Tfw New Year's Eve and i have no friends to go out with
Same here OP
Nice dubs!
you're totally the only person on Holla Forums to have that problem OP
for the past few years ive been sleeping at 10/11 on new years. and i put my fan to max settings so i dont hear any fireworks or loud noises outside. It is sad as fuck but it makes me feel better than staying awake and knowing i'm missing out on all the fun. I'd rather sleep in bliss and pretend it is just another day.
Hey, it's New Year's Eve!
The whole planet has a party!
I'm not invited.
I have friends who i hate and an ex who i would happily strangle.
kennedi check em
BE yourself. Pretend you're too badass for everyone else. Eventually they'll believe it and look up to you more often
That's you and your life.
What are you getting at? Just be yourself while at the same time pretend to be too badass
cons - literally none
pros - some girl usually get drunk af and end up with train run on her happen few times
This is bs tbh, if you don't go to the club on new years eve you're a mega loser (like i am)
t. german
its a slav thing Hans Führer, yea some people go out. but majority gather group of friends and go to someone house everyone bring food and drinks and basically its a small house party with close friends. no bs this is how shit work here.
you have no friends here either, so why bother posting this pussy thread?
its cool user you are among friends here
No he's not, you all hate eachother
You poles really are primitive people desu
why will i hate a fellow social outcast ?
why would you need friends when you have brothers in mind on this site, all across the globe.
>tfw when your only (((friends))) are commies from canada and pedos from romania
srpski here, I can confirm
I was even invited to my aunt's place. My mother and sisters went but I declined as my cousin would make fun of my autistic habits when drunk and normies would drink and sing and I don't like either of those things so I would just awkwardly sit there and wait time to pass
thats depressing
We'll be friends tonight fuckers
at least you're not that lonely soul who doesn't even know how to find other losers on the internet
happy new year
It's alright user. All of us are just like you.
I'd say try a video game?