Here's a link to all of the online polls

And we're blowing Clinton in EVERY single fucking one even after she was ahead 70-30 right after the debate due to shills and shill bots.

We're even winning on fucking Slate.

Other urls found in this thread:

thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/09/27/donald-trump-s-online-trolls-turn-on-their-god-emperor.html?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Feed: thedailybeast/articles (The Daily Beast - Latest Articles)



Hells the fuck yeah

Stay strong brothers. Kek provides

So Holla Forums spammed some shitty, insignificant online polls, so what.
Hillary still won the debate while Trump acted like a butthurt child.(USER WAS THROWN OVER THE WALL FOR THIS POST)

how does it feel to loose everytime? Must be pretty depressing huh

No he didn't. No one thinks that.

Even though Trump had a weak showing at the debate, people are still voting for Trump as the winner of the debate in the polls.

You know what that means boys? That means the voters have fucking had enough, are seeing through the MSM lies, the back-room stagecraft and rigged questions, and are sending a big…


… to the establishment. They're all voting for Trump come November 8th. Everyone better be out there to vote for Trump.

Nice try Rothstein

Trump won the debate hands down. Anyone who actually watched it knows. Which is a lot of people. Hundreds of millions are now questioning the media reporting otherwise, and for good reason.

kek knows all

Hello goon


as of now new daily reminder that illary DID shit live on stage, her phoned in drugged up performance is a metapolitical anal fissure

Well, come on, Trump got lured into the traps that that nigger and Hillary set for him. It's easy to see through what they did, how that nigger kept telling Trump that he was out of time, but barely did that to Hillary.

Everyone spammed the polls, you ✡⚣, and you lost.

thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/09/27/donald-trump-s-online-trolls-turn-on-their-god-emperor.html?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Feed: thedailybeast/articles (The Daily Beast - Latest Articles)

Will you kill yourself when Trump is elected, or will you wait for inauguration day?


well, at least we know now whos's doing it

Can you smell the desperation on them? They're actually writing hit articles on Holla Forums only hours after the debate.


You all gotta vote in Alex Jones's poll, it's being counter-rigged by libcucks.


what kind of an abomination can be both a libcuck and listen to alex jones and still exist in this plane of reality

He didn't get "lured" into anything, only an obvious liberal shill would think shitty SJW talking points are "traps." The rest of America doesn't buy into the left wing toolkit, he spoke the language of the people and, in clear terms, crushed her.


It's not Alex Jones listeners, Hillacunt shills like whomever this cuck is are sending them to Alex's poll.


4cucks are retarded. More about that, about how the sky is blue and water is wet at 11pm.

Sorry, by "them" I mean Hillacunt drones.

Fuck off kike, we're winning and there's nothing you can do about it.

This. Butthurt Young Turk fans as well.


At least Trump's still winning on TYT's own Twitter poll.



Yeah, no.

Also have some gems lads.

I'm fucking losing it over here.

“Which one of you 400lb ass holes hacked the DNC,” asked another.
Are they lying or just completely fucking retarded?

You're going to get fired if you keep slacking off, I know your bosses let you watch CP on the job but they won't let you keep getting away with being so poor at shilling.



updated with the young fucks


THIS … IS … IT !!!!!

keep going, soros has his european neet army waking up soon to slave for their master. put as much energy into this as you did for that blonde brazilian beauty queen

The price of salt is gonna tank after election night.

Okay now they're just fucking lying about us.

That happened, though. The David Star part. Anyone got that archived?

Then they link fucking directly to Holla Forums
Chelsea Clinton runs the Daily Beast.

Looks like they're directly targeting us and admitting it.

Don't forget MSM like CNN and others are probably going to start hammering out poll after poll of obviously rigged (((samples))) taken of who's voting for what now. This is where the MSM is going to hit it off with the narrative of "his campaign is imploding, this is it. Trump is done for", and the (((tight race))) that they've been pushing such a strong narrative for is going to (((lean))) in hillary's favor.

Because you should know like the MSM coverage, the polls have been rigged as well.

Where the fuck were you for the past 10 years, Media only lies and when they do report something truthful they put it in such a retarded way that it looks like they write satire.

It didn't even originate from here, someone on twitter created it then some user posted it here a few days later.

(((they)))'ve been lurking for a while I imagine. They're frightened and terrified, not knowing how to counter midgets_in_clownsuits.jpg . It definitely speaks for something when they're willing to sound absolutely insane and paranoid tinfoil-tier by writing article after article that a bunch of frog god worshipping nazis poses the biggest threat to their political power.


Need more votes here

Even all of the retardation of the first four put together is more likely than that last bit.

don't be a nigger

copy paste the address.

Are you implying that 4chan has actually contributed to the stumpening of those who oppose trump?

If they did, it was most likely out of pure luck. Although they do have the numbers to heavily rig any poll whichever way their retardation so chooses.

What anime is this from?

Also, who the fuck would ever link to Holla Forums?

Yeah but lets face it, he fucking lost the debate.

He needs to prepare properly for the next one.

This faggot complaining about us rigging polls.

is this for your next "article?"

