As far as I can see, Rust is a language with minor improvements over C, that people try to sell as a huge, game-changing improvement. It's not.
It makes a few minor bugs a lot less common through design decisions. The proponents seem to misrepresent and act as if that minority of bugs is all the bugs there are, which isn't true.
The benefits are so little, that it's not worth changing languages over. And in the future, what has better odds of staying popular, C the staple language of many decades with a well-defined niche or Rust the flavor of the week trying to create a niche by convincing people it exists? But then again the syntax seems so similar to C, it would be easy to learn... But with so little to gain, why bother, and lose the versatility of C devtools ecosystem?
Man, everybody in every tech field is a mostly leftist freak. Welcome to post 2007-tech. There's nothing that isn't obscure as fuck that doesn't cater to the left either willingly or through pressure. Rust seems extra bad, but everything else is also bad, so ignore this reason in your decisions.
Or rather, I'd say that if Rust actually had some useful properties. As it is, it's barely better than C. Just use C and save yourself the headache.
My feeling as well. It's not that safety doesn't matter, but there are a lot of other things that also matter. Rust just fixes safety (which other languages also do btw), while not fixing the "other things", some of which are much harder to fix in Rust that they are in other languages.
I think it would be better if as a board we ignored faggots like this. These tired arguments were old news back when GamerGate happened, but GG made it inexcusably old news. We've heard this cucked "but the community doesn't matter" bullshit a million times, we've known it isn't true for ages, and over the recent years it's been proven false. Replying to them and giving them (You)'s, I imagine, is exactly what they want.
Exactly. When Krys'ta-hl the purple haired trans-mermaidkin gets xir panties in a twist over muh misogynism and rape culture in X project's community, do her fellows swarm her with flames about how she should discuss just the language? Fuck no. This sort of attitude (and beta thirst of course) is exactly what lost us all this ground in tech. Just think! Only 30 years ago tech was a purely male field and it was glorious.
b8, but everybody knows that in practice it means
So you can sort of have an issue there if you are a straight white man. Or just care about fairness and not punishing people for things that aren't their fault and stupid shit like that.
First of all the language isn't that great anyway. Even if it was, that's stupid. All the cancer you wanted to get away from will be familiar with most of your project, and can easily invade and co-opt. Better to make a completely different language (if Rust had achieved anything worth emulating). By actually forking these cunts you also paint a target on your back for them.