Redpill me on Rust

I get it, the people who are directing this language are mostly leftist freaks.

But how does that affect the average programmer?
Is there some copyleft thing where everything written in Rust has to cater to trannies?
If not, then why does it matter that the people making it are mentally ill?

Other urls found in this thread:

Because you give them power.
The more people use a product made from a particular group the more influence they have.
It all depends on what they do with the power/influence they acquire.

Rust is a direct reaction to the resistance to the idea of not having a meritocracy and not adopting CoC. Basically, they're trying to build their own market, and they want to exclude the people against their ideas by just out-marketing them.

This is completely fair. This is what they're supposed to do.

It is also something that you should reject, as you aren't supposed to give them one inch of power either.

I reccomend looking into their issues in the main rust project and how they solve stuff. You'll simply see the kind of totalitarian language they use, even when not talking about sjw stuff. They are a danger, but it's a danger that should express itself and die. So just reject them. Reject them reject them and reject them.

Nothing sort of dropping the CoC is enough. And dropping the CoC would only be a start. They would need to clean up their whole "you don't care for safety? KYS!" act too.

If you want to talk about Rust as a language, then do that.
If you want to pol, go to Holla Forums.

I'm talking about the language, quite clearly.
If you want to talk about something else, fuck off and do that.

now, you would love that. Right?
Rust is an ideologically charged language. Perhaps YOU should be the one going to Holla Forums user.

I would welcome extreme leftie code if it didn't come with the implication of forcing me to say radical things or shut up. I'm a center-left person, but rust is inexcusable.

You simply don't get to have this conversation completely on your terms. In fact, you will barely be able to repeat "muh memory safety" so much until we remind you that you're selling a manacles.

Sort yourself out, or get out.

I'm talking about rust the community.

Thanks for the advice but I don't like Holla Forums to much morons in there just like the rust community.


Have you ever written a line of code in your life

rustfag triggered.

I work on high performant 3d engines.One of the places where safety isn't as important as performance.

The one thing that actually tells me that rust community has a problem is the continuous "But what are you doing that safety is not important for you, can you tell me please?" They try to seem nice only to act completely offended when their question is met with an actual answer. They want to appear open minded but they actually can't contemplate that their solution doesn't apply everywhere!

"well, at least use a memory safety language!" however when offered safe alternatives they will nervously scream and try to compare safety dicks to be sure everyone knows they still got the most safest dick of all in their mouths.

You simply don't know my domain and my problem as well as you do. Your solution, your needs, your requirements, your hopes, your dreams, your aspirations, your demands have no place in my problem.

So, on the ideology field you fail me, and on the actually-solving-my-problem you fail me.

Sort yourself out, clean out your room, read some books.

a language has nothing to do with the community. Be an adult and learn to separate things, you autist.

It has to do when its in its code of conduct which it whole tenets is that projects should have a particular kind of community.

Be an adult and stop trying to force your favourite toy everywhere when it has so many terrible connotations.

Look. It's easy. If you REALLY thought the language was good, and if you truly didn't care about rust sjw values you would have forked the project already. You would have demanded the coc to be removed. You wont because you WANT the coc. Because you like sjw values.

For god sake, you're posting in Holla Forums, you would literally be banned from most big rust cock enabled project just for that, if it weren't for the fact that you wouldn't because you're a shill trying to "save the world from biggitry"

We don't want your activism. We are not going to do projects in YOUR language so your pink haired friends get to claim your language is popular. It isn't, and it should never be.


When will this shit stop?
People act like subjects are these isolated containers. Discussing political aspects of the subject you're talking about is not the same as shilling. Everyone but autists know that subjects may have ramifications.
You're just crying because you wished everyone here sucked tranny cock like you do. Sorry it's not the case.

this is why leftoid scum are dominating every single tech space that there is.

anybody else is stomped on by them because they are not afraid to force their politics into everything.

being apolitical is a lovely idea. we all wanted that originally. but it isn't working. we need right wing programming spaces.