No. He should've attacked her more.

Especially when she said "America is only 5% of the world's population."

He could've easily countered that by saying "You're running for President of the United States not the President of the World."

He fucked up. And no I'm not a fucking shill. I'm trying to be realistic.





wtf #I'mWithHer now

yeah it sure is too bad Trump didn't listen to your sage advice

Fucking worshiping Trump isn't going to get him to win. We have to be critical of him if we want him to win.

I'm not writing your article for you, faggot

no i understand you, the problem is that the sheer amount of faggots like you doing this nonsense blackpilling don't see the writing on the wall of how the debate went for the NORMIES

the leftoid masses are attacking lester the molestor for being to soft on Trump, that's our canary for Trump over-preforming .

Good slip up there.



Expect a load of Babby-Commies First Shitpost threads in the days to come.


Here's a Canadian suicide hotline:

+1 (905) 688 3711

reminder that normalfags back the strong horse


You win first, then you criticize.

Don't eat your own early, learn from leftists.



every now and then mods aren't complete faggots
altough it's getting rarer by the day

They watched the debate and they really think trump won

People see what they want to see

I think trump will do better in the next debate
clinton has had a lot of practice at this and trump did ok against sucha devious and practiced foe

They're deleting Trump votes. I hit refresh and his votes went down.

He did win, goon

I'm pleasantly surprised at their enforcement of archiving and policing of direct links, although I would prefer if they'd ban more people.
of course, they might be banning people but we just don't see it, then I'd wonder why they don't publicly ban more people


tv line.com/2016/09/26/2016-presidential-debate-winners-losers-gallery-donald-trump-hillary-clinton/

Needs more votes.

Don't get complacent; it's largely because we spammed the polls. Our enemies are not going to give up control without a fight, so not matter how well it looks like we're doing we have to keep fighting back even harder.

Clinton's performance was objectively better in the debate, I can only hope that people really are fed up with slimy politician talk but I'm not letting myself be too optimistic. I know Trump looked real, but Clinton looked polished. Trump has to come back twice as polished next time as well as being twice as real.

and they were never seen again…

I'm not a goon

I'm going to spoil my ballot

Niether candidate interests me

I look through objective eyes

sorry, mean't

hey man, how are you doing?




Banning of all opposing viewpoints

that's going to work out well

if you don't have the insight to see why that will hurt this board,then i can't explain it to you

Holy fuck your reddit is showing.

ok don't then
fuck off

Social cohesion does go up in a hypothetical society if everyone agrees with each other.

Not advocating soviet style shit though, just saying.

but that's what the enemy does?
seems to work for them?
doesn't exists


That's not how you politick, faggot.

What matters isn't who won.
What matters is the visuals.

And the visuals are going to be Trump winning every single fucking poll on the topic.

Do you feel it?

This is the end of you.

This is where it became clear to you, this is what you will remember, in your elder years, that this was when you realized you'd lost.

This is when we tore down your dirty little hut, built of mud and cuckoldry, where you sought to sacrifice the future for the sake of feels, this is where you dreams died…

… And this is where, amidst the ashes of your pathetic delusions of egalitarianism and utopia, we built something grand.

You will remember, that this is where the tinder was struck of the inferno which brought down the Third Temple.

The Fire Rises

I cant belive they have gotten this desperate.

And they weren't hitting the polls too? With tens of millions to fund shills and with greater numbers? You are naive, stupid, or both.

If anything the polls should be more in our favor, but we can only do so much.

as I posted above in this thread: the bandwagon effect is real
there are a lot of average normalfags that will jump on board with whichever candidate exudes success

You're right, and I hope everyone falls for it, but overall Clinton showed her experience and handled the situation better.

I think this could be an age issue. I'd be willing to bet that the voices urging caution are all older than their 30s at the youngest, whereas the 'god-emperor' posters are young hotheads.

That's ok, but don't get your hopes up too much. We can't get complacent. It's true that every new terrorist attack and chimpout makes more Trump voters, but Trump needs to push those buttons even harder. He can't play nice like Romney tried to; it fucking lost him the election!


Good point, but I'm not ready circlejerk about victory until we've actually won.

Fall for it? We UNDER compensated for the leftist shilling. CTR and leftists are all over the online polls.


No, no… Not complacent.


… Wanna know why?

Because of that last question, m80s.

I hope that all of you caught it.

And I hope you understand what it means.

Spend a bit less time shitposting, and a bit more time working on your aim and your body.

I don't think this is an election anymore at all.

This is a countdown.

When the election is fixed, what you are you going to do about it?

That's the only question that matters anymore.

And I'm not for spreading defeatist attitudes and negativity on a night where we won a hard battle. Trump got hit from all sides tonight, and came out the clear victor. Remember the online polls during the primaries? So much shilling. Even with the full brunt of that, he still demolished in the eyes of normies.

No defeatism, only strength.


