Is this kino?

Is this kino?

Only good presentation that came out of e3 2017

Reddit humor.

Serious Sam 4 literally never fam

Oh fuck, Ruiner is actually being made! I was excited for it but I thought it was abandoned.


Remember when Devolver didn't need gimmicks and could rely on technical superiority to make good SERIOUS SAM?

Personally I blame G.O.D.

Wrong Sam


Fucking hipsters and homosexuals i swear
But this one is decent, the message i believe, because it's not an unironic take on an ironic view over an unironic media, but itself and ironic act over an ironic place, a sarcasm, a satire, a second-layer which is still passable
An absurd waste of money and resources to do an over the top shit show for a place known for wasting lots of money and resources only to have a shit show in the end

But nothing beats a beautiful accident, first layer greatness, the 2 legendary Konami shows

There's no extra layers here, it's just flat ironic humour. It's like saying the new Simpsons is funny because they point out how shit it's become, even though they don't make any effort to actually improve their writing.

While i agree 100%, why would they do that? everyone is going to ignore it, the spectators are as edgy as any teenager, they know insults are more memorable than praises

Yes. Devolver won E3 hands down.

Being professional without pandering or political/social pandering is dead, now you gotta bait consumers with any kind of humor, political or social winks, and celebrities.

Do you not understand what parody is, you obtuse motherfucker?

I thought it looked exactly like a lot of the stuff people seem to worship in this board.


Not enough fart and dick jokes for ya amerinigger?

i only enjoy patrician humor involving african-americans and other people's wives.

What about african-american gentlemen and your wife?

Yeah, real funny. Also, not enough close up shots of niggers

no i don't
Back to you Chris


This thread confirmed for blessed by Kek.

It would've been perfect if they then showed off Hotline Miami 3, Serious Sam 4, The Talos Principle 2 and some new fun looking IP's but as it stands all they really did was shitpost. I mean, make fun of the big companies all you want for being trash but when Microsoft has more games shown than you can't really talk shit.


Ruiner looked like it could be fun.

back to your hole little horn

Dennaton said they were done with it and didn't only want to be known for the one game series.
Too bad they will be.