i dont feel anything when im getting a blowjob from my girlfriend or fucking her. i just recently started getting sex in my life for the first time and im completely underwelmed
i cant feel it when im fucking her
i cant feel it when im getting the succ
Ayden Gray
Dear OP .. you are a fag.
Joshua Jones
fucker shut up
Joseph Carter
I was willing to give you a chance, until then…
Owen Russell
This, I'm afraid OP's caught a bit of the gay
Aiden Hughes
Stop watching porn and jerking off.
Nathaniel Cox
You jerked off too much in the past. You're broken for life.
Michael Gomez
you've jerked off so much you have completely lost feeling. or your gf is loose as fuck and sucks at blowjobs
Isaiah Nelson
If you're a cutfag then write a nice eulogy for your penis because its dead son.
Jackson Cooper
Stop masturbating. Also remember that no one will ever know how to work your dick as well as you can.
Angel Ramirez
my cousin told me when you fuck a girl it is super slippery and you feel almost nothing. i have no idea because I have zero experience in this field but he is a turbo normalfag so I guess it must be right. However, if she is givin you le succ then it might either be her doing it wrong or you having a dead dick
Levi Lopez
Your girlfriend is 2d that's your problem faggot
Alexander Hernandez
Find more tighter pussy.
Jack Long
Brandon Perry
Yeah I've heard similar stuff, a good blowjob beats an average pussy by miles. OP could try and use a cockring tbh, it really makes a big difference but also makes you last a lot less.
Jacob Diaz
How often do you masturbate? It seems like your dick is used to the 'death grip' of masturbation that sticking it into a hole won't do much for you.
Stop masturbating for 2 weeks.
If that doesn't work, then your girlfriend has a loose pussy.
Ayden Baker
visit your urologist instead of asking a bunch of virgin nerds whom you know don't have the answer, dumbfuck
Cameron Martin
Yeah, me too. That's why I quit having sex. The effort is way too big and the reward so underwhelming.
At least when I'm jerking off I actually feel something.
Luke Ross
You don't actually love your girlfriend. Nothing about her reactions or body really gets your blood pumping. Also I'm guessing that she isn't a virgin.
Leo Collins
I think this probably hits closer to the mark than most. Despite popular opinion, married sex is, by far, the best sex I've ever had. Including masturbation.
Angel Brown
John Morales
Its normal. Same thing happened to me when I started having sex. The problem is you masturbate too much. Your grip is too hard and your dick become desentisized to pussy or mouth. Only your hand's hard grip can make you come. The solution is to stop jerking off and just fuck. You'll start to feel the pussy more and actually enjoy it.
Josiah Gomez
do anal. anus have strong spinchter muscles unlike the mouth or puss
Elijah Turner
that or your gf is a megawhore roastie and her hole is overused and rekt. just get a loli pussy.
Aaron Peterson
if a girl isn't working your cock with her mouth decently it's going to be useless especially if you have jerked off a lot.
if you don't really love her and her pussy isn't clamping down on you (she doesn't love you) it isn't going to feel great having pussy-sex either.
when a girl actually wants to get you off with her mouth and hands you will get off.