I didn't think of it that way, I've always imagined that when 8+4chan get hold of a poll we basically destroy it. Yes, I imagine you're right about reddit and tumbler and the rest of the paid & non-paid cucks spaming the polls as much as we do.

dailymail.co.uk/ushome/index.html (it's on the front page)

I don't think he was the clear victor, but he did damn well given the blatant bias. Watch the video of just the moderator posted on another thread ( youtube.com/watch?v=EysrqMMhwHQ )

I guess I just expected him to come out swinging and absolutely destroy her, particularly given her health problems (which they expertly hid),


I think you severely underestimate the enemy. The leaks in reference to Bernie is a good example of how organized they are, and how far they'll go. You frame it as "spaming the polls as much as we do". The reality is that they are way more organized than us, and have various tentacles that are funded exclusively for the purpose of manipulating social media and polls. The people on Trump's side are independent entities fighting the same enemy. We are just one of them.

We did a good job of trying to fight their poll shilling, but the real winners tonight are the normies. I've seen a lot of poll raids over the years, and I know we don't have the power to generate hundreds of thousands of votes. The message is sinking in, that is real victory.

This is precisely what I am cautioning against.

I will concede that we must have done well to out-spam them.

That's why he won. He stayed strong, aggressive, caught her in lies, and exposed once again how hard the system is willing to fight against him. If he would have gone full redpill and thrown the rapes in her face, it would be a feeding frenzy right now.

That's telling. Notice how there isn't a mob of lugenpresse sharks. The only scandal tonight is the video you talk about. I've seen it, and it's disgusting. Hopefully Hannity, Fox, and breitbart push it tomorrow.

Despite the heavy shilling of record corrections and HRC's website, Trump broke through the MSM barricade. Hopefully we get the Wikileaks bomb drop(?) before the debates are over.

Pretty sure it's from Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni. I haven't seen it, but the character looks like the one from the visual novels I read.



I think the elites couldn't actually be bothered to swim through the internet in detail and just let their 'smart' kids do it.

Everything's a complete mess on the internet front.

I watched the debate. Hillary won hands down. The entire debate, Trump rarely answered the question posed to him, went off on a tangent, and repeated the same points over and over again, like he wasn't prepared and didn't know what to say other than those few points he prepared. And of course none of his talking points were backed up with what strategy he was going to use to implement them, except for lowering corporate taxes.

I just dropped 4 grand on armor and ammo. I am now finally in good shape as well.

My mind is ready, my body is ready, and my anus is ready.

My jimmies am become steel, destroyer of cucks.



Thanks, Don.

There should be a thread made exclusively for you shills where you can post and continuously agree with each other and getting paid for it.

This way, everyone wins.

Allow me to correct the record CORRECTLY, Torfriend.

If you have an attention span longer than a second, you'd notice Trump puts off answering the question until the very end or when demanded by the moderator. It's a tactic meant to get as much precious time to deliver your own points that would not be brought up otherwise if you just follow the script.

Both candidates aren't going to go in depth. They both covered the brief summaries. Implementation is something that's best discussed in a long document of text online or print.

Naw, I firebombed a leftist today.
I really love styrofoam and gas.

This boy is 13 I think btw.

I guess you forgot faggot. He's framed the entire discussion. All she did was shill the same liberal arguments to his vision of what America is right now. Of course she also threw in the racist and sexist shit with her nigger "moderator". I guess that's newspeak for teammate now.

She lied about TPP, she lied and slid the fact that she is responsible for the entire birth certificate scandal.

Are we in a fantasy world where she doesn't have a house committee investigating her?

The moderator did a great job. I think you're under the illusion that he was against Trump, when in reality Trump was the one who was constantly running over time and even though Lester tried to stop him, he did allow him to continue. I kept thinking, okay, he allowed him to continue so when he says, "we're moving on" or suggested to make it quick, I rolled my eyes when Trump ended up just droning on THE SAME points we already heard from him. If you're going to go over time, at least use it to make and finish an important point you wanted to get in, not just regurgitate what you already had 2 minutes to talk about and continued to re-iterate every time you spoke. The moderator was VERY lenient in letting him continue with that irrelevant crap even after telling him to cut it short (and not getting his cooperation)

Fuck off faggot. The moderator was biased as fuck against Trump.

Why are Torposters always such massive faggots?


never direct click links that are posted here.

she was having nonstop microseizures

she gave herself deathblows with her own fucking words

and all that with the debate being completely biased in her favor, which is enough in itself for many people to want to side with trump over her

Now this faggot is going to be butthurt for an eternity that he was BTFO and can't kikepost like he's on cuckchan.

Great memeing user. Top quality.

Ok so you have ammo and armor.

Do you know how to use said equipment and maintain it. Do you know how to make anti personnel and animal traps. Can you fortify your positions and also treat yourself and others.

You think you are ready for a worst case but you really arent. You proved it by dropping 4k on ammo and armor when you should of spent that shit more wisely. For fuck sakes, you guys REALLY REALLY need to prepare and not just by grabbing ammo and armor.

