvatsko Pitanje" by Pavelić, 1936 (prior to taking power). Serbs were filling Croatia's positions with Jews because they are identity-destroyers (which was very much needed for first Yugoslavia under Serbian rule).

I'd also like the actual source of Pavelić's wife "Marija Lovrenčević" being a Jew that's not "his daughter said so".

Until then, that's Tito's clone-tier.

Is Tom Sunic known in Croatia?

Outside of our circles, I'd say not really.

That's a shame.

I onda se vi pitate "di smo?". Pička vam materina lina i sramežljiva. Umisto da glupe komentare na ovoj stranici radite sada biste mogli napravit nešt konkretno za svoju državu i istovremeno se lipo nasmijat.

Is D'Annunzio considered based in Croatia?

Fuck you Serbia forever!

eat my fat croat dick you četnik bastard

Also, how would you describe the character of the Croatian people? Are you guys pretty much like other southern Slavs?


(Already posted)

Lumping Croatians into Southern Slav (Yugoslav) category is an easy way to piss us off. One thing because it's mostly inaccurate, and secondly because the Yugoslav identity was an attempt to destroy Croatian identity as seen in

We do however have a severe identity crisis. Partly because our "glorious" history (if the glorious was ever more than a myth) is so long past and our territory and people since served as cannon-fodder and defense against Islam.

Hence, the banana-shaped country we have today.

Today, as a small and freshly established country with no economic power, we do not know where we belong.

Our people are indifferent at best. Someone proposed a theory that in many of past conflicts, our best and most aggressive were killed off.

What is this song about, and also, is that Thompson singing?


Yeah, welcome to the club.

t. rest of europe

Wow fag, mind telling me in a language that isnt nonsense lmao

what the fuck

"keks" means cookies/crackers

About Jure Francetić and Rafael Boban. Just look on the wiki about them. And no, not Thompson.

And there's this.,_evo_dana

O situaciji na filozofskom

Nisam ustasa, al jesam domoljub.

Ovo OBAVEZNO pogledati!

Taj feget s mašnicom je doslovno napisao kolumnu u kojoj kritizira Hrvate jer su se usudili odgovoriti Židovima koji posjeduju sve banke pa nam više neće davati kredite ako ih naljutimo.

Probati ću naći link.

A i izgleda kao cuck.


Koja cuckčina.

Bumperić za best nazis.