Just came back from the exodus, that other place was way too slow for me.
How's it been over here?
Just came back from the exodus, that other place was way too slow for me.
How's it been over here?
Mewch right? Place has a future, I can tell
welcome back friend
fuck off shill. exodus happens at midnight tonight. this faggot is trying to scare people into not leaving.
is it midnight yet? We leave at the last moment of 31 December. Isn't that fucking obvious?
That would be January 1, dumbass.
Here we go again faggot! Then 23:59:59.999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 then. Take your pick. Either way i'm glad I'll never see a post from you again you piece of shit
I'm not the one leaving, just get out of here already.
I will. At the agreed upon time
hello fellow Anons.
I am a massive faggot who's house burned down a few months ago and lost my PC and only recently got a new one, whats this migration?
It was by invite only. Only certain choice users were tapped to migrate. If you don't know then you weren't invited
There isn't one unless you want to visit all the deadchans that get 1pph site wide.
AVGN's a decent youtuber…
My anti-virus program warns me not to enter mewch.net, so I think I'll pass on the exodus.
Lol someone so angry that he simultaneously yells at people to leave and gets mad that they are.
Makes sense fucktard
Running from Holla Forums to Mewch is like running from Reddit to 4chan.
Both are shit and you're a dumbass for falling for the meme.
in the garbage you go
because it is just a meme you moron, everything in the modern era is just a meme only idiots buy into.
Why are you giving yourself a warning?
So his friends know to leave him alone on New Years
Fuck off, shill.
Go lick Dysnomia's fat creases again, you missed a spot.