When shit REALLY goes down, it will go down hard. Also a word of advice, dont try to lone wolf. You would be that one nigger with the stockpile that would get instantly swarmed and outgunned. Yes you may be swimming in rifles and bullets but they will be shooting and flanking you from many directions.


he never said he didnt do that. also you far overestimate the tactical ability of feral niggers.

but he had the odds stacked against him
it's a sport hillary has practiced for decades, and he's new at it
hopefully he will prepare like Rocky now for the next two debates

trips of retardation
apparently you've never seen a nigger home invasion. they have guns. they fire back. they die out on the lawn.

If you know what you are doing you dont just drop 4k on bullshit like that unless you are trying to be "tacticool".
I think you underestimate what a mob can really do. We are talking about not just 1-3 but possibly 10 or more that can attack from all sides and swarm the perimeter. Ive seen what a group can do time and time again against a shitty defended building.

If you want to live you cant just say "oh these are niggers". No these are people that can think, move and act like me and you. They can pry shit off, set fire to the building, smoke your area or fire at you from multiple sides. They can use hostages and drive cars into your building. They can make bombs and other bullshit. Probably not as smart but the fact is that they HAVE the possibility to do all these things.

When you are wanting to live you cant just write shit off like "oh its just a nigger group". If you want to live you need to be smart, unlike them. You need to prepare for the worst. Perhaps it might be because I have experience when dealing with certain things but when you said "also you far overestimate the tactical ability of feral niggers." it screamed "I am going to overlook things and end up dying due to ignorance".

Its amazing seeing both sides do mental gymnastics to somehow think their candidate ABSOLUTELY DESTROYED the other

It honestly wouldnt of been this bad if we didnt have Obama fuck shit up the last two terms.

Obama practically made sure that a black man would never be elected again and people are really starting to pay attention due to the fact that he fucked up so hard.

But as far as your comment goes people want to feel that their choice was the best choice ever made so hence why people act like this. No one acts with logic or reasoning. They see some things but cant seperate their bias from it hence why we have one side over another. While hillary is pretty clear cut when it comes to bad choices, Trump isnt perfect either. There are things here and there I dont like. Thats fine, I have never seen a presidential candidate that has ever appeased 100% of something or someone.

I really want these elections to end. Im a bit tired of all the bullshit. While some of the jokes are funny its gotten to the point where zealotry is in fashion for every side. If you arent with some side 100% then you are shunned.

It seems that even here there is no room for objectivity, which you fucking need in a god damn presidential election. Honestly robots would do a better job picking out people for leadership since people can not do this themselves.

Hillary was let to lead the conversation every time and Trump didn't do a good job of taking over.

Hillary says the right things, not the right solutions and complete lies, but the right things that make dumb people move like "muh rich," that she is not going to touch anyway. She just went harder on things that were part of Sanders campaign. The things Trump is saying are not going to be understood by most people and he didn't really try to explain anything, not that it is easy to explain things in such a format.

As far poll comes, between fixed "official" polls and spammed online ones, I wouldn't believe either. I doubt voters have changed their opinion, but sadly Hillary is probably got more new voters from the swingers with her lies than Donald did. But maybe I am just underestimating the American people.

She knew how to stay within the lines of the debate and then take a jab here or there.

She knows the boxing of the debate. She talked like she was well polished on it. She said things in a manner like a politician that made her sound more like the part.

But the people strangely enough dont want that. The people dont want this bullshit anymore where its just some politician speaking about things and then never doing them or even mentioning the truth let alone who the fucking enemy is.

Trump calls that out and says "Hey, its the muslims that are causing the problem" while obama cant even say who the fuck we are dealing with. Trump is talking like he always has and not like a politician. While it does seem rough he did manage to point out a few things.

A) Hillary helped cause the bullshit in the middle east

B)Hillary didnt know exactly who did what as far as hacking goes and showed that pointing fingers like that was bad.

C)Hillary has no idea on economics.



Why do type like such a massive fagot ?

You have to go back cucks.

Trump barely clinched it tbh, I think but his ramblings about his damn tax returns was off putting, and when he defended the accusation of not paying his workers with "maybe they didn't do a good job" made him look like an uncaring crony business man

I don't actually care about these things but to the dumb wide electorate it matters to his image.

However when he brought up the emails and foreign policy, he was killing it.

Just a reminder that shills use tor now days.

Dead give away.

Too close for my liking.

Because they got banned so many times that they are forced to go on TOR to do their ban evasion.

So you want everything to be in a single fucking paragraph? Where the fuck did you go to school, detroit?

You should start a new paragraph when:
When you begin a new idea or point. New ideas should always start in new paragraphs. …
To contrast information or ideas. …
When your readers need a pause. …
When you are ending your introduction or starting your conclusion.

You are one dumb mother fucking nigger if you dont know how fucking paragraphs work. God damn there is always one of you cunts in every fucking thread. Kill yourself. Please take a fucking fork and stab it in your worthless neck you piece of shit.


Yea he seemed shakey but remember this is his FIRST One on One debate while hillary has done nothing but this kind of thing for decades. He is used to going in closed doors, talking firmly and making deals. Not being asked questions like this in this kind of setting.

He will do better now that he knows how it really goes. He also knows how they will truely treat him on the main stage. This will open his eyes.

We didnt win the Aol polls but i looked EVERY WHERE and couldnt find them LOL pathetic

Oh no! We didnt win the AOL POLL!

