2015: 3300 users 500pph
2016: 1229 users 153pph
2017: 964 users 42pph
Happy new year, to all you delusionally blind deniers of reality. May this be the year you learn that math is real and undeniable.
2015: 3300 users 500pph
2016: 1229 users 153pph
2017: 964 users 42pph
Happy new year, to all you delusionally blind deniers of reality. May this be the year you learn that math is real and undeniable.
Other urls found in this thread:
statlogs over the years
i have recorded them in a notebook
too bad there are archives and your records mean shit
math is real
archives were only reposted recently after being scrubbed
or are you anons unaware of that?
share your data then
they got rid of all the pedo shit so that their record of ignoring it was not available to be seen
then they had to fabricate numbers to accomodate the missing posts
so nothing actually matches the stat logs in the archives anyway
you could cross check the post numbers in the archives if you wanted though, i doubt that they altered those
no it is not, it means the cancerous people go back to 4cuck
he just did, retard
that was the point of op's post!
no he didn't dumbass, he shared what he claims to be the average of his data.
I randomly picked 10 snapshots of 2016 and the active users were always below 1k, mostly between 700-800. as long OP doesn't provide his data I call bullshit.
The exodus will fix it
OP here, i never said less users was bad.
all i said was that math is real and undeniable.
there is an established rate of decay here, and there are only two constants in the equation.
unless one or both of those constants is changed, the rate of decay will remain until the numbers are close to zero.
that is math.
the two constants, for those of you who do understand math, are the site owner and the board owner.
2018: 965 USERS 43PPH
found someone who doesn't understand math
found someone who is full of shit :^)
Holla Forums used to be by far the fastest moving board, but now it's behind Holla Forums and Holla Forums and soon Holla Forums and Holla Forums
The exodus can't come soon enough.
the feds were climbing up jim's ass this year, which is why ron put so much pressure on dys to get vols to clean the board up.
the archive scrubbing was part of that.
because they didn't want the logs to reflect the lower numbers from deleting all the posts, ron had to essentially make shit up. So he pumped the numbers like he does now.
the archives are altered history.
samefag again
i am a former global btw and this is one of the issues i quit over
samefag again, last time, i promise
what that means is that op's numbers are as reliable as any available assuming he took them from the logs as they happened.
whether they are accurate or not doesn't matter anyway though, as this site isn't going to last another year.
It has become a rather large pain in Jim's ass, and the decline in users makes it more and more expensive for him to continue to float.
It is unsustainable, and everyone knows it now. The only question is when, not if.
Don't flatter yourself. There are no more than 5 feds on this site during off-season.
Thaks dude what kind of porn do you guys prefer aside from cp of course ?
12 baiters baiting
11 faggots prancing
10 hackers hacking
9 miners mining
8 admins kiking
7 snowflakes crying
6 pedos fapping
5 cancer mods
4 tarded twats
3 poltards
2 bullshit bans
And an agent in a party van
dysnomia is a piece of shit who ruined his own board and drove its users away
I masturbate to wwe and political arguments
Didn't you exodus today or something?
Nice to see you back so soon, welcome!
Chill out, we just had a TON of users exodus from here!
it's still Dec 31 you dumbfuck
Hurry, get going before it's too late!
To the promised land?
It's actually a lot higher PPH than the front page counter, and it will go up as they day goes on and more NEETS wake up (usually 12pm-5pm local time for the NEETS)
Oops fucked my trip but whatever
(Failed get)
(Failed get)
look at this loser. he has desperately to defend his failed leftover of a board and chan and cant provide anything but shitty pictures. people are leaving this garbage for a good reason
unironically kys nigger
Is that why you haven't left yet?
lemme ax you dat queshun