Have you ever cooperated or listened to people who haven't the same views has yours ?
Your point is ?
People who can't code can't speak their mind ? or their opinion are instantly discarded ?
Sorry to reveal this to you bu Rust, like any other programing community, has two sides.
Code and Community.
Computing and Human relationships.
Code will always remains what it is: a tool to the services of those of use it.
Human relationships on the other hand can be a multitude of things.
It can be simple interactions/cooperation between two or more people or it can be the use of the influence gained from the prospering of the tool the community helped to make.
Normally the influence gained should always and only go to better the tool.
Why ?
Because otherwise you deviate from your goals and you disperse yourselves and slowly become irrelevant (see gnome for example).
Rust the tool is by itself a tool but because of it's community it's not just that.
The rust community who spent time and work building this tool aren't using it's gained influence for the soul purpose of computing, they are indirectly using it has a trap to lur people in their own twisted political ideology and to make their political ideology grow.

It's the language's definitive strong point, do you know it, nigger?

I think the word you're looking for here is "retard" or "subhuman filth" user

No man that has ever emerged xorg would type like that. Go home, /ubuntu/.

you both should get a perma-ban on tech, you're clearly not from here

You're not from here, either. Why don't you go back to /g/? Oh wait, you can't, Hiroshima is an incompetent piece of shit who can't handle more than 5 boards and is begging for money.

The preferred programming language of the black block.

the peeps working on the >language< are smart people; MIT grads and Firefox hackers

the people working on >muh rust community< are the people who ousted Eich

Not OP but redpill me too: what is your damn problem with the Code of Conduct?

I've read it. There's nothing there except "be nice to everybody". Is that what freaks you all out?



nah bud

it's unnecessary mental load & wastes a lot of time---how many man hours have been whiled away defending or worrying about or flaming CoCs?


I love how you act innocent in every rust thread, literally copy pasting this. Is this some kind of meme or are you genuinally this retarded?

Let's spice things up:

That means this CoC is incompatible with chan culture. Even if we were to take the document at face value, as you would like, even if we were to ignore every single instance where the CoC doesn't work as written but rather as some ideology driven clique intends. Even if we were to do that, the CoC is incompatible.

Here, we respect people that won that respect. And we respect them barely between a cloud of insults. The idea of respecting someone "just because" while all they do is write diatribes about lesbian dance theory and complain and nag is completely despicable.

moreover. The solution is simple. YOU are the one that wants this language to be popular with us (since you people keep creating rust threads to subtly make it seem that this is a topic widely discussed, even if it's obvious we fucking despise you).

All you need to do is fork the project, drop the CoC and do a continous push for the CoC to be abandoned on the main project or make sure your fork becomes the main one.

I mean, after all, the community isn't important, and the CoC isn't important... right?
or are they?


didnt read LOL


dead on arrival

Antifa the language.

You can't talk about Rust without politics, it is ingrained into the language. Waste of time to learn unless you love Internet drama.

I will not depend on these people with their meme language when they have their own Thought Police purging thought crimes. I am for memory safety in systems programming languages, but Rust is not the only way of achieving that. One solution is to write minimalist software that doesn't do a whole lot of things, test it hard, then change it slowly. Or research automated memory safety in C compilers.

And we already have something similar without all the trannyisms:

take this degenerate e-drama shit to an appropriate venue such as /g/ or reddit

this. anyone who cares about the community behind their language is a LARPing faggot

yes some faggot who invented JS really is coherent to any conversation

Okay. Then do a fork, drop the CoC, drop the cancerous community. we're waiting.

Truth is that you LOVE those two things, so you actually would oppose any effort to do that.

I mean, it is obvious that we care since you're outnumbered in each thread thring to make this a think, so you have a really easy resource to shut us up.

kill yourself faggot. I'm not part of your little e-drama. I don't even use or care about Rust, and if I did, I wouldn't even notice the e-drama around it other than the constant spam on this board. You're some faggot who has nothing to do with Holla Forums and just likes the gossip around some hot topics.

another Holla Forums thread by larpers
it would be awesome if we could have some threads about technology

The salt is amazing. Thanks user.

The real question is which group of mentally ill people has the more valid opinion? The ones that made something, or the fox that can't reach the grapes?
You see the same autistic screeching every time alternate imageboards are made. The have-nots and can-nots work hard to mark their territory with piss and when someone comes along and makes an entire new continent, their crippled minds can't handle it.

It's as if someone forgot about rust-politics.

"People that don't like my stuff are sour!"