How the fuck is AOL still a thing? Im being serious. How the fuck is AOL anything worth anything?

no idea havnt used that shit sense i was fuckin like 8 or 9 and im 20 now lol, and i looked every where to vote in the poll online, and couldnt find it we know their true motive.

Oddly enough, I know an old man who still pays 15 bucks for AOL.

Yeah, this guy deserved his lynching. Moron.

People say its a bad debate tactic but he should've interrupted her more

Everything she said was 100% rehearsed, the only thing she can pull out of her unwiped ass is "ur a waycist Trump we need to stop u" so Trump needs to interrupt her to break up her rehearsed thought process. He was doing this at the start but he stopped halfway through for some reason.


I remember using their free cds as Frisbees 16 years ago. How the fuck does that shit still exists?

The polls with preselected people have clinton winning big league i2.cdn.turner com/cnn/2016/images/09/27/poll.pdf

Note the sampling 0.26 Rep, 0.41 Dem, 0.33 Ind. However even if you try to unbias (Do this by assuming all republicans think trump won and all democrats think Shillary won) you find that only 3% of independents think that trump won. I find this highly unlikely thus I believe that the independents are not so independent after all.

Hillary blew her load in the debate. She's got nothing left. Just wait and you will see how she'll cough up the same stuff during the next debates if she makes it. The Don knows that you can't show all of your cards on round 1.

This user gets it. She depleted all her ammo, she will be on repeat for the following debates.

Daily Fail has fuck-all for IT security.

I felt Trump had already guaranteed a win back in march. Either that or the electroral system might be viced. Trump's only problem now is Trump himself.

Wojack got this. I got a good feel about this.


you dumb degenerate. it only shows population that lives in the basements

so thats what being a defeatist looks like




Kek check.

We should probably do this too.
Go "Oh no Trump has won, it's over, it's the end, Hillary was the last hope for america but she lost".

Unlike us they are too stupid to even realize their own shill tactics used against them.

Nice dubs

lovely trips

Epic quads

RWDS, Let loose the frogs of war!

mfw Trump is winning in pretty much every poll, be it on good websites or (((mainstream media))) websites

I knew Hillary's audience was just a loud minority. It was painfully obvious from all her desperate rally video editing to make her crowds seem bigger on multiple occasions. Even the sheep must have noticed how pathetic that was.
This went well for Trump, and it's only going to get better.

Seriously… Hillary won a few style points while failing to sell… Shitty trade deals, doubling down on racial antagonism, while shitting on niggers by agreeing with trump on law and order.

Finally the media saying trump lost has been saying Trump is just about over for more than a year…

quit being fagots…

Which one of you 400 lb faggots rigged these pols?

Anyone with half a brain could tell Trump shit the bed.

Go die shill.

Fuck yes

So is having all of Trump's supporters go around brigading online polls by clearing their browser caches and then pretending like they legitimately won said brigaded polls part of the whole PsyOp? To cause massive disappointment and disillusionment and just in general a sense of total hopelessness which will then cause people to hopefully just quit even trying anymore once Trump inevitably loses? Is that what this is about?

Because I really don't understand how people can go around rigging online polls and then celebrating less than 12 hours later when all the results come back saying that the polls they raided ended up favoring the person they spammed votes for. It's be like if you went around poisoning the other team, paying off all the umpires, corking your bats, and greasing the balls and then celebrating after you predictably won as if the W was legitimate. I'm just not understanding this mindset at all. I guess it's cause I'm not mentally retarded.

"No wonder you've been fighting ISIS the entirety of your adult life!"

Guys why the fuck did he say this?

Thank (((you))) for correcting the record.

Just not smart enough to understand anything at all.

Would the candidates know the topics of the future debates? Maybe future debates have juicier topics for him to use and decided to simply get through this first debate, which EVERYONE knew was going to be a political hit job.


Come on, man. We even rigged that damn Nickelodeon poll. Don't try to backpedal. We've been having lots of fun rigging them, which means we can't trust them.

Don't shit in your own bed.

So riggin results and then acting as if the results are legitimate and your candidate did indeed win are the acts of an intelligent person? OK.

Also, how does pretending like something didn't happen actually help Trump here? If anything it hinders him because him and his staff will look at all these results and assume people really think he won, when in reality all he did was interrupt, stay on the defensive, and refuse to answer any actual questions and instead just gave "well, she did it first" answers. That's not winning, that's losing, and he needs to realize that otherwise he is going to make the same mistakes again. You faggots aren't helping anything. And the worse part is, none of those results even matter. Everyone that was already going to vote for Hillary are getting all of their political information from sources like CNN, which are going to tell them that Hillary won. You're not even influencing anybody by doing this shit. It's all just potentially harming the person you want to win, with absolutely no benefits. Most of you are so fucking retarded though that your minds honestly cannot comprehend this concept. It's hilarious, sad, and maddening all in one.

Tomorrow's headlines:



Hillary will lose. She is a fucking terrible candidate. Leftism is dying. Deal with it, idiot.

Dude, it's like steroids in sports. If you want to compete with the big guys, you need to shoot up that bull testosterone. Same thing applies to internet polls. Hillary's supporters and redditards were doing the exact same. But in the end, just like with sports, since everyone is doing it the results come out relatively unbiased and the best still come out on top.


This shows how retarded you are. We aren't going for Hillary supporters, moron. We are going for undecideds. And undecideds base their votes on stupid thinga like who they perceive as being more popular. Winning polls helps immensely with that. Especially when the entire establishment media is shilling for Hillary.


STILL number one. Amazing.

so what, a bunch of no nothing kids flood the pols.
I'm starting to hope trump wins so you kiddies can watch ww3


Hillary wants to antagonize Russia, Donald doesn't. You do the math.


Do you smell that? Is that gas?

Dilbert man says Trump lost the battle, but will win the war

bullshit, trump is an idiot and he'll be manipulated to do whatever he's told.
besides, he's gonna fuck himself.

it's hard to believe believe what I'm seeing
tax cuts for the rich (this hasn't worked the way it was supposed to in 40 years but oh well maybe this time) and a ,massive military build up so bad ppl won't hurt us. injoy your fairytale

Don't waste your time. These are people who think shouting "WRONG" into a microphone constitutes "winning".

the only way to deal with the debt is to cut programs for the poor and sick

I do it on reddit but you have to be subtle as the mods are very aware of concern trolling as it's their main weapon. I wonder how much they spent last night attempting to concern troll the chans, not realizing we're each individually able to recognize trolling and don't require a mod to protect us like they do.


Why so mad?

i have this edit

but but trump is different..
tax cuts for the rich
military build up
cut corporate taxes in half

Well, Taiwan has their say…


Please enjoy

You're right, let's be fair and triple-check the trends just to be sure who's really winning.
Oh, look at that. TrumpWins is still number one.

Literally nobody cares dude. Update your talking points.

It's actually called "TrumpWon". My bad. My point stands, though.

Pathetic. You have to rig twitter with 215K tweets as well.

Sad. What lows will you guys not stoop to?

Notice people are only talking about Trump.

The law and order part was pretty funny

Sure, keep saying that if it makes you feel better.

Most of the tweets are ironic though…

Is this real butthurt right now or are ou merely pretending to be a leftist (retarded)?

We need more people shitting on Hillary's performance despite the lack of coughing fit pants of shit.

Technically, yeah.
There are 7 million IPs on Holla Forums so if we assume half of those are on Holla Forums, that makes about 3 million of us (including lurkers).

oh, ok

I think some people are just too stupid for democracy, it's not their fault, they can't help it.

Trump's whole campaign strategy has been dominating the news stream

I'm just pretending.


You keep harping on this, but nobody here cares. Take it to reddit. We are nationalists and economic arguments do not work on us.

In fact, most people here want the economy to collapse. So you're barking up the wrong tree.

My gatherings

beautful, these fucking geniuses have it all figured out

trudeau needs to build a wall

Serious who the fuck cares about these online polls? They mean nothing.

What matters is what viewers thought. And Trump seriously fucked up, let's be real. It was fucking embarrassing.

hey when it does, how will you get food

basement life is over for you


This. There's nobody who thinks the polls weren't rigged, and that's assuming they even care about online polls to begin with (hint, nobody does).

Trump came off as a lunatic, to the point where there are now people suspecting him of being on drugs during the debate. Meanwhile, Shillary seemed to be in perfect health.

This was really bad.

where are you from?

I live on a farm mate. I'll have plenty to eat while niggers like you are starving in some Jewish city.

lol reported

Man, we're does this narrative even come from?

Hillary's shit was just her usual birther bitching, scandal denial, gender card, and pretending she's not pro-TPP.

((( )))


Kill yourself, you syrup sucking faggot.

sure mate
you have lots of guns to protect your garden?
maybe you can live off soybeans or cow corn




the us can drag us down with them but they have way more problems then the economy

If we kill your PM, we win.

a lot of wingnuts said bush jr was the saviour too lol

He won't. He loves taking (((multicultural))) cock up his ass.

That is a helpful reminder, thank you.

he might not have a choice if the population demands it.

the us will probably melt down next year
there will be millions of halfwits with guns that think everyone else fuck everything up

economic melt down
and a population that hates each other


Non-american here.
Clinton was weak, with weak arguments and no real projects beside a continuation of Obama's mess (he's black so he can't mess shit up, it's against the narrative) and a very womyn and race-oriented PC bullshit agenda, it was watching the same boring Hillary all over again. She sounded like the typical politician everyone's sick of and only Trump stopped me from changing channel.


So it's confirmed the bitch was high on drugs then.

Yep, exactly what we want.



Canandians. Can't do anything right.



it probably doesn't even matter who wins

Don't erase it, save it for the history. Especially on VHS.

Worry not hopeful user, there are 2 more debates for her to endure. Certainly there will be something that will be historic in the time between now and november.
KEK wills it.

Kill yourself

Can you even get new blank VHS tapes anymore?

Kikes not likes. Fucking Android

OK. By the way, do you know where to get some recordable VHS tapes in America?