This is the end line. When they fail to convince people to join their herd, they have to save face and say your opinion doesn't matter. "they're only stupid people that don't have anything". Then why do you continously try to reach to them? What's in it for you?

You have been given pretty good and feasible requirements. We are not unreasonable. You're. It's easy. Make a fork and split rust community, since you sincerely believe rust community isn't important. Since you believe we should talk about how great your language is, and how politics don't matter.

Each time memory safe alternatives get offered you claim they're not enough, they're bad. Even to the point of lying and twisting truths, moving goalposts. So really. This isn't truly about this single point alone. Even when having dialog "on your terms" is all about how to make sure EVERYONE leaves the conversation thinking rust is the best.

This is part of the mental illness. When (((someone))) tells you you're under attack, you can be brought to heel against any enemy real or imaginary, even onlookers with no affiliation to your supposed bogeymen who simply point out how fucking retarded you are.

Why am I forced to join the Rust community when I use the Rust programming language? Is there a law that says I must become a Rust compiler programmer whenever I start programming in the Rust language?

You're not forced to join the rust community, but with rust as small as it is right now any project done in rust gives them exposition. And the rust community will use your as a "success story". If you decline publicly to addere to their politics, chances are that you will be still used as a "success story" for their politics if you're not clear enough and act as a pushover, or you will be hunted and harassed, banned from git services, etc. Make believe statements will be thrown at you destroying your image, and those around you.

The CoC is used in several big rust projects and libraries. It's part of Rust culture by now.

Using rust means you can't contribute to almost anything relevant on the ecosystem UNLESS you don't have a problem with CoC and the community, when someone acusses you of something you will not discuss and you will apology on the spot, even if you didn't do anything wrong. That or not having a job anywhere reputable. I suppose being a failure has the positive side of being invulnerable too.

All the coc says is you can't be a fucking retard to random strangers. Learn some tact kiddo, not everything on the internet is 8/pol/. It's really not that hard to avoid calling people niggerfaggots on github issues, you mongoloid.

That's not really what it says. You have to ask yourself why words like "harassment" are put between quotes.

This is simple. If you are not a Cock supporter you will be the one Harassed (without quotes) and magically that abuse will not fall under the "you should be nice" clause, because it is a politically motivated document. "minorities" are prioritized over you. And by "minorities" they mean anyone that doesn't have your politics, even if you're a minority yourself.

Who says you need a CoC for kicking irritating tards out? Ejecting misfits from software projects has been going on long before Coraline Ada Ehmke wrote the Contributor Covenant. Just use your goddamn common sense iin dealing with idiots.

I'll be here waiting for you when you're silenced for posting "offensive" emojis

Are you talking about Rust? So much bait ITT. Rust is the first PL that advertised memory-safety as a feature. In the 90's everything else just silently moved to memory-safety because it was the natural thing to do given that the cost was now negligable. You must be talking about some irrelevant retards arguing about Go vs Rust.

(not guy you replied to)
oh noes
oh noes. do you think there are people with their public image on the line on this board?

what the fuck. if for some reason I started using Rust none of these things would affect me. I'm not an American living in California, so I have no reason to communicate with the developers of some shitty language I'm using in a project. In my over 10 years I've never cared or talked to the community of any open source code I've used, aside from filing 10 bugs/week back in the day.

Oh no, we can't work for Google, Facebook, or Microsoft? :'(


Moderators can always kick you, but since they have so many bad reasons to kick you they want to make it seem that it was about "being nice".

The coc is just a façade, a tool to make it seem the moderators are always right when they kick you. If they were open about it, the problem would be smaller, but right now if someone is kicked from a cock-enabled community, chances are that it has nothing to do with any terrible behaviour and you're at the same time painted with a "toxic racist mysoginerd" label.

They want to control and cultivate terrible behaviour for open source communities while claiming "it's just coincidence, we've got nice people and all of you are just diaper babies"


What excuse do you have for posting any emoji in an open source project context? The only excuse I accept are that your project deals with the encoding or display of text.

Rust is the first language that was designed from the ground to be completely memory safe. Other languages have memory safety features but they weren't designed from scratch to be completely safe.


It's particularly silly for you to point this out while asking for the CoC to be taken at face value just because it says something about being nice and all those touchy feelings.