EBay and yard sales. Also theres no such thing as non-recordable vhs tapes.



I don't watch shit written by kikes so I don't know what that means

Oh. I swear I remember seeing a place near me that still sold blanks. Might have been a dollar store or something.

skip to about 0:30


Come on, Moishe. Surely you can do better than that?


Thrift stores sometimes have them, because the people running thrift stores are usually old ladies who don't know that they'll never sell, so the tapes sit on the shelves for years and years.


This is what half/pol/ is like every day.

>"…it's my 'privilege' to make you comfortable."

lol in my country theyre saying trump was in the offensive but clinton managed to win the debate.

then showed only the cnn poll saying its the vote of the american people. kek has not blessed my country yet

It probably won't be his best, but even the BBC are saying the public believe he's won this one. If he's saving his big guns, like the Clinton foundation and wikileaks stuff, for later debates, then that means he's won this debate without even trying and he WILL win the next debates by landslides. I can't wait for next Sunday.

As he said at the end, Hilldog + her pet moderator were horrible to him. So it's gloves off from here on out.

I think she won the debate. when trump got flustered he started sounding like a child.
otherwise the guy just rambles on about how great he is


Cenk Wigger and Ana Kasparian must be so fucking pissed

On Morning Joe they were making a big fuss that Trump called this guy a Democrat even though he identifies as Republican, but how could anybody be under the impression that he isn't a left-leaning rino who's just Republican for the special snowflake points conferred to black Republicans?

somebody once described trump supporters as the beta's that stand behind the schoolyard bully

I think he nailed it

Sweet trips btw, where do you get your stats for ips on Holla Forums?

Scott Adams believes that Trump purposely tried to look softer in this debate. Hillary's main attack on him is that he's a dangerous maniac who will fly off the handle and nuke the world, so by presenting a softer image he effectively countered that.

Hey shills, if Trump really has so much support that people are willing to spend their time voting in all of the online polls how is that a bad thing? Where are the Hillary warriors I keep hearing the media talk about? Why wasn't CTR and /r/HillaryClinton, /r/Politics, etc spamming for her? Oh they were? And trump still had more support?

You realize were all going to "brigade" the real,life polls too, and it will be legitimate and there will be nothing you can do about it, correct?

You lost. Accept it. Trump has more support and THAT is why he's winning.

You've already lost.

Enjoy your gassing, kike.


They seriously believe that there are close to a half a million "Trumptard shills" influencing polls right now.

Like I said last night, there is nothing more disgusting than a living leftist. Nothing.

bout fucking time

Half of the US is voting for hilary you delusional twat

really, a 1/2 million trumptards flooding polls and deluding themselves that it's real?

You make a poll and ask people what they think, you can't act like the choice you don't want is some sort of hijack, friendo.

Holy fucking kek, just burst out laughing in the middle of work, people are staring at me now.


Getting real quick on that VPN, Shimon

For fucks sake, even mud hippies are orders of magnitude worse than western hippies

they're rightwingers not hippies
righteous god bothering wingnuts

fancy a promotion? i'll give you one

My subjective viewpoint is objective

I know all, see all

I am the Dao

420 blaze it ~

1) They're actual supporters, don't complain when democracy doesn't go your way
2) There are nowhere near half a million Trump shills. If you consider us and halfchan to be shills, then there may only be 30,000 voters between us at the most. The largest polls have way more than that voting.

Your conspiracy theories mean nothing, you delusional libshit.

don't be mad you fucking retard

You're losing it leftyboi. You ready for President Trump?

a lot of fucking einsteins these days

it don't matter
both are fucked


Learn english


Embarrassing deflection.

Nope. The choice is clear.

enjoy it

Sure am.


same old republican party
the serfs probably aren't reproducing fast enough

oh well, at least you can take out you frustrations with a gun now

And over here you can see the JIDF trying one last desperate suicide attack before being thrown into the ovens the other side of the wall.

Don't worry, we can just import more! Besides, those serfs have white-privilege and don't know what its like to be poor? Aren't we so tolerant and multicultural?

Obama lost online polls yet.
What did we have?

just watching that will be worth the monthly internet fees


It's been a long time since I have been offended

DOTR, cuck.

what country are you from?
centrist is rightwing in most western countries

I'm not a shill. I'm actually Canadian, so I have no skin in this game. Just telling you what I saw. Hillary won, EASILY and all the poll-invading won't help that fact. In fact, most polls show Hillary winning. Also, the peso went up the next day, which means the market is betting against Trump. Also, and most importantly, the oddsmakers in Vegas tweaked the odds towards Clinton after the debate, which is probably the best indicator of all. Sorry Trumpfags, but unless he actually prepares better for the next debates, he's getting trounced this election. The group of undecided they had at the university voted 18-2 in favor of Clinton. Other polls had the disparity as great as 4000+ to 2900 in favor of her. The red pills are the hardest to swallow, but there they are.


The moderator was not biased in the LEAST. Every time he addressed Trump over some particular fact, it was because Trump made some outlandish statement with nothing to back it up (as usual.) Most people thought that this time the moderator was not going to call the candidates to task for things like this, or outright lies, because that's just Trump's MO and it would slow things down, but as it turns out he did his proper job and put Trump's feet to the fire when he made incorrect statements. Good on him. Hillary came prepared expecting that the buzz that Trump would be allowed to say whatever the hell he wanted with no consequence and shilled her "fact-checker" website, but it was refreshing to see that the mod didn't shrink from his traditional responsibility which is to correct candidates on outright falsehoods and misrepresentations, and ask for clarifications when the questions posed are not actually answered.
In short, Trump made misrepresentations of the truth and was corrected as necessary. He also skated around almost every question with vague answers and was asked to be more specific. That's what Americans should want to hear from the candidates, not some airy-fairy feel good sound-bites. I know, because I had to live through Trudeau's speeches full of flowery rainbows and sunshine. It's useless drivel. Tell me what the fuck you're going to do when you get the most important job in the world. Now's not the time to come to a debate unprepared and just droning on with the same "rah rah, make america great again" with no plan on how to do it.
Note, I give him points for at least saying he's going to give tax breaks to the rich, but really…? That's how he expects to win votes? And in truth, it DOESN'T work, because even by his OWN admission, without tax breaks he's avoiding taxes ANYWAY. The hypocrite.

are you lost?

fortunately, nobody cares what leafcunts think


Total unique users: 7,259,981


Online polls mean nothing. They just mean that Trump had people more enthusiastic about clicking their mouse to make themselves heard. 4000+ vs. 2900 in a real scientific poll. Also…

"Republican pollster Frank Luntz conducted a focus group of undecided voters in Pennsylvania. Sixteen said Hillary Clinton won; five picked Trump, per CBS News. "

"Eight in 10 insiders in the key battleground states thought Clinton performed better, including 57 percent of Republicans, according to the Politico Caucus survey. "

Of course the focus groups are too small to be statistically significant, but I'd still put more weight behind those than any online poll, especially ones where you can vote multiple times. Other scientific polls and ones like the following are a far better indicator.
"A survey from Public Policy Polling. sponsored by VoteVets Action Fund, found that voters nationally thought Hillary Clinton beat Donald Trump in the debate, 51% to 40%. That poll surveyed 1,002 prescreened respondees, who said they’d watch the debate and were willing to give their thoughts immediately afterward.

Also… the vegas odds. Sorry Trump, you took to the biggest stage of your presidential ambition and failed terribly. When I heard rumblings that he barely spent any time preparing, did not do any mock debates, while Clinton prepared and practiced, I doubted it. After all, this would easily be the biggest and most influential appearance he'd be making thus far, and he's not an idiot. Then I saw the debate and thought "wow, it was true. What an idiot!"
Prediction, his handlers will force him to do his homework and practice for the next one and he'll do better. Or I could be totally wrong because Trump is unpredictable after all.

Of course it's a TORfag.

good comeback kiddo! really made your point, supported your views, and successfully countered all his points!

also, anyone NOT using Tor in this day and age is a complete moron, ESPECIALLY if you're visiting this site. The NSA is literally saving exabytes and petabytes of data on huge server farms, with the ability to decrypt 256 bit like it was nothing. (well, it would take time, but not a lot of time like it used to) they are literally saving the entire internet every year and can at will call up an ip and get the entire history of browsing, email, chat, skype video, etc. decrypt that shit and have anything on anyone. if you've ever thought of any public ambitions, be it politics or celebrity, fame of any kind, you can bet you will be blackmailed and controlled should the need ever arise in the future. it's not he govt workers you have to fear, who just do the job (like snowden, thank god for that man) but the shadowy people behind the scenes, people like directors who have been there for decades and have secretly been running the show (THE show) all this time.

Dude stop talking about things you dont know shit about.



Its not secure idiot in order to actually remmain anonymous you need to use something like BlackArch, Kali and TAILS distros not fucking tor you dimwit and even then you need to change proxies constantly , anything less than 5 Socks proxychain is weak

Is this the real AWM?

It. Doesn't. Matter.

The cucks are seeing their territory shrinking because they expanded the war on racism from lynching all the way down to hurt feelings, in the same way the war on drugs rolled in taking down planes flying in 50kg of colombian with arresting working men for taking a toke on some homegrown.

Having to maintain the fiction that we are all equal is now as hard as the fiction that the evil reefer will turn you into a red-eyed degenerate fiend with one puff, and makes the opposition ridiculous.

1: the vast majority of Tor nodes aren't compromised
2: even if they were, any single node that's not compromised breaks the information chain. You exit node sees where you go, but not who you are. Your first node sees who you are, but the data you're receiving is encrypted to them.

As long as you're using Tor properly, it is secure enough for the NSA to not bother because they have lower hanging fruit with a lot more value elsewhere.

tor is merely security through obfuscation and the second it became popular all governments started hosting nodes to intercept the traffic. Before then I2P was already subverted, there's a FBI / CSS pdf floating around proving so. This opens the door for hardware functional automated time correlation attacks. As such, rendering your obfuscation void.

Don't assume things.

explain to me how these work as if i have down's.