The whole point is that these people redefine any social interaction that is not good for the proliferation of their cult as harassment, and that Cock is one of their many tools. Sometimes it might not even that, you'll be sacrificed to keep the fires lit.

Yes, meaning can change due to context, but chances are that when a someone on the tumblr side says something is toxic or problematic it just means "We want this thing for us, and you have to be put aside".

I sincerely can't wait for someone less ideologically inclined to take up your spot. I sincerely can't.

What ideology are you referring to? I'm just pointing out the facts of what makes Rust unique.

Again, nope. Stop spouting bullshit.

Again, nope. Stop spouting bullshit

listen here, nigger: if some 14 year old pajeet posts their epic emoji troll on tech you know exactly what was going through his head when he made it. This isn't some thing that was misinterpreted. nice reddit spacing too, faggot

a-anons would you mind explaining to me what m-memory safety is?
why do all r-rust advocates use r-r-r-reddit spacing? serious question..


Memory safety is some easy way to program such that no memory leaks are possible. Mechanisms that achieve it include the stack, RAII, GC, and affine typing. Rustfags get all excited due to that last one.

i cant tell if you're retarded or just saying that Rust means to replace C. all mainstream memory-safe languages are "fully memory-safe" unless you use the native interfaces or unsafe features (such as JNI for Java, or pointers in C#) or you consider implementation bugs, each of which Rust has too

memory-safety means none of your code leads to randomly reading/writing unrelated memory in your program.

For example in C if you give out a pointer to a local variable and your function returns but something still has this pointer you gave out, accessing the pointer will result in accessing unrelated memory:#include int* blah;void do_stuff() { int x = 1; blah = &x;}void test_integer() { int x = 2; int y = 2; int z = 2; *blah = 54321; x++; printf("x should be 3: %d\n", x);}int main() { do_stuff(); test_integer(); return 0;}$ gcc a.c -o a && ./ax should be 3: 54322

For the most trivial example, on most implementations, writing outside an array in C will overwrite some other memory in your program, possibly leading to remote code execution vulnerabilities, while in Java or Python it will just throw an exception

s-so you're telling me Rust shills are excited to write software in some unholy syntax that some how is supposed to never use 3GB of ram for no reason?

So is Rust securing against memory leakage or security vulnerabilities? If the latter, isn't adopting better programming practices better than adopting a meme language (that probably has 0-days in it already)

Why are you purposefully stuttering? It's not even funny. Stop it.

n-n-n-n-newfag detected!
p-p-please don't m-make fun of my d-d-disability

Add the regex (.)-\1.*(.)-\2 to your filters to filter this retard.

f‏-f‏-f‏-f‏-f‏-f‏-f‏-f‏-f‏-f‏-f‏-f‏-f‏-f‏-f‏-f‏-f‏-f‏-f‏-f‏-f‏-f‏-f‏-f‏-f‏-f‏-f‏-f‏-f‏-f‏-f‏-f‏-f‏-f‏-f‏-f‏-f‏-f‏-f‏-f‏-f‏-f‏ilter negated!!
y‏-y‏-y‏-y‏-y‏-y‏-y‏-y‏-y‏-y‏-y‏-y‏-y‏-y‏-y‏-y‏-y‏-y‏-y‏-y‏-y‏-y‏-y‏-y‏-y‏-y‏-y‏-y‏-y‏-y‏-y‏-y‏-y‏-y‏-y‏-y‏-y‏-y‏-y‏-y‏our turn!!

f-forgot picture

I think you mean /\b(\w)-\1\S+/, good effort though

n‎-n‎-n‎-n‎-n‎-n‎-n‎-nice try, s‎-s‎-s‎-s‎-s‎-s‎-s‎-s‎-samefag!!!

Please animeposter, join the ranks of the KKK and use a [k00l] tag.

It reduces vulns and catastrophic failures, while trying to be more performant than the conventional solution to memory-safety, which is garbage collection. Believe me, most people are better off writing in a memory-safe language, although each of those are currently plagued with other retarded shit such as injection and deserialization vulnerabilities.

every mainstream language today has 0days


Is that you, prrpx?

You're not even funny at this point, just sad.

This thread made me look that CoC thing up.

Dear God. That 'community' must be absolutely insufferable.

n‎-n‎-n‎-n‎-nice try, k‎-k‎-k‎-kool k‎-kids!

b‎-but how can you say that with c‎-certainity if it has yet to be deployed in an area where it can show that it does reduces c‎-catastrophic failures and v‎-vulnerabilities?
i‎-i think Java wasn't d‎-designed to use 3GB r‎-ram every time it is s‎-started
t‎-they w‎-will n‎-never w‎-win this a‎-arms r‎-race of s‎-stuttering!

w‎-will they s‎-stop existing and apologize i‎-if I tell them I take i‎-issue with them?

Found the real sad person

As far as I can see, Rust is a language with minor improvements over C, that people try to sell as a huge, game-changing improvement. It's not.

It makes a few minor bugs a lot less common through design decisions. The proponents seem to misrepresent and act as if that minority of bugs is all the bugs there are, which isn't true.

The benefits are so little, that it's not worth changing languages over. And in the future, what has better odds of staying popular, C the staple language of many decades with a well-defined niche or Rust the flavor of the week trying to create a niche by convincing people it exists? But then again the syntax seems so similar to C, it would be easy to learn... But with so little to gain, why bother, and lose the versatility of C devtools ecosystem?

Man, everybody in every tech field is a mostly leftist freak. Welcome to post 2007-tech. There's nothing that isn't obscure as fuck that doesn't cater to the left either willingly or through pressure. Rust seems extra bad, but everything else is also bad, so ignore this reason in your decisions.

Or rather, I'd say that if Rust actually had some useful properties. As it is, it's barely better than C. Just use C and save yourself the headache.

My feeling as well. It's not that safety doesn't matter, but there are a lot of other things that also matter. Rust just fixes safety (which other languages also do btw), while not fixing the "other things", some of which are much harder to fix in Rust that they are in other languages.

I think it would be better if as a board we ignored faggots like this. These tired arguments were old news back when GamerGate happened, but GG made it inexcusably old news. We've heard this cucked "but the community doesn't matter" bullshit a million times, we've known it isn't true for ages, and over the recent years it's been proven false. Replying to them and giving them (You)'s, I imagine, is exactly what they want.

Exactly. When Krys'ta-hl the purple haired trans-mermaidkin gets xir panties in a twist over muh misogynism and rape culture in X project's community, do her fellows swarm her with flames about how she should discuss just the language? Fuck no. This sort of attitude (and beta thirst of course) is exactly what lost us all this ground in tech. Just think! Only 30 years ago tech was a purely male field and it was glorious.

b8, but everybody knows that in practice it means
So you can sort of have an issue there if you are a straight white man. Or just care about fairness and not punishing people for things that aren't their fault and stupid shit like that.

First of all the language isn't that great anyway. Even if it was, that's stupid. All the cancer you wanted to get away from will be familiar with most of your project, and can easily invade and co-opt. Better to make a completely different language (if Rust had achieved anything worth emulating). By actually forking these cunts you also paint a target on your back for them.

it's obvious that memory-safety stops lots of vulns. pretty much every Linux desktop program segfaults merely if you look at it funny. I find memory-safety bugs all the time by accident in multi million dollar programs, and so do others. It's not like forcing memory-safety would somehow cause the vulns to move somewhere else. But I don't really care how (((other people))) write their software since it's all crap anyway.

safety matters for banking and secure communication you nigger. here's my viewpoint: I'm only using memory-safe languages for my current projects, except for stuff that doesn't matter, like gamedev. if it turns out later that memory-safe languages are too slow, I'll look into something like Rust or Cyclone as something to build on
holy shit nevermind, you don't even into tech
CoC is fucking flat out stupid degenerate shit for millenials. There is literally no point in making a file in your project telling people to have good manners or whatever. You are the cuck since you tiptoe instead of pointing out the elephant in the room. licenses are stupid too and the exact same can be said about them. CoC is just a new made up fairy tale concept like licenses

Go outside for once.

Quite honestly, its stated goal is to get rid of meritocracy.
But the whole point of a meritocracy is that regardless of who you are, WHAT you do is the important thing.
That's why there's a lot of resistance against these CoCs.
The computer is an inherent meritocracy. It doesn't care what flavor of gender the programmer is, all that matters is that